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You underestimate me translate Spanish

187 parallel translation
You underestimate me.
¡ Ud. me subestima!
First, you flatter, then you underestimate me.
En primer lugar, me halagáis, luego me subestimáis.
Me subestimas, Korum.
No, you underestimate me.
Se ha bebido las cinco. - ¿ Las cinco letras?
You underestimate me.
Me subestima.
Oh, Jonesy, you underestimate me.
Oh, Jonesy, me subestimas.
- You underestimate me!
- ¡ Tonterías, me subestima!
─ Oh no? You underestimate me.
- ¿ Entiende lo que trato de decir?
You underestimate me, there were several.
Me tienes en muy poco, he dejado varios.
You underestimate me, Cernak.
Me subestimas, Cernak.
You underestimate me, Mr. Travers.
Me subestima, Sr. Travers.
You underestimate me, my friend.
Me subestimas, amigo mío.
Again you underestimate me.
Una vez más me subestimas.
I'm afraid you underestimate me, Mr. Pennington.
Temo que me subestimen, Sr. Pennington.
You underestimate me.
Me subestimas.
Don't you underestimate me!
No me subestimes.
- As usual, you underestimate me, Starscream.
Como siempre me subestimas.
Maybe he was arrested by the troops at the roadblock. You underestimate me, Hans.
Le he dado un disfraz que le permitirá pasar sin problemas.
You underestimate me, Galvatron.
Me subestimas, Galvatron.
You underestimate me.
Veo que me subestimas, Picard.
If you think this is gonna work, you underestimate me.
Si crees que esto funcionará, me subestimas.
If you think I'm gonna let a 17-year-old take responsibility, then you underestimate me.
Si creen que dejaré que se responsabilice, me subestiman.
-... but you underestimate me.
-... pero me subestimas.
Perhaps you underestimate me.
Tal vez me subestiman.
You overestimate how much you underestimate me. You can't overwhelm me with your stunts. Understand this :
No puedes sobreestimar lo mucho que me subestimas y si crees que me impresionas con tus trucos entiende esto :
Of course, you underestimate me.
Por supuesto, tú me subestimas.
You underestimate me, Admiral.
Usted me subestima, almirante.
l think you underestimate me.
Yo creo que tú me subestimas.
I'm afraid, Professor, that you underestimate the number of subjects in which I take an interest.
Me temo, profesor, que Usted infravalora el número de materias en las que me intereso.
And C, I not only don't like being pushed around... but you underestimate my ability to help in a crisis.
Y C : no sólo no me gusta que me den órdenes... sino que además menosprecias mi habilidad para ayudar en una crisis.
You underestimate me.
Me sobreestima,
You underestimate me, Mrs Peel.
Me infravalora, Sra. Peel.
I think your eccentricity has made me underestimate you.
Creo que su personalidad me ha cautivado.
Lieutenant, you must never underestimate me. Nor I you.
Teniente, no me tome por tonta.
Well, may I suggest to you that you do not underestimate your present company.
Bueno, me permito sugerirle que no subestime a su compañía.
You told them not to underestimate me. That was good advice.
Les dijiste que no me subestimaran.
You grossly underestimate me, my dear.
Me está subestimando demasiado, querida.
You underestimate her.
Debo ver a los del trasbordador. ¿ Me dará lo que yo quiero?
I think you underestimate my own native deductive abilities. Do you hear those footsteps?
Creo que usted me subestima mis propias y naturales habilidades deductivas ¿ escucha usted esos pasos?
- Ann, you always underestimate me.
- Ann, siempre me has subestimado.
Don't you dare underestimate me.
No me subestimes.
- Here, unconscious... - No, no, don't underestimate yourself... you're of enormous help to me and to all mankind. I can't help you.
Inconsciente... no puedo ayudarlo.
You flatter me And underestimate yourself, scarlett.
Me halagas y te subestimas, Scarlett.
And he replied that it was a mistake to underestimate you, Henrik.
Y me contestó que... era un error subestimarte, Henrik.
A year ago, my enemies thought by now I'd be impeached because, like you, they underestimate me and the voters.
Hace un año, mis enemigos creían que hoy estaría enjuiciado, porque, al igual que tú, me subestiman y también a los electores.
And you should never underestimate me.
Y nunca deberías subestimarme.
- I told you not to underestimate me.
- Te dije que no me subestimaras.
Don't underestimate me,'cause l don't underestimate you.
No me debe subestimar, porque yo a usted no lo subestimo.
I underestimate myself, you think?
¿ Crees que me subestimo?
Lieutenant, you must never underestimate me.
Teniente, nunca debe subestimarme.
Let me tell you something, don't ever underestimate the will of a grandfather.
Ten presente que jamás debes subestimar la voluntad de un abuelo.

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