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You picked me translate Spanish

1,018 parallel translation
You'll tell him you picked me, Vicky.
Dile que me escogiste a mí, Vicky.
It was good last night when you picked me up in the rain.
Como la otra noche cuando me recogistes bajo la lluvia.
When you picked me up at my room I was wearing an old coat and pants that didn't even match.
Cuando me recogió en mi habitación llevaba un abrigo viejo y unos pantalones que no pegaban con él.
I'm glad you picked me up.
Me alegro de que me recogieras.
- Take me back where you picked me up.
- Lléveme adonde me recogió.
- I said take me back where you picked me up.
- Lléveme adonde me recogió. - Bueno.
Tell them you picked me up in Paris in a bar...
Nos conocimos en París, en un bar.
You picked me up so Figlia could swipe my load.
Me apartaste de la calle para que Figlia pudiera robarme.
To tell me how you picked me up out of the gutter and made something out of me?
¿ Para contarme cómo me sacó del fango y sacó provecho de ello?
You picked me up.
Me trajo de allí.
You picked me up.
Usted me levantó.
There are lots of prettier girls in Montreal, yet you picked me.
Hay muchas chicas más lindas en Montreal... y sin embargo me elegiste.
Where were you goin', when you picked me up?
¿ Dónde iba cuando me encontró?
We picked you to lead the delegation to this contractor.
Y me parece una idea genial.
Tell me he picked you up on the train and you'll make me a happy woman.
Dígame que la conquistó en el tren y me hará muy feliz.
You picked the kind of life you want... so go back to it and to her... and at least let me keep a little respect for you.
Elegiste la vida que querías. Regresa a vivirla con ella... y, al menos, permíteme seguir sintiendo respeto por ti.
Al, you're not trying to tell me you got picked up by a uniform.
Al, no me digas que te has dejado ligar por un uniforme.
You picked my pocket of 75 bucks so you could take Mabel Bronschweiger on a buggy.
Me robaste 75 dólares del bolsillo... para poder llevar a Mabel Bronschweiger a pasear en un coche con caballo.
It was sweet of you to send me those flowers you picked yourself.
Fuiste muy amable al enviarme esas flores escogidas por ti.
I couldn't see you, so I picked the handsomest man in the room.
No le veía, y me decidí por al más atractivo de la sala.
- Picked men. You understand. - Yes, sir.
Hombres con agallas, ya me entiendes.
- You lied when you were picked up.
- eso me dijeron.
Was it you or Fallon who picked me out at the Blue Crown?
¿ Fuiste tú o Fallon quién me abordó en el Blue Crown?
You're telling me you've picked the team you want to play with, huh?
Me estás diciendo que has elegido el equipo con el que quieres jugar ¿ eh?
I picked it up after I left you this morning.
Me lo agencié al separarnos esta mañana.
I picked him up, and I want you to take him in
Le he recogido y me gustaría que le acogieras. ¿ Qué es?
I carried you to bed until you were 11 years old, but after that you were too heavy. I hung up your collar, I put on your slippers, and picked you up by the shoulders and carried you all the way to bed.
Te colgabas de mi cuello, te ponías mis zapatillas, me cogías por los hombros e íbamos así hasta tu cama.
They picked up some gossip about you and me.
Recogieron alguna chismografía sobre usted y yo.
Well, I'm afraid you've picked the wrong husband, Leonora.
Me temo que te equivocaste de marido, Leonora.
Before I give you the news of the day, I've picked up a little top secret that's too good to keep.
Antes de contarles las noticias del día, me he enterado de un secreto que debo compartir.
You picked a winner the day you tied up with me, Chippie.
Escogiste un ganador el día en que te asociaste conmigo, Chippie.
I've picked up something. - You'd better go through.
- Me parece que tengo algo importante.
Do you know how long I'd go to jail if they picked me up on this?
- ¿ Cuánto me caería si me pillaran?
You picked a good way of showing'it... Goin'back on him and me and your whole life up to now.
Menuda forma de demostrarlo, traicionándonos a los dos y a toda tu vida.
You picked on me for the same reason she did. Somebody to put on the griddle.
Se ceban conmigo para poner a alguien en la parrilla.
You picked it up when you seen it drop out of my pocket, didn't ya?
¿ Me lo devolviste cuando lo perdí?
Also, I'd like to straighten out any misapprehensions you may have as to why you were picked for this detail.
Además, me gustaría aclarar algunos malos entendidos que tengan con respecto a su selección para esto.
- You went out of your way to get me. - We picked up seven fliers.
- Se desviaron para recogerme.
I picked you up as a boy, and... I can't help feeling responsible for you in a way, Although you left me.
Te recogí cuado eras un niño, y... no puedo evitar sentirme responsable de ti en cierta manera, aunque me dejaste.
I stooped and picked it up, and she said, "Thank you, Mr. Willems."
Me paré y se lo recogí. Y ella digo, "gracias, Sr. Willems".
Looks to me, Conchita, like you picked the wrong man.
Me parece que no elegiste bien tu hombre.
When I came to, I picked up a bicycle, but I couldn't catch you, so I, uh, just peddled back here and, uh, killed a little time.
Cuando me recobré, cogí la bicicleta, pero no les alcancé, así que, eh,.. pedaleé hasta aquí, para matar el tiempo.
I didn't realize who you were until I picked up an old magazine.
No me di cuenta de quién era Ud. hasta que tomé una vieja revista.
So you just tell your boss I had my bag picked.
Así que dile a tu jefe que me han robado la cartera.
You shouldn't have picked me up in the middle of the night and brought me down here.
No deberían haberme levantado en mitad de la noche y haberme traído aquí.
Say, didn't you tell me that that Red officer... - we picked up on the other island was in the air force?
¿ No me dijo que nuestro prisionero estaba en las fuerzas aéreas?
I'm just a passenger in your life, someone you picked up on the way, someone you'll drop off when it suits you.
Sòlo estoy de paso en tu vida, me has recogido del camino... y me abandonarás cuando te convenga.
They couldn't get anywhere with me, my father and Virginia so they picked you as a partner!
No podían lograr nada de mí, mi padre y Virginia así que te hicieron su compinche!
You picked on me, because I was headed for success.
Me elegiste a mí porque estaba claro que iba a tener éxito.
When they were picking guys for going in France, they picked me, not you. Ca, c'est Ia verite.
Cuando nos llamaron para ir a Francia, me eligieron a mí, no a ti.
I didn't know Ben. Is that why you picked on me?
No conocía a Ben. ¿ Por eso me elegiste?

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