You mess with me translate Spanish
682 parallel translation
Oppose your will? I'll have you writing one if you mess with me, Jack!
Te haré escribir la última voluntad como sigas así.
You mess with me and I'll kick a lung out of you.
Si te metes conmigo, te arrancaré un pulmón.
If you mess with me, my Tosa brothers will come and chop off your heads!
¡ Si os metéis conmigo, vendrán mis hermanos de Tosa y os cortarán la cabeza!
This is the last time I let you mess with me.
Es la última vez que permito que te metas conmigo.
" If you mess with me, you should make peace with the Lord...
" Si te metes conmigo, encomiéndate al Señor...
Learn how to talk properly before you mess with me.
Aprende a hablar bien antes de decirme nada.
I'll set all your toenails growing in when you mess with me!
¡ Haré que tus uñas crezcan hacia adentro si te metes conmigo!
If you mess with me, I can report you, too.
Si se mete conmigo, también podría denunciarla.
Now, don't you mess with me, boy.
No te hagas el tonto conmigo!
You have cooked me a real mess with your Jews.
Me ha creado un verdadero embrollo con sus judíos.
If you think I'm the kind to mess with anybody comes along...
Si cree usted que me voy con cualquiera...
Look, we've been hunting for you for weeks on end, sleeping in the rain, bruising our feet on stony roads, just because we wanted to straighten it out with you about Caryl and me, and now when we do find you and things are apparently in a worse mess than ever, you climb on your high horse and -
Mire, hemos estado buscándola durante semanas, durmiendo bajo la lluvia, magullándonos los pies en caminos de piedra, solo porque queríamos aclarar con usted lo de Caryl y yo, y ahora que la encontramos, y que las cosas parecen estar más complicadas que nunca,
I'm sorry to leave you with this mess.
Me sabe mal dejarle metido en este fregado.
You wanna mess with me, sonny boy, come on!
¡ Quieres meterte conmigo, vamos!
Mess with me, fatstuff, I'll bust you up.
Te vas a enterar, gorderas.
Now, you know I don't mess with that stuff anymore.
Ahora, usted sabe que ya no me ensucio con aquella porquería más.
Don't mess with me, I saw you get out of the box where you were hidden!
¡ No te hagas, no te hagas, te vi salir de la caja en donde estabas escondido!
Looking for a kid, you mess with whole camp.
Persigue a un niño judío y me desordena el campo completo.
We might as well eat well with all this mess. - Thank you, my good friend.
Con todo este follón, me merezco un buen almuerzo...
If we can get Dani this mess I want you to come live with me as Miller is.
Si sacamos a Danny de este lío, quiero que venga a vivir conmigo, como lo que es, una Miller.
I do not care that you come to bring us fruit as you do not mess with me, But each apple costs me upset.
No me importa que vengas a traernos fruta mientras no te metas conmigo, pero cada manzana me cuesta un disgusto.
Alright, maybe I'ave made a mess of it... but for my own wife... to go around discussing our private life with everybody... you've made me a bloody laughing stock!
Sí, es posible que la culpa la tenga yo, pero que mi mujer vaya por ahí contando detalles de nuestra vida privada por el mundo... Me has convertido en el hazmerreír del pueblo.
So you see, you'd better not mess around with me unless you're all completely unashamed of your bodies.
Entonces verá que no le conviene meterse conmigo a menos que no se avergüencen de sus cuerpos.
Let me help you with that mess.
Deja que te ayude con eso.
I sure wouldn't mess with you.
No me metería contigo.
I sure wouldn't mess with Killer Cain, would you?
No me metería con Cain, ¿ no?
You tell lies and you get friends. I figured nobody's gonna mess around with me if Chico's my uncle.
Nadie se meterá conmigo si Chico es mi tío.
I could've gone crazy with pain... but I had to stay sane to look after you... and get you out of this mess.
Me podría haber vuelto loca con esfuerzo... pero tenía que estar sana para cuidarte... y mantenerte al margen de este desastre.
"Come to the mess tent with me, Dad, and I'll buy you a cup of coffee."
Acompáñame al comedor, papá, te invitaré a tomar una taza de café.
Did you mess around with women?
Verás, no me gusta perder el tiempo con mujeres.
If you mess with my job again, I'll take care ofthings my own way.
Si vuelves a meterte en mis asuntos, me encargaré de las cosas a mi modo.
Really, why did you take me into your service, to drive me crazy with your mess?
Realmente, ¿ por qué me tomasteís a vuestro servicio, me volveís loca con vuestros líos?
However, Harry, you have disappointed me a little, you forgot yourself badly... you tried to make a mess of my little theatre, stabbing with knives and spattering our pretty picture-world with the mud of reality.
Te has olvidado malamente, Harry. Perdiste tu sentido del humor. Has andado pinchando con puñales y has ensuciado nuestro bonito mundo alegórico con manchas de realidad.
- Yes, I saw what you saw... and don't worry about nothing... because the dude mess with me, I'll knock him out.
- Sí, lo vi. No te preocupes. Al primero que se atreva conmigo lo tumbo.
I have an audition, and if you mess that up, I'm gonna get even with you.
Tengo una audición y si lo arruinas, me vengaré,
Hey, dude, sit down. You got me to mess with.
Vamos, vamos, cálmate y siéntate.
You upstarts, you dare to mess with me?
Que presuntuoso, ¿ te atreves a entrometerte en mis asuntos?
Now I'm going to mess with you!
¡ Ahora me meteré contigo!
Mess with me now, you're gonna regret it later.
No te metas conmigo o lo lamentarás.
If you're such a fool as to mess with me.
Y qué, si eres tan imbécil que te metes conmigo.
You've come here just to mess with me!
¡ Ustedes vienen a fastidiarme!
I'll get you out of this mess, but you've gotta come back to Albuquerque with me and testify.
Te sacaré de este lío... pero irás a Albuquerque a testificar.
Will you clear up this hideous mess for me with all the brilliance and discretion for which you are world famous?
¿ Aclarará para mí este odioso lío, con toda su brillantez y discreción mundialmente famosas?
You guys should know not to mess with me.
Deberían saber que no deben meterse conmigo.
You can't mess with me here.
Aquí no me puedes molestar.
You want to mess with me?
¿ Quieres hacer caso omiso de mis órdenes?
You live with her and you tell me not to mess with broads.
Vives con ella, la traes aquí y me hablas de amoríos.
You, Nicky, you're what's the matter with me. You're always making your life a mess, and I'm always getting you out of it.
¡ Siempre la vas cagando y yo te saco las castañas del fuego!
Mess with me, you little twerp, and I'll teach you some manners.
Pelea conmigo, pequeño idiota, te enseñaré buenos modales.
My name's Julien Quentin. Mess with me and you'll be sorry.
Me llamo Julien Quentin, y el que me busca me encuentra.
I wouldn't mess with him if I were you.
No me metería con él si fuera tú.
you messed up 33
with me 1243
with men 23
you mean 3569
you mean everything to me 17
you motherfucker 331
you make me happy 42
you mean it 157
you meant 25
you mean right now 22
with me 1243
with men 23
you mean 3569
you mean everything to me 17
you motherfucker 331
you make me happy 42
you mean it 157
you meant 25
you mean right now 22
you mean me 104
you mean you don't know 16
you made it 730
you must be tired 132
you meant it 23
you might like it 24
you mean that 100
you miss me 101
you mean like this 37
you mean now 32
you mean you don't know 16
you made it 730
you must be tired 132
you meant it 23
you might like it 24
you mean that 100
you miss me 101
you mean like this 37
you mean now 32