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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ Y ] / You startled me

You startled me translate Spanish

398 parallel translation
You startled me!
¡ Me has asustado!
Lota. You startled me.
Leta, me has asustado.
- You startled me!
- ¡ Me cogiste por sorpresa!
You startled me at first.
Me sorprendió al principio.
Good heavens Holmes, how you startled me.
Cielo santo, Holmes, qué susto me ha dado.
I can't stand up, you startled me so.
No puedo pararme, tanto me has alarmado.
You startled me.
Usted me sobresaltó.
Me ha asustado.
You startled me!
Qué susto me ha dado.
You, you startled me. I thought you were deep in your chess game.
Me ha asustado, creí que estaba en su partida de ajedrez.
- Yes. Oh, Mr. Holmes, you startled me.
Señor, siempre me asusta.
Jeff, you startled me.
- Jeff, me asustaste.
You startled me.
Me ha asustado
Oh, rex, how you startled me.
Oh Rex, me has asustado.
You startled me.
Me asustaste.
Oh, you startled me.
Me ha sobresaltado.
Oh, you startled me!
¡ Me ha asustado!
You startled me.
Me has dado un susto.
My! ... You startled me!
Dios mío, me ha asustado.
You startled me.
Me asustó.
You startled me. What are you doing here?
Me asustaste. ¿ Qué haces aquí?
- Señor, you startled me!
- Señor, me ha asustado.
- You startled me.
Me has asustado.
You startled me.
- Hola. Coja esto.
Coco, you startled me.
- Coco, me has asustado.
You startled me, though.
Me habéis asustado.
Mr. Snow, you startled me.
Sr. Snow, me sorprende.
- You startled me.
- Me ha asustado.
I was waiting for someone, you startled me!
Esperaba a alguien y me he sobresaltado.
- Philippe, you... you startled me.
- Philippe, me... me has asustado.
- Oh, you startled me.
- Ah, me asustaste.
- Oh, you startled me.
- Me asustó.
- I say, you startled me.
- Me ha asustado.
Mr. Hillman, how you startled me.
- Sr. Hillman.
- You startled me.
- Me has asustado.
You knew that I wanted to be left alone, to see nobody and you really startled me a lot.
Sabías que quería estar sola, sin ver a nadie,... me has perturbado.
♪ I'm startled when you whisper ♪
Me sobresalto cuando susurras
Oh, Kitty, you startled me.
Kitty, me has asustado.
That flight of fancy you put forth at dinner, I must confess, it startled me.
Esa salida de tono que se produjo en la cena, confieso que me sorprendió.
I think I was startled with the way you looked sitting here.
Creo que me sorprendí por la forma en la que estaba sentada.
I was fixing my net. You banged so hard on the door it startled me and I cut myself.
Golpearon tan fuerte la puerta que me sobresalté y me corté.
You went to considerable trouble to get rid of me once so naturally, I'm startled by your proposal of marriage.
Te costó librarte de mí una vez por eso me sorprende tu proposición.
I can understand you must've been startled when you saw Herr Kastner and me in the hall.
Bien,... comprendo que te sorprendieras al verme con el Sr. Kastner.
- It startled you, eh, seeing me here? - That's an understatement.
- Le ha sorprendido verme aquí.
You just startled me.
Es que me has asustado.
Oh, my dear, you quite startled me.
Querida, me ha desconcertado.
Forgive me if my dramatic entrance startled you.
Disculpe si mi dramática entrada lo alarmó.
- You startled me!
Me has asustado.
Pardon me, dear lady, if I startled you. But I had wrongly assumed that no one was home and had started to leave.
Me perdone si la importuno señora... pero pensé que todos estuviesen saliendo.
Mr. Enderby, you quite startled me.
Sr. Enderby, me asustó.
It was just that your request startled me for a moment but no doubt you have a very good reason.
Es que su petición me sorprendió al principio pero, sin duda, tendrá un buen motivo.

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