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All i could think was translate French

530 parallel translation
All I could think was I couldn't prove my alibi and I was gonna go to the gas chamber, and I was desperate.
- Je ne pouvais pas prouver mon alibi. On allait me gazer. J'étais désespérée.
All I could think was, "This stops everything."
Pour moi, tout s'écroulait.
All I could think of was, "I'd like to get back and see Kat again."
Je pensais qu'à revenir pour revoir mon vieux Kat.
All I could think of was that they were going to kill me.
Je ne pensais qu'à une chose, qu'ils allaient me tuer.
Pretty soon, all I could think of was the kid.
En un rien de temps, toute ma vie tournait autour de lui.
All I could think of was Fisher.
Je ne pensais qu'à Fisher.
Max, I used to think that taking little nameless babies loving them and finding homes for them was all that could be done but it isn't.
Max, je pensais que recueillir ces enfants sans nom, les aimer et leur trouver des foyers était suffisant, mais ça ne l'est pas.
You don't think that... all this you said about my career... you don't think I could have it if I was innocent?
Vous pensez que ma carrière est impossible si je suis innocente?
All I could think of was getting to the field.
Je ne pensais qu'à rejoindre le terrain.
Why not, the man you sent me to advanced me five hundred pounds on my worthless policy and all I could think of was you.
Pourquoi? Votre ami m'a avancé 500 livres sur mon assurance. J'ai tout de suite pensé à vous.
- When I think what I've gone through... trying to find a girl who all the time was in your desk drawer, I could scream.
- Quand je pense au temps passé... à chercher une fille qui était dans votre tiroir depuis le début!
All I could think of was the guy with the saxophone and what he was playing.
J'étais obnubilé par le saxophoniste et par ce qu'il jouait.
But I was so terribly lonely all I could think of was Dad toward the last.
Mais j'étais si seule. Je ne pouvais penser qu'à ses derniers jours.
You know, while she was talking, all I could think of was a little girl in brown pigtails and dirty overalls, flying at the boys when they pushed her too far.
Tandis qu'elle parlait, je revoyais une petite fille... qui portait des nattes et se bagarrait avec les garçons.
All I could think of was the part I had to play.
Je ne pouvais penser à autre chose qu'à mon rôle.
Maybe you think it's really stupid. It was all I could come up with.
Il est peut-être affreux... mais Je n'ai rien trouvé d'autre.
I think the major was just hoping and praying for somebody to get out of line so he could lower the boom, teach us all to be good little boys.
Le Commandant est trop content de pouvoir punir quelqu'un! II tient à nous donner une leçon!
When I realised that you were the one slipping away from me, that you'd left Venice, all I could think of was to find you again.
Quand j'ai su que tu m'avais fui, que tu étais partie de Venise, je n'ai plus pensé qu'à te retrouver.
What kind of a fool was I to think I could take care of all that?
Comment aider les autres si je ne m'aide pas moi-même?
But I was kidding myself, and all I could think of was how much I wanted her.
Mais je ne pensais qu'à une chose : je la voulais près de moi.
All I could think about was how his family would feel as they read his letter.
Je pensais seulement à ce que ses parents feraient... quand ils liraient cette lettre.
All I could do was think that he didn't love me!
Je me disais juste qu'il ne m'aimait pas!
And all i could think of was you and what i'd los i thought if... if only he could see me now - I was in pain, t.
Je souffrais, et je ne pouvais penser qu'a toi et a ce que j'avais perdu.
All I could think about was my ticket.
Je ne pensais qu'à ma licence.
All I could think of was how you took me and ditched me.
Je revoyais la façon dont tu m'as laissée tomber.
All I could think of was one thing.
Je ne pensais qu'à une chose.
You know, when I was in the bucket... all I could think about was bustin'out and killin'somebody.
Vous savez, quand j'étais au trou... je ne pouvais penser qu'à m'échapper et à tuer quelqu'un.
All I could think about was how to make amends. Above all, I wanted to rush back to Kyoto and find you.
Sans cesse hanté par le remord, j'ai juré de racheter mes fautes.
I'm all right. It was the only thing I could think of.
Ça va, c'est la seule idée que j'ai eue.
I forgot Suzanne the day i met you All I could think of was Deborah.
J'ai complètement oublié Suzanne quand je t'ai rencontré, c'est pour cela que je me sens coupable.
It was all I could think of to do.
Je ne pensais à rien d'autre.
All I could think of was fairy tales, you know? What kind of stuff is this?
Sans blague, je me suis cru dans un conte de fées.
Because all I could ever think about was Sugimi.
J'étais totalement habitée par mon amour pour lui.
All morning long, from the moment I left the house, all I could think about was getting home.
Toute la matinée, dès que j'ai quitté la maison... je n'ai pensé qu'à rentrer.
But when I got over the shock all I could think of... was all the letters he had from me.
Une fois le choc passé, je n'ai plus pensé qu'aux lettres que je lui avais envoyées.
All I could think of was his extraordinary gift for hope. A romantic readiness such as I have never found in any other person, and which it is not likely I shall ever find again.
Je repensais à son goût de l'espoir, sa prédisposition romantique telle que je n'en avais jamais trouvée et que je ne trouverai probablement jamais.
'All I could think of was getting my hands on Francis Amthor.
Je ne pouvais penser qu'à une chose : mettre la main sur Francis Amthor
All I could think of was Sonja.
Sonja occupait mon esprit.
And it fell on their legs, and all I could think about was, "Who took the picture?"
On devinait ses jambes. La seule chose à laquelle je pensai. Qui avait pris la photo?
And I said all I could think of Was the blood getting to my head.
Alors, j'ai dit que le sang me montait à la tête.
I guess it was some kind of atmospheric change. All I could think of.
Il devait être une sorte Changer d'ambiance.
When I was there, all I could think of was getting back into the jungle.
Là-bas... je ne pensais qu'à retourner dans la jungle.
All I could think of was :
Je ne pensais qu'á une chose :
The trouble was all I could think about was Roger.
Mais je n'arrêtais pas de penser à Roger.
All I could think about was, that I was gonna be rich.
Je ne pensais plus qu'à devenir riche.
And the only way that I could think of to find out... was to just cut out all the noise and stop performing all the time... and just listen to what was inside me.
Pour trouver la réponse, il fallait arrêter mes conneries... mon numéro... et écouter en moi.
I think amongst all the love affairs I was running through in those days, you were the one person that could have stopped me.
Parmi tous les amants que j'ai eus à l'époque, tu es le seul qui aurait pu m'arrêter.
All I could think about were my accounts... the socks I was knitting for Paddy... the heart-shaped cake tins...
Je n'arrivais à penser qu'à mes comptes, aux chaussettes que je tricotais pour Paddy, aux moules à gâteau en forme de coeur
All I could think of was Leonard... how much I missed him and loved him... and all the terrific times we'd spent together.
Je ne pouvais penser qu'à Leonard... comment il me manquait, comment je l'aimais... et tous les bons moments que nous avions passé ensemble.
You know, when you came at me with a knife all I could think of was that you'd hurt yourself.
Quand tu me menaçais avec le couteau, j'avais peur que tu ne te blesses.
She was all I could think about.
Je ne pensais qu'à eJJe.

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