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Comin' through translate French

141 parallel translation
- J'arrive.
Got the stage comin'through the pass.
 Aucun On a bloqué la diligence1
We're comin'through this way, you know.
Nous allons passer par ici.
Mary's comin through the back door.
Mary arrive de l'autre côté.
Ain't no gas comin'through.
L'essence ne passe pas.
All he's dreamed about is seein this town come to life again... with people livin'here and workin'and? and stores open. The stage comin'through from Alkali.
Il reve juste de voir cette ville revivre, que des gens vivent et travaillent ici, que la diligence d'alkali passe.
Comin'through the rye, present and, uh, half accounted for.
Traversant le fleuve Whisky, me voilà, non sans peine.
Look, there, comin'through the wire.
Regardez. Ils passent les barbelés.
It's been a long, cold winter, and she is like a breath of spring comin'through the window.
L'hiver a été long et froid, elle apporte le printemps.
We sit here eating with the smell of those killers comin'through that window.
On est là à manger, avec l'odeur putride de ces tueurs dans l'air.
We beat the burglar alarm by comin'in through the skylight.
On déclenche l'alarme en entrant par la lucarne.
* you're comin through the pass * * then Buster, you're general custer *
Et si jamais tu bouges Te voilà, mon frère Assailli comme le général Custer
I guess maybe our beauty wasn't comin'through.
Notre beauté ne transparaissait pas assez.
They're gonna be comin'through here. If they don't see us, they'll pass us by.
Ils vont venir par ici et passer juste à côté de nous.
In three damn minutes, you're gonna hear a whistle... which'll mean a fast mail comin'down through the junction!
Dans 3 minutes, on entendra siffler l'Express qui arrive à l'intersection.
Willie's comin'through.
Willie produit.
Well, we breaker boys... we'd have our feet in the chute and we'd be pickin'the slate out... when the breaker boss would sneak up behind us. And ifhe'd see a piece of slate comin'through... he'd pick up the slate and hit you in the back with it, and hit you hard.
Nous, les trieurs, on avait nos pieds dans des chutes et on enlevait le schiste, et le contremaître venait derrière nous en douce, et s'il voyait passer un morceau de schiste, il te cognait fort dans le dos avec
So move over, good buddy,'cause the Snowman is comin'through.
Fais-moi de la place car Bonhomme de Neige arrive.
Watch out. Hot plates comin'through.
Attention, chaud devant.
it's comin'through. my divorce. what?
- C'est presque fini. - Quoi? Mon divorce.
He'll be comin'right through here, heading'for water.
Il viendra par ici pour trouver de l'eau.
Barf inspector comin'through!
Barf inspecteur comin'à travers!
A goddamn train's comin through the outfield!
Avec ce fichu train qui passe?
Me voilà.
- Comin'through, boss.
- Me voilà, chef.
Comin'through. - Just hold your horses.
- Attends un peu.
Human forklift comin'through.
Attention, grue humaine!
Drop down. I'm comin'through.
Descends, je passe.
Freight train comin'through.
Laissez passer!
Faut que j'aille où il y a de l'action.
I got some stuff comin'through from that taxidermist you introduced me to.
J'attends des trucs du taxidermiste que tu m'as présenté.
Yeah, it's comin'through now.
Oui, je reçois ça.
- Comin'through!
So Ruthie called 911 and said there's somebody comin'through the walls.
Ruthie a appelé la police en disant que quelqu'un voulait traverser son mur.
Comin ´ through to california all the way from Trench Town, Jamaica, the proverbial Bob marley and the waiIin ´ WaiIers!
De passage en Californie, en provenance de Trench Town, en Jamaïque, les légendaires Bob Marley et les Wailers!
Chaud devant.
- Yeah, but she bought it. - Comin'through. - Whoa, whoa!
Je vais bientôt avoir 40 ans et je ne connais rien des plaisirs de la vie.
If he can make it through that and Devil's Run... you might get that desk after all. Heartbreak Hill's comin'up.
On arrive à Heartbreak Hill.
Pardon. Chaud devant!
Comin'through! Comin'through!
We had a report of a guy comin through here with eight reindeer.
On nous a signalé un traîneau...
- Comin'through!
- J'arrive!
On arrive!
She kept comin'around, she went to the drive through window.
Elle s'est dirigée vers la fenêtre du drive-in.
fbi. Comin'through.
FBI, laissez passer.
Comin'through. Stay with me. Stay with me.
- Restez avec moi.
Nobody's comin'in here. You get through me, you're Outside on the streets.
Si tu réussis à passer, tu es libre.

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