And at some point translate French
684 parallel translation
At some point you might have talked of my beauty, given me a flower, and at some point, you could have loved me instead of your evening paper.
Tu aurais pu me parler de ma beauté, m'offrir des fleurs et parfois tu aurais pu m'aimer au lieu de lire ton journal.
When a child is taught, it's programmed with simple instructions, and at some point, if its mind develops properly, it exceeds the sum of what it was taught, thinks independently.
Quand on apprend à un enfant, c'est avec des instructions simples. A un moment, son esprit dépasse l'enseignement. Il pense indépendamment.
- And at some point they'll have to assist me.
Ce sont mes adjoints et ils m'assisteront.
You go under the desk and hide, and at some point in the near future...
Tu te caches sous le bureau, et bientôt, sois patiente,
And at some point, it's gonna hit him.
C'était sur de lui faire de l'effet.
- And at some point you said :
A la fin, tu as dit :
And at some point he said something about life is hard or life is as hard as steel.
A un moment, il a dit que la vie est dure, qu'elle est dure comme l'acier.
And at some point, Mrs. Holst and Ensign Felker left together in Mrs. Holst's car, correct?
Et Mme Holst et l'enseigne Felker sont partis ensemble dans la voiture de Mme Holst?
I am saying that this is about our future, and I'm not saying that you have to choose between us, but at some point, you're gonna have to choose between us.
On parle juste de notre futur, et je ne dis pas que tu dois choisir entre nous deux, mais à un moment, tu vas devoir choisir entre nous deux.
- At the head. - He must go to the rear of his detachment and watch the whole scene of the battle from some vantage point. Otherwise his detachment's flanks may be turned.
- Non, il doit se mettre à l'arrière de son détachement et observer le combat du haut d'une colline pour empêcher tout mouvement de débordement.
But you would have found out about it at some point, and then it wouldn't have been so easy to give it all up.
Mais... vous l'auriez bien su un jour. Plus tard cela aurait été encore plus dur.
It's a mystery, and a sinister one at that, believe me. Some say he pays Mrs Point in kind.
Et mystère pas propre, je vous prie de le croire!
Some people collapse at that point, and others on the way out.
Certaines personnes s'effondrent là, d'autres s'effondrent en sortant.
adelaide, despite all that, at some point I lost my mind and...
malgré tout, à un moment donné, j'ai perdu Ia tête et...
I should have found in some place of my soul a drop of patinece but, alas, to make me the fixed figure for the time of scorn to point his slow and moving finger at.
j'aurais quand même trouvé dans mon âme une goutte de patience. Hélas, il a fait de moi le chiffre figé que l'heure du mépris désigne de sa lente aiguille.
To put it... in lay language, cellular... dissemination means our bodies were broken up by some process or other shot through into the fourth dimension and at a given point reassembled again on this planet.
Dans un langage... plus compréhensible, la dissémination... cellulaire signifie que nos corps ont été dispersés par un quelconque processus, expédiés à travers la quatrième dimension et, à un moment donné, réassemblés sur cette planète.
I've been important to each at some time in their lives... and one humdrum day I found myself wondering how important I'd remained.
J'avais compté pour elles à un moment de leur vie. Un jour, je me suis demandé si je comptais encore, et à quel point.
I was wearing the mink coat that the pelican gave me 5 days before but then, at some point, I felt like a high-class whore and then I got very gloomy and I thought :
Je portais le manteau du vison que le pélican m'a donné il y a 5 jours en revanche, sur ce point, je me suis sentie comme une prostituée de premier ordre. Puis je suis devenu très sombre et je pensais :
But at some point, it becomes time to stop being a little girl and become a woman.
Mais à un moment, il faut cesser d'être une petite fille pour devenir une femme.
I mean, you know... obviously, all ideas in science are constantly being revised. I mean, that's the whole point. But we do at least know that the universe has some shape and order... and that, uh, you know, trees do not turn into people or goddesses... and there are very good reasons why they don't... and you can't just believe absolutely anything.
Les théories scientifiques sont sans cesse remaniées... mais on sait en tout cas que l'univers a un ordre... que les arbres ne se changent pas en humains ou en dieux!
I mean, I wanted to sacrifice the precentral vein in order to get some exposure. But because of this guy's normal variation, I got excited and all the sudden I didn't know whether I was looking at the precentral vein or one of the internal cerebro veins or the Vein of Galen or the Basilar vein of Rosenthal, so one my own me at this point I was ready to say
Je voulais sacrifier la veine au profit de la visibilité, mais, avec la variation normale... la nervosité aidant, impossible de savoir si ce n'était pas... une veine interne qui mène au cerveau.
Well, if she and some boy are at that point in their relationship where they're gonna-you know -
Si elle et un garçon en arrivent à ce point de leur relation où ils vont...
Would you eventually consider... getting married and having children at some point?
Vous envisagez le mariage, les enfants?
but, at some point, we have to turn the page and move on.
J'ai touché un point sensible. Merci beaucoup pour le discours. Tu peux partir à présent.
What your brother is so delicately attempting to inquire... and let me, out of my own personal curiosity... is the degree to which you may have or... have not, at some point in time... been dorked?
Ce que ton frère essaie délicatement de savoir... pas par curiosité, crois-moi, c'est si tu as... d'une certaine façon... déjà baisé?
Some airport personnel were not so lucky... like the ticket agent and security guard Richards shot at point-blank range... when he arrived at the airport.
Des employés de l'aéroport n'ont pas eu cette chance : le guichetier ou l'agent de sécurité sur lesquels Richards a tiré en arrivant à l'aéroport.
At some point or another, I want to stop and get hold of a child.
Au bout d'un moment, je voudrais m'arrêter et récupérer un gosse.
And then your eyes will stare at some point on the wall.
Et puis tes yeux se fixent sur un point du mur.
You see, while we were in the future, Biff got the sports book, stole the time machine, went back in time, and gave the book to himself at some point in the past.
Biff a pris l'almanach a volé la machine et a remonté le temps pour se donner le livre à lui-même à un moment du passé.
When you point your finger at some guy, and you say, this is the guy that can do the job, ain't the flashbulbs going?
Si on désigne un mec en disant : "Voilà celui qui peut faire ce boulot", ça ne fait pas crépiter les flashs?
But at some point, you have to let this love shit go, and you have to think about respect.
Mais malgré tes sentiments, il faudra un jour que tu exiges le respect.
At some point, you stop it and say :
Faut arrêter les frais et dire :
At some point I felt I could stop the crash if I could only open my mouth and scream.
A un moment, j'aurais pu l'arrêter si j'arrivais à ouvrir la bouche et crier.
Perhaps you and I can get together at some point, also.
Peut-être que je pourrais vous voir...
the first type of creation theories... where the people concerned started off with a fixed, external space and time... which for eternity was empty... and then suddenly, for some unknown reason, the universe nucleates... at a particular point and then, bang, it blows apart.
L'éternité était vide. Soudain, sans qu'on sache pourquoi, l'Univers forme un noyau en un point précis et là, Bang!
And what if at some point in the future there are conclusive studies?
Et si, dans l'avenir, des études s'avéraient concluantes?
I think if you can't stretch out and get some solid rest at that point I don't see how bedding accessories really make the difference.
Comme s'il en avait besoin à cet instant précis. Ces accessoires de literie ne font pas la différence.
But at some point, he lost the ability to distinguish between what's right and what's wrong.
Mais il a perdu l'habilité de faire la distinction entre le bien et le mal.
And what if the Firm should desire at some point to terminate your employment?
Et si à un moment donné, le cabinet souhaite mettre un terme à votre collaboration?
You and I might want to talk about an investment opportunity at some point.
Vous et moi pourrions parler de certains investissements ultérieurement.
At some point, Aline came into my studio for something... and I decided,''I'll show her this and see what she thinks about it.''
Aline est arrivée dans mon atelier et j'ai décidé de lui montrer quand même.
I'm sure at some point between the years 800 and 1200 somewhere there were two women living together.
Je suis certain qu'entre l'an 800 et l'an 1 200, 2 femmes ont dû vivre ensemble!
But, at some point, the two fleets will meet tensions will rise, nerves will fray and someone will make the tiniest mistake.
Il arrivera un moment où les deux flottes se retrouveront face à face. La tension montera, les nerfs flancheront et quelqu'un, d'un côté ou de l'autre, fera une erreur.
The murderers cut off the power supply, at some point, and the phone.
Courant et téléphone coupés.
I knew you'd wind up here at some point... that being the cheese and you being the rat.
Je savais que j'allais te trouver la. C'est le fromage et toi, tu es le rat.
'The Lilliputians had already applied their ladders to the palace walls'and were well provided with buckets but the water was at some distance.
Les Lilliputiens avaient déjà apposé leurs échelles sur les murs du palais et les seaux arrivaient bien mais le point d'eau se trouvait à une certaine distance.
Ever occur to you that at some point you're gonna have to make a choice between me and that loser brother of yours?
Et toi, qu'il va falloir choisir entre ton loser de frère et moi?
I would step out of this casket like some freaky vampire or something, and I would point at my victim
Surveille-la. - Quoi?
You're eating dinner in some restaurant, or goin'to the movies or whatever, and people stare and point at you, start whispering'to their friends like you're some exhibit at a freak show
Au resto, par exemple, ou au cinoche, t'es montré du doigt. T'es traité comme un monstre de foire.
We had like the Scene Club just around the corner, two blocks away... where some of thejam sessions... if you want, ever took place... and it was breaking down a lot of barriers at that point.
Le Scene Club se trouvait juste au coin de la rue. Là se sont déroulées les meilleures jam-sessions de l'histoire. Toutes les barrières tombaient.
At some point in the future, I must go back to the past and bring all the curry supplies to the present.
Quelque part dans le futur, je dois retourner dans le passé et ramener toutes les réserves de curry dans le présent.
and at the end of the day 45
and at the time 25
and at the end 28
and at the same time 75
and at that point 38
and at night 55
and at first 41
and at one point 16
and at this point 43
and at that time 20
and at the time 25
and at the end 28
and at the same time 75
and at that point 38
and at night 55
and at first 41
and at one point 16
and at this point 43
and at that time 20
and at the moment 21
and at that moment 25
and at 97
and at last 16
at some point 457
and as far as i'm concerned 49
and a half 160
and apparently 261
and again 457
and all the time 27
and at that moment 25
and at 97
and at last 16
at some point 457
and as far as i'm concerned 49
and a half 160
and apparently 261
and again 457
and all the time 27
and all 124
and always will be 33
and as a result 91
and all this time 50
and another thing 192
and all the while 36
and all that stuff 21
and as you can see 106
and all of a sudden 204
and all of you 28
and always will be 33
and as a result 91
and all this time 50
and another thing 192
and all the while 36
and all that stuff 21
and as you can see 106
and all of a sudden 204
and all of you 28
and also 645
and above all 105
and all that 128
and actually 119
and as for you 86
and as usual 32
and after 142
and afterwards 122
and all that jazz 24
and all because of you 16
and above all 105
and all that 128
and actually 119
and as for you 86
and as usual 32
and after 142
and afterwards 122
and all that jazz 24
and all because of you 16