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You just made that up translate Spanish

210 parallel translation
You just made that up.
Te lo acabas de inventar.
You just made that up, cause I've never heard it before.
Te lo has inventado, porque nunca lo había escuchado antes.
You just made that up.
Ese te lo acabas de inventar.
You just made that up, didn't you, dear?
¿ Te lo acabas de inventar verdad, cariño?
You just made that up, didn't you, dear?
¿ Te lo acabas de inventar, verdad cariño?
You just made that up.
Lo acabas de inventar.
You just made that up out of spite.
Te lo acabas de inventar.
I don't believe you just made that up.
No esperarás que crea que te acabas de inventar eso.
- You just made that up.
- Acabas de inventarlo, ¿ no?
You just made that up.
Acabas de inventarte eso.
- You just made that up?
- ¿ Has descubierto eso hoy?
- You just made that up.
- Lo acabas de inventar.
- You just made that up?
- ¿ Acabas de inventarlo?
- Please tell me you just made that up.
- Por favor, dime que inventaste eso.
- You just made that up.
- Retiro lo dicho.
You made that up. Just as you did. Go on, say it in front of everyone you think I'm a liar.
Como usted lo hizo vamos, dígalo delante de todos Usted piensa que soy un mentiroso
Of course, I realize that you've got your mind made up about me, but I'm going to make just one more try.
Por supuesto soy consciente de que tiene una opinión formada sobre mí, pero voy a intentarlo una vez más.
I just made that up to get you over here.
No había un hombre en mi habitación.
The smell of it got all mixed up with the flowers and the powder the ladies wore, and it made a wonderful, new perfume that made you feel good just to smell it.
Y con el del maquillaje de las señoras, y se creaba un perfume maravilloso, que hacía que te sintieras bien al olerlo.
It's just a name that you made up to start me talking.
Inventó ese nombre para sacar conversación.
So you just made up that little bit about the shoes, huh?
¿ Te has inventado eso de las zapatillas?
That you just made up!
¡ Que se acaba de inventar!
You just didn't argue with Hitchcock, once he'd made his mind up, that was it.
No discutías con Hitchcock. Una vez que se decidía, no había más.
Billy, i know you're just pretending to talk to her on that phone. I know it's just a game you made up.
Sé que es un juego que te has inventado, pero... por mí, no lo hagas delante de tu madre.
You mean you made up your mind just like that?
¿ Me está diciendo que ya lo ha decidido?
Every night, just like you'd want me to, I've put out the cat, made myself a rum toddy, and, before I went to bed, said a little prayer thanking God that I was independent. That no one else's life was mixed up with mine.
Cada noche, como querías, he sacado al gato, me he hecho un ron caliente, y, antes de acostarme, le he dado gracias a Dios por ser independiente, por no haber unido mi vida a la de nadie.
I don't expect you to let me see your daughter right off, sir, but I just wanted to stop by and let you know... that it wasn't some wild story I made up in Florida.
No espero que me deje ver a su hija de inmediato, señor, pero quería pasar a saludar y hacerle saber... que no era ningún cuento chino que me inventé en Florida.
My opinion is that you people just made up this immigration scam just to keep people under your thumb.
Hicieron ese fraude de la inmigración para controlar a todos.
up some supplies I decided to call Harrison at home even though he made me promise never to do that I just didn't feel like listening to the homo squad's answering machine again You've reached the home of homicide detective
No me gusta molestarte. Detective Harrison. Actualmente no estoy en casa.
- I made that up just for you.
- Lo inventé sólo para ti.
It's just that when you've made your first billion by the age of 19... it's hard to come up with new ones.
Es sólo que cuando ganas tus primeros mil millones a los 19 años... es difícil establecer metas nuevas.
Where'd you learn that? - Just made it up, man.
Me lo acabo de inventar, hombre.
I just came by to tell you... that me and Strozzi made it up this morning.
Sólo pasé a decirte... que Strozzi y yo hicimos las paces esta mañana.
I mean, I just think it would be interesting to write about what's really right here instead of all that made-up stuff- - you know, with the large heads.
En fin, solo piensa que puede ser interesante escribir a cerca de la realidad ahora en vez de todas esas cosas tu sabes, con grandes cabezas.
You just made all that up?
¿ Mentiste sobre todo eso?
You all just made that up, didn't you?
¿ Os los acabáis de inventar?
I've made up my mind, and Telimena, I won't change it. we part, tell me that what you felt for me was true affection, and not just afling or carnal lust.
Telimena, ¿ qué dirá la gente de un hombre joven, que pasa su tiempo en el campo, haciendo el amor, cuando tantos hombres dejan a sus mujeres y a sus hijos para alistarse en el ejército?
Well, what do you think, that i just made him up?
¿ Y qué piensas, que simplemente me lo inventé?
I can't believe that anybody would've made up a story like the one you just got done telling'us.
No creo que inventaras una historia como la que acabas de contarnos.
I just made that last part up for laughs, you guys.
Esto último ha sido broma.
You just made that up.
- ¿ Lo habrá inventado?
- Why don't you just come work for me man, I got something cooking up - Well these mo-fuckers that Iknow from Russia right through this adult film that I made, "From Russia with the Love Bone" ,
Trabaja para mí, tengo algo cocinándose.
Just like that. Life is made up of different moments. And sometimes you have to laugh just like that, just as with sneezing.
Me río porque la vida se compone de tantos momentos diferentes... y también de momentos de reírse así, improvisadamente.
You just made that statistic up, didn't you?
Acaba de inventar esa estadística, ¿ verdad?
- You just made that up. Something happened back there.
- Algo sucedió allá.
You think that Sherry could have sent the first letter... and made the whole thing up just to fuck with you?
¿ Crees que Sherry envió la primera carta y lo inventó todo sólo para joder contigo?
Is there any truth to the rumor that there is no Earth... it doesn't exist and you just made it up?
Comandante, hay alguna verdad en el rumor de que no hay Tierra, que nunca existió, que usted se la inventó
It's a puzzle measuring just 3 inches by 3 inches on each side made up of multiple colours that you twist and turn and try to get to a solid colour on each side.
Es un rompecabezas que mide 7 cm a cada lado. Cada lado tiene múltiples colores que giras y tratas de que cada lado quede de un solo color.
Is that something you just made up?
Se le ocurrió ahora?
You just made all that up?
Hazlo todo.
They were putting up posters of your boy Dollar - ones that made him look a lot stupider than just hitting on blackjack, you know what I mean?
Ellos ponían carteles de tu amigo Dollar que lo hacían ver más estúpido que pedir carta teniendo blackjack. ¿ Entiendes?

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