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I'm not gonna make it to movie night, I gotta work late.
{ \ pos ( 192,230 ) } Je suis pas libre pour une soirée films.
This is the third time you bailed on me in two weeks.
Je travaille tard. { \ pos ( 192,230 ) } C'est la 3e fois que tu dis non en deux semaines.
I did say- - No, you said, " Comme ci, comme ca.
- Si, j'ai dit... { \ pos ( 192,230 ) } T'as dit "comme ci, comme ça".
That was cool how it went in your leg. I thought there'd be more blood. "
{ \ pos ( 192,230 ) } "C'est cool comment ça a dérapé, je pensais qu'il y aurait plus de sang".
Come on, I don't do well when I'm alone. [# # #]
{ \ pos ( 192,230 ) } J'aime pas être tout seul.
I know I'll never be sad and alone because I'll always have you.
{ \ pos ( 192,230 ) } Je serai jamais triste et seule car je vous aurai toujours. { \ pos ( 192,230 ) }
Hello, hello.
{ \ pos ( 192,230 ) } Bonjour!
Ashley, hey.
{ \ pos ( 192,230 ) }
What do you think?
{ \ pos ( 192,230 ) } T'en penses quoi?
Are you kidding?
{ \ pos ( 192,230 ) } Tu veux rire!
I want your life.
Je veux ta vie. { \ pos ( 192,230 ) }
I just want your money. What's mine is yours.
{ \ pos ( 192,230 ) } Ce qui est à moi est à toi.
You are hopeless.
- Qui ça? { \ pos ( 192,230 ) } T'es irrécupérable.
Victoria Grayson... reigning queen of the Hamptons.
{ \ pos ( 192,230 ) } Victoria Grayson, la reine des Hamptons.
Not to mention, your new next door neighbor.
{ \ pos ( 192,230 ) } Sans oublier que c'est ta nouvelle voisine.
Mm. Believe me, she's earned the title.
{ \ pos ( 192,230 ) } Crois-moi, elle mérite ce titre.
My boss has me handling the guest list for her Memorial Day party.
{ \ pos ( 192,230 ) } Je m'occupe de la liste d'invités pour sa fête.
Mm. If I screw this up, I might as well move back to Croydon.
{ \ pos ( 192,230 ) } Si je merde, c'est fini pour moi.
You want to get drunk on cheap Margaritas later?
{ \ pos ( 192,230 ) } Tu veux boire un verre plus tard?
Good luck with her highness.
{ \ pos ( 192,230 ) } Bonne chance avec Son Altesse.
All right, cool, yeah. Yeah, well, it was great seeing you and, I'll- - - Yeah, you too.
{ \ pos ( 192,230 ) } J'étais contente de vous revoir.
Paul, you know what, I got to juggle a few things around but I can be there.
{ \ pos ( 192,230 ) } Je dois bouger plusieurs trucs, mais je serai là.
I love beverages, and you know, they need to be distributed.
{ \ pos ( 192,230 ) } J'adore les boissons et il faut bien les distribuer.
Isn't that a rare paraphilia?
{ \ pos ( 192,230 ) } - Une perversion rare?
It would exacerbate the pain.
{ \ pos ( 192,230 ) } Elle exacerbe la douleur.
Like Ed Kemper, he's probably practicing on surrogates before going after the real object of his rage.
{ \ pos ( 192,230 ) } Comme Ed Kemper, il pratique avec des substituts { \ pos ( 192,230 ) } avant de s'en prendre au véritable objet de sa rage.
Dave, you and I will talk to the parents.
{ \ pos ( 192,230 ) } Dave et moi, les parents.
Morgan and Prentiss, go to the disposal sites.
{ \ pos ( 192,230 ) } Morgan et Prentiss, la scène de crime.
Oh, God. Jerry's is almost at 230.
Celui de Jerry atteint presque 230.
That is not at all what I meant.
{ \ pos ( 192,230 ) } Non, ce n'est pas vrai.
Every time you tell me to do something, you get this condescending look on your face.
{ \ pos ( 192,230 ) } Quand tu t'adresses à moi, { \ pos ( 192,210 ) } tu prends ton air condescendant.
I'm your mother!
{ \ pos ( 192,230 ) } Je suis ta mère!
I don't want anything to do with that girl.
{ \ pos ( 192,230 ) } Et je ne veux rien avoir à faire avec cette fille.
Neither do you, trust me.
{ \ pos ( 192,230 ) } Et toi non plus, crois-moi.
It's the smart move.
{ \ pos ( 192,230 ) } C'est la bonne solution.
No offense, but I'm not gonna trade in one boss for another.
{ \ pos ( 192,230 ) } Ne te vexe pas, { \ pos ( 192,230 ) } mais je ne quitte pas un chef pour obéir à un autre.
My "loyal soldier" days are over.
{ \ pos ( 192,230 ) } C'est fini, ce temps-là.
All right, so who'd you piss off this time?
{ \ pos ( 192,230 ) } T'as énervé qui, cette fois?
- No, I don't have a name, but all you have to do is go look for a guy in a suit with a bullet hole in his right arm.
{ \ pos ( 192,230 ) } Non, aucun. Mais cherche un mec en costard avec une balle dans le bras droit.
I got, uh, word you wanted to see me?
{ \ pos ( 192,230 ) } On m'a dit que tu voulais me voir?
We get any news on the shape shifter attack?
{ \ pos ( 192,230 ) } On a du nouveau sur la pièce du métamorphe?
We never hang out anymore.
{ \ pos ( 192,230 ) }
Yeah, it works for us.
{ \ pos ( 192,230 ) } Fini de faire bande à part.
Stop having a moment, you two.
{ \ pos ( 192,230 ) } Toast.
Thank you.
{ \ pos ( 192,230 ) } Merci.
To my friends.
{ \ pos ( 192,230 ) } À mes amis.
I wish.
{ \ pos ( 192,230 ) }
With or without you.
{ \ pos ( 192,230 ) } Avec ou sans toi.
Oh... ♪ I said doctor, ain't there nothing I can take ♪ Hello? Yes, this is Adam Braverman.
{ \ pos ( 192,230 ) } C'est Adam Braverman.
I'm looking forward to meeting you too.
{ \ pos ( 192,230 ) } Moi aussi.
So what are you gonna do?
{ \ pos ( 192,230 ) }

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