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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ Y ] / You would say that

You would say that translate Spanish

4,493 parallel translation
I figured you would say that.
Me imaginé que diría eso.
Well, of course you would say that.
Bueno, por supuesto que dirías eso.
Yeah, you would say that. I'm serious!
- Vale, sabía que dirías eso. - ¡ Lo digo en serio!
I was hoping you would say that.
Esperaba que dijeras eso.
- Why would you say that?
- ¿ Por qué dices esto?
No. Why would you say that?
No. ¿ Por qué dices eso?
Thank you, Mr. Slovin, and may I say what a privilege it would be to work for the Philip Morris Corporation, a company that has remained the largest cigarette manufacturer in the US since 1983, plus has increased its dividends 46 times in the last 44 years.
Gracias, Sr. Slovin, y permítame decir el privilegio que sería trabajar para Philip Morris Corporation, una compañía que ha permanecido como la mayor fabricante de cigarrillos en los Estados Unidos desde 1983, incluso ha incrementado sus dividendos 46 veces en los últimos 44 años.
No, I... Why would you say that?
No, yo... ¿ Por qué dices eso?
But what I would say is that Mr Selfridge has placed a great deal of trust in you, and if you are holding anything back, anything at all, now would be the time to tell me.
Pero lo que diría es que el Sr. Selfridge arriesga mucho confiando en ti, y si estás escondiendo algo, lo que sea, ahora sería el momento de decírmelo.
So, Dan, would you say that Charlie was a studier or a partier?
Entonces, Dan, dirías que Charlie era ¿ estudioso o fiestero?
Would you say, in general, that there was a tradition of silence in the workplace?
¿ Diría que en general había una tradición de silencio en el trabajo?
That you were gonna say that, would ya hit me?
Que ibas a decir eso, ¿ quieres pegarme?
What would you say if I told you I have certain reasons to believe that someone in Germany..... someone in a high command, is contemplating an invasion of Belgium?
¿ Qué me diría si le dijera, que tengo razones para pensar, que alguien en Alemania, alguien en el Alto... Mando, está contemplando invadir Bélgica?
What--why would you say that?
Por qué dices eso?
Why would you say that?
¿ Por qué dices eso?
Why would you say that?
¿ Por que dices eso?
Why would you say that?
- ¿ Quién diría eso? - Cierto.
What would you say if I told you I was friends with two ghosts that were trying to find their parents that were kidnapped by an evil spirit?
¿ Qué dirías si te dijera que tengo dos fantasmas amigos, que intentaban hallar a sus padres, y que me secuestró un espíritu malvado?
Now, why would you say something like that?
Pero, ¿ por qué dirías eso?
So what would you say if I told you that I decided to call up Ethan?
¿ Qué dirías si te dijera que he decidido llamar a Ethan?
Uh, I would say that he tried to kill you.
Diría que él intentó matarte.
Of course. Why would you say that?
¿ Por qué dijiste eso?
Why would you say that?
- ¿ Por qué lo dices?
There's nothing you could ever say that would change what I feel for you.
Nada de lo que puedas decirme cambiaría mis sentimientos por ti.
Why would you say that, then?
¿ Por qué dices eso, entonces?
How do you think Sally would feel if she heard you say that?
¿ Cómo crees que se sentiría Sally si te escuchara decir eso?
Why would you say that?
¿ Por qué dirías eso?
If I really mattered, one of you would've called me a week ago to say that my daughter's dying.
Si de verdad me importara, alguno de vosotros me habría llamado hace una semana para contarme que mi hija se muere.
Why would you even say that?
¿ Por qué lo dices?
Only you would say something like that.
Solo tú dirías algo como eso.
Nobody would say with heartfelt sorrow that I'll tell you :
Nadie diría con sincera pena que te voy a decir :
We are small in number, but we will pay. Why would you say that?
Somos pocos, pero pagaremos.
What do you think Granger would say to that?
¿ Qué crees que Granger diría ante eso?
What would you say if I told you that when a certain awful person was in town I ran into him in the woods and sort of kissed him?
¿ Qué dirías si te dijera que cuando cierta persona horrible estaba en la ciudad fui corriendo al bosque y le besé?
I asked you if that was something that Elena would say.
Me pregunto si eso es algo que diría Elena.
Do you think I could or would believe in anything that you say?
¿ Crees que podría creer o creería nada de lo que digas?
And as a speaker for the entire white race... I would like to say I am sorry that you guys got the raw deal.
Y como vocera de toda la raza blanca, me gustaría decir que lamento que ustedes lleven la peor parte.
You would think that he'd try to say hi.
Cualquiera pensaría que intentaría saludar.
- Why would you say that?
- ¿ Puedes decirme eso?
Why would you say that to me?
¿ Por qué me dices eso a mi?
I'm not your boss. Why would you say that?
No soy tu jefe. ¿ Por qué dices eso?
If I had to take a guess I would say that you are the one in charge.
Si tuviese que hacer una conjetura... Diría que usted está al cargo.
You didn't say that a woman and a child would be in the car.
Usted no ha dicho que la novela y el niño estaría en el coche.
But why would you say that?
Pero, ¿ por qué dices eso?
Why would you say that?
¿ Por qué dijiste eso?
Why would you say that?
- ¿ Por qué diría eso?
Well, how would they do that, love... when you say no-one knew font color = " # ffff
¿ Cómo harían eso si dices que nadie sabía sobre Uds.?
I knew you would say this was too fast, and that's why we don't have to get married anytime soon.
Sabía que dirías que era ir demasiado rápido y por eso no tenemos que casarnos pronto.
I mean, what did you expect... that he would take you in his arms and say,
Es decir, ¿ qué esperabas... que te abrazaría y diría,
A chaperone is what you would have if, say, I thought you were using the Monroe house for personal business, but, of course, that's ridiculous,'cause, of course, I know you understand that the shitstorm I was talking about before would be nothing compared to what would happen if, say, a civilian got hurt at a property that we owned.
Una carabina es lo que tendrías si, digamos, creyera que estás usando... la casa de Monroe para asuntos personales, pero, por supuesto... eso es ridículo, porque, por supuesto, sé que tú... entiendes que la tormenta de mierda de la que hablaba antes no sería... nada comparada con lo que pasaría si, digamos, una civil resultara... herida dentro de una propiedad a nuestro cargo.
What would make you say that?
¿ Que te hace pensar eso?

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