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Zuba translate Spanish

63 parallel translation
He is flying to his interplanetary space station, trying to escape Zuba, Zuba the Magnificent.
Esta cubierto de plumas y se dirige hacia su estación interplanetaria huyendo de Usuva. La estupenda Usuva.
Zuba is trying to get away from Vincent his secret power formula, X34 minus 5R1 plus 6-X36.
Usuva quiere quitarle a Vincent su poderosa fórmula secreta X34
Zuba fires her death-dealing, atomic-atomising pivot gun.
Usuva dispara su arma atómica atomizadora, atómica...
And out in space, Vincent pulls her close, but Zuba fights against the embrace of Vincent the Vulture.
Y fuera del espacio Vincent lucha contra el. Usuva lucha contra Vincent pero es alérgica a sus plumas.
Vincent flaps his feeble wings as he tries to fly back to his space station before Zuba gets to him.
Vincent despliega sus débiles alas en un intento por volver a su estación espacial, antes de que Zuba lo atrape.
I told you that that Zuba was all girl. Look at her.
Te dije que Zuba era una chica fantástica.
Zuba comes after Vincent.
Zuba persigue a Vincent.
¡ Zuba!
I thought you hated Zuba.
¡ Excelente! Ah, yo pensé que tú no querías a Zuba.
I'm going to use him to get rid of Zuba once and for all!
Creo que utilizaré a Alaky ¡ para librarme de Zuba de una vez y para siempre!
I hate to be a party pooper, Zuba, but some of the lions were wondering when you plan to banish your son.
No quisiera echarte a perder la fiesta, Zuba pero quieren saber ¿ cuándo echarás a tu hijo?
Who would have ever imagined that today Zuba would have to banish his own son?
¡ Qué tristeza que Zuba tenga que exiliar a su hijo!
- If you were a real lion. - Zuba!
Tienes que ser un león de verdad.
As an added measure, I will consult with Zuba!
Voy a pedirle consejo a Zuba
Listen, Zuba.
Escucha Zuba.
We lost him once, Zuba.
Lo perdimos una vez, Zuba.
Zuba! - Zuba!
¡ Zuba, Zuba!
You stay here, in case he comes back!
Quédate aquí. Enseguida lo traigo. ¡ Rápido, Zuba!
- It's Zuba!
Es Alaky
You know, Zuba, if I remember correctly, you quit the pride. And you were kicked out. So don't think that this changes anything.
Tú ya no eres jefe y tú, esto que hiciste, no cambia nada.
¡ Zuba!
Yeah, yeah, Zuba.
Sí, sí, Zuba.
Zuba, look!
Zuba, ¡ mira!
I thought you hated Zuba.
Creía que odiabas a Zuba.
I'm going to use him to get rid of Zuba once and for all!
Lo voy a usar para deshacerme de Zuba de una vez por todas.
I hate to be a party pooper, Zuba, but some of the lions were wondering when you plan to banish your son.
Odio ser un aguafiestas, Zuba, pero algunos de los leones se preguntan cuándo vas a desterrar a tu hijo.
Zuba, you better give him his foofie.
Zuba, más vale que le des su foofie.
Anything for Zuba's boy.
Todo por el chico de Zuba.
Who would have ever imagined that today Zuba would have to banish his own son?
¿ Quién se hubiera podido imaginar que Zuba tendría que desterrar a su propio hijo?
Zuba, no.
Zuba, no.
Zuba, yes.
Zuba, sí.
Who could possibly take Zuba's place?
¿ Quién podría ocupar el lugar de Zuba?
- Zuba!
- ¡ Zuba!
Zuba would know what to do.
Zuba sabría qué hacer.
¡ Usuva!
That's what it looks like to me! Zuba!
¡ Pues voy a tener que enseñarte...!
Yeah, yeah, Zuba. Hold on.
Sí, sí, Zuba, espera...
Zuba, look!
¡ Zuba!
The prodigal son returns. This is perfect!
Sí, regresó el hijo de Zuba.
Zuba, you better give him his foofie.
Dale su trapito.
Anything for Zuba's boy. Go get'em, tiger.
El hijo de Zuba es mi hijo.
Zuba, no.
Zuba, no...
Zuba, yes.
Who could possibly take Zuba's place?
¿ Quién puede ocupar el lugar de Zuba?
- Yeah, I said it!
¡ Zuba! ¡ Sí! ¡ Y no discutas!
Zuba would know what to do. - Where's Zuba?
Zuba tendría la solución
- You don't care about us.
¿ Dónde está Zuba?
Zuba should be in charge, not you.
Zuba debería ser el jefe y no tú.
- It's Alakay!
Es Zuba.
You did it!
¡ Zuba, Alaky!
Alakay, Zuba, you did it!

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