And don't translate French
130,028 parallel translation
No, and don't... don't go thinking he's been burnt to a fiery crisp.
Non, et ne... ne pense pas qu'il a été brûlé...
That's what happens when you don't listen and... and instead you inhale an entire hospital full of smoke!
C'est ce qui arrive quand tu n'écoute pas et.. et en plus que tu inhales un hôpital entier rempli de fumée!
And you don't want to get fired like that.
Ce n'est pas agréable d'être virés comme ça.
And he went to prison for 20 years, and we don't know what he did.
Il a passé 20 ans en prison et on ne sait pas ce qu'il a fait.
They don't march and shit.
Ils ne font plus de marches.
"And without gangsta rap, you don't get Biggie!"
Et sans gangsta rap, il n'y aurait pas de Biggie! "
And many you don't.
Ou pas.
Danny, do you remember this morning when you said I've been "edgy" for the last two months, and if I don't calm down, I'll never make it through the next 11?
Danny, tu te souviens ce matin, quand tu as dit que j'étais "énervée" ces deux derniers mois, et que si je ne me calmais pas, je ne passerai pas le prochain niveau?
And second, you're about to see the next level of edgy if you don't stop messing around.
Et ensuite, tu es sur le point de rencontrer le niveau suivant d'énervement si tu n'arrêtes pas de faire des bêtises.
No, I ran into Bald Marcia from that weird yogurt kabob place four times yesterday, and I don't want to have sex with her.
J'ai couru quatre fois hier vers Bald Marcia, pour ce bizarre yaourt à la grecque aux légumes. et je n'ai aucune envie de coucher avec elle.
And the other one, I don't really know. "L" something.
Et l'autre, je ne sais pas vraiment. "L" quelque chose.
Why don't you come with me and hit on Amanda?
Tu pourrais venir avec moi et draguer Amanda?
Why don't you come and take care of Olivia if she becomes a problem.
Tu pourrais venir et t'occuper d'Olivia si elle pose problème.
Uh, look, I don't know who any of you people are, but I'm not pregnant and I happen to have a new boyfriend.
Je ne sais pas qui vous êtes, mais je ne suis pas enceinte, et j'ai un copain.
You and I don't have a future together.
Nous n'avons pas un avenir ensemble.
Right, because clean water and heat, we don't need those to survive.
Car on n'a pas besoin de ça pour survivre.
- And don't steal the relics.
- Ne vole pas les reliques.
I don't know why you and Damien insist on toying with the Legends.
Pourquoi Damien et toi avez insisté pour jouer avec les Légendes?
And the truth is, I don't want to see any more of you dead.
Et honnêtement, je ne veux pas vous voir mort.
And it's not bad if you don't mind the occasional wig hair.
C'est pas mauvais, si on fait abstraction des poils de perruque.
Okay, Tony, why don't you do less talking and focus on your job?
Tony, arrête de parler et concentre-toi sur ton boulot.
If I wanted to see a bunch of naked animals, I'd watch The Robin Byrd Show and- - I don't have time for this.
Si je voulais voir des animaux à poil, je me passerai un porno, mais c'est pas pour ça que j'appelle.
For those times when you're sleepy and don't want to be, like how Hungry-Man dinners are for when a man is hungry.
Pour contrer le sommeil. Comme les coupe-faim qui coupent la faim.
Right now, it probably feels like the world is ending, but I know if you don't give up and you think positive, things will work out.
Tu as l'impression que le monde touche à sa fin, mais si tu ne baisses pas les bras, et que tu positives, tout ira bien.
Why don't we just go in there and just snatch his ass up?
Pourquoi ne pas simplement y aller et choper son cul?
Yeah, so is the safe and that fancy-ass magnet... why don't you see if you can draw some money out of the bank with that thing.
tout comme le coffre et ce superbe - aimant - -pourquoi ne pas voir si tu peux prélever un peu d'argent à la banque avec cette chose.
And I don't want to do that with you.
et je ne veux pas faire ça avec toi.
It was a mish-mash of, I don't know, like old testament fire and brimstone mixed with Halloween goblins and snake oil commerce.
Un méli-mélo de, je ne sais pas, comme un vieux testament de feu et de soufre mélangé à un commerce de gobelins d'Halloween et de remède de charlatan.
Uh, they don't have enough of him to do a query with the national missing and unidentified persons database.
Une pièce d'identité sur le torse? Ils n'ont pas assez de lui pour lancer une requête sur la base de données nationale des personnes disparues et non-identifiées.
I mean, you don't murder someone out in the desert and then bring the body back into a populated area.
On ne tue pas quelqu'un dans le désert pour ramener le corps dans une zone habitée.
JJ, why don't you, Tara, and Luke go to the newest disposal site.
JJ, Tara et Luke irez sur le nouveau site de dépôt.
Victims oftentimes don't even realize they're being manipulated and they blame themselves.
Souvent, les victimes ne réalisent même pas être manipulées et ils s'en veulent.
Like, I don't need a plunger. I need a shovel and a bucket.
Genre, il faut pas une ventouse, il faut une pelle et un seau.
Don't tell Dinesh, and don't tell any of the other guys, okay?
Le dis pas à Dinesh ni aux autres.
I don't want to interrupt your talking with Hoover... and talking and talking about things, but I have some concrete news.
Je ne veux pas interrompre votre conversation avec Hoover. À causer et causer de choses et d'autres. Mais j'ai des nouvelles concrètes.
Why don't you go ahead and take a seat, Gavin?
Je vous en prie, asseyez-vous, Gavin.
Because we're almost there, and I don't feel like you need any help.
Car on y est presque, et je n'ai pas l'impression que vous ayez besoin d'aide.
Why don't you two go and get Owen's IDs while we work on finding him?
Pourquoi vous n'iriez pas ensemble et prendre les identités d'Owen pendant que nous tentons de le trouver?
Roman soldiers don't run, and we did.
Les soldats romains ne fuient pas, et nous l'avons fait.
There's an awful lot of dead cowards out there, and I don't believe that you killed them.
Il y a un affreux tas de lâches morts, et je ne crois pas que vous les ayez tués.
And I don't speak whatever they speak either.
Et je ne parle pas leur langue non plus.
We don't have salt or limes, but we can make do with chocolate milk powder and onions.
Je n'ai ni sel ni citron vert, mais on peut utiliser du cacao et des oignons.
[Duke moans] Why don't you go into the bedroom and get ready for me?
La chambre est par là.
I don't know where she is, and I doubt anyone else will.
Je ne sais pas où elle est, et je ne pense pas que quelqu'un d'autre le sait.
Because I don't see a body, and I don't leave my friends behind.
Parce que je ne vois pas de corps, et je n'abandonne pas mes amis.
If you kill him, you don't get any intel off the Caliphate, and I don't get any info on Syd.
Si vous le tuez, tu n'auras aucune info sur le Califat, et je n'aurai aucune info sur Syd.
And I don't know much about the V.A.
Et je ne connais pas vraiment les Vétérans.
And I don't... like messy.
Et je n'aime pas quand c'est bordélique.
I just don't like the idea of our number being displayed up and down the street.
Ça va? Vous voulez de l'aide? Quelqu'un devait venir à ma rencontre, c'est vous?
Anyway, look, we've had an e-mail from Jacqueline in Barnet and she says, " Why don't you just give the money to a homeless shelter?
Je sens que ça vient... Tirez!
You are falling into a classic monticelli trap. And you don't even see it, and two,
Tu es en train de tomber dans le piège de Monticelli et tu ne le vois même pas, et deuxièmement,
and don't come back 66
and don't be late 24
and don't worry 302
and don't say 42
and don't get me wrong 30
and don't forget 164
and don't call me 18
and don't you forget it 37
and don't move 29
don't play games 34
and don't be late 24
and don't worry 302
and don't say 42
and don't get me wrong 30
and don't forget 164
and don't call me 18
and don't you forget it 37
and don't move 29
don't play games 34
don't be silly 1150
don't be 1026
don't worry 18301
don't 13731
don't you 9508
don't look at me 835
don't leave me here 98
don't look up 32
don't try this at home 21
don't be a stranger 86
don't be 1026
don't worry 18301
don't 13731
don't you 9508
don't look at me 835
don't leave me here 98
don't look up 32
don't try this at home 21
don't be a stranger 86
don't be late 287
don't fuck with me 157
don't be so hard on yourself 105
don't be a pussy 41
don't be sad 190
don't worry about it 3159
don't be shy 514
don't beat yourself up 132
don't forget me 61
don't cry 1202
don't fuck with me 157
don't be so hard on yourself 105
don't be a pussy 41
don't be sad 190
don't worry about it 3159
don't be shy 514
don't beat yourself up 132
don't forget me 61
don't cry 1202
don't call me 195
don't touch me 1540
don't go far 26
don't be afraid 1221
don't you dare 523
don't forget 829
don't be sorry 259
don't forget it 61
don't follow me 120
don't ask me 220
don't touch me 1540
don't go far 26
don't be afraid 1221
don't you dare 523
don't forget 829
don't be sorry 259
don't forget it 61
don't follow me 120
don't ask me 220