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Translate.vc / English → French / [ D ] / Do you know anything about that

Do you know anything about that translate French

180 parallel translation
- And what about the TV, do you know anything about that?
Pour la télé, savez-vous quelque chose?
Do you know anything about that house?
Vous connaissez cette maison?
Do you know anything about that?
vous êtes au courant? eh ben! tiens, ils ont encore voulu me piller!
- Do you know anything about that?
- Vous êtes au courant?
Do you know anything about that?
- Que savez-vous là-dessus?
Do you know anything about that?
C'est un peu gênant.
- Do you know anything about that bus?
- Connaissez-vous ce bus? - Oh, oui.
- How about germ warfare? Do you know anything about that?
Et répandre des microbes, tu connais?
Do you know anything about that?
Tu es au courant?
Do you know anything about that, Kate?
Tu t'y connais, Kate?
Do you know anything about that, Norman?
Savez-vous quelque chose à ce sujet, Norman? Non.
Do you know anything about that?
Vous étiez au courant?
Do you know anything about that?
Vous connaissez ces choses-là?
Do you know anything about that?
Est-ce que tu sais quelque chose?
Do you know anything about that?
T'es au courant de rien?
Do you know anything about that, Miss Parker?
Vous êtes au courant, Mlle Parker?
- Do you know anything about that? - No.
Vous êtiez au courant?
Do you know anything about that? Well...
Vous êtes au courant?
And what about the TV, do you know anything about that?
- Et pour la télé, le monde veut savoir quand ça va revenir.
Do you know anything about that?
Vous êtes au courant?
- What about the TV, do you know anything about that?
- Pour la télé, savez-vous quelque chose?
Do you happen to know anything about a diamond-and-platinum watch that was stolen, do you?
Tu ne sais rien au sujet de la montre en platine et diamants qui a été volée, bien sûr?
How do I know that you know anything about her... that you're not trying to bluff me?
Comment je sais que vous savez des choses sur elle... et que vous ne me racontez pas d'histoires?
Can you understand that you can be in love, know that it's wrong and not be able to do anything about it?
On peut être amoureux en sachant qu'on a tort, mais ne rien pouvoir y faire.
Do you know anything about love in that miserable soul of yours that dribbles itself into these letters?
Que savez-vous de l'amour dans votre esprit étroit qui s'épanche dans ces lettres?
Clarence, do you realize that I don't know anything about you? Other than that you're very nice.
Vous rendez-vous compte que j'ignore tout de vous, sinon que vous êtes très gentil?
You're a twin expert. Do you know anything about those to dames that could give me a chance to begin work?
Vous qui êtes un spécialiste, voyez-vous un élément qui puisse me suggérer l'ombre d'une piste?
I know that and I don't do anything about it. Because I am in love with you.
J'en suis consciente, mais je n'y fais rien parce que je t'aime.
Say, do you know anything about what's happening up in Mountaincrest that we ought to know?
Que savez-vous sur les événements de Mountaincrest?
Do you happen to know anything about a jewelry auction that's being held in town?
Sauriez-vous par hasard quelque chose au sujet d'une vente de bijoux qui aurait lieu en ville?
Well, you know, I guess it's the kind of thing that you don't do anything about until you actually have to.
On peut rien y faire à moins d'y être confronté.
Do you know anything about a blind musician that was talking to me about Loreley yesterday?
Est-ce que vous connaissez le musicien aveugle qui me parlait hier de la Lorelei?
Do you know anything about Diaz that might help us?
Sauriez-vous des choses sur Diaz qui nous aideraient?
Do you know anything about a rash that's going around?
Tu as entendu parler de rougeurs parmi tes amis?
I'll do anything for you, you know that. The curtain should be going up about now.
Je ferais tout pour toi, tu le sais.
Do you know anything about an old brass lamp that Mrs. Royce purchased last week?
Savez-vous quelque chose à propos d'une vieille lampe en bronze que Mme. Royce a achetée la semaine passée?
You know, it's just that neither of us has the energy to do anything about it, but it's not so great.
Ni l'un, ni l'autre n'a assez d'énergie... pour essayer de remonter la pente. Ce n'est pas fameux.
Something in me sensed not that I'd do anything about it I had, you know, certain daydreams about it.
Quelque chose en moi a pressenti... Je n'allais rien faire dans ce sens bien que j'y aie parfois rêvé.
I know all about that little princess Sorokina, and let me tell you, a heartless woman.. Be she old or not old, your mother or anyone else is of no consequence to me, and I do not want to have anything to do with her.
Mais une femme sans coeur, fût-elle ta mère, ne m'intéresse pas, et je n'ai rien à faire d'elle.
Ifyou know that, then you know Beaumont's gonna do anything Beaumont can... to keep from doin'them ten years... including'tellin'the federal government any and every motherfucking thing... about my black ass.
Et quand tu sais ça, tu sais que Beaumont fera tout pour pas les faire. Y compris tout balancer sur moi au gouvernement fédéral.
I know you couldn't do anything about that guard, but you can do something now.
Pour le vigile, vous n'avez rien pu faire, mais là, si.
I mean, she didn't, but- - - I keep thinking about what you said in the seminary... about how, you know, the life of a priest is hard... and if- - and if you can see yourself being happy doing anything else... you should do that. I don't know.
Et... elle ne l'a pas fait.
You know what that relic means to the Taelons, and you know Zo'or's crazy enough... to do just about anything to get it back.
Tu sais ce que représente cette relique pour les Taelons et tu sais que Zo'or est assez fou pour faire n'importe quoi pour la récupérer.
Why that? "And he's like," Do you know anything about spiders? "
"Tu connais les araignees?" Moi : "Non."
I didn't say or do anything embarrassing to you that I should know about did I?
Je n'ai rien dit ou fait de gênant que je devrais savoir... n'est-ce pas?
We've been in this room for over three weeks. Besides the fact that you have an opinion for everything I do... and an odd way of eating pizza, I don't know anything about you. Where are you from?
On est bouclés ici depuis plus de trois semaines et à part le fait que vous avez une opinion sur ce que je peux faire ou dire et une façon très spéciale de manger la pizza, je ne sais rien de vous.
Hey, you don't know anything about that, do you?
Tu sais quelque chose?
You were correct when you said that life is short and not about anything, but one thing I do know is that we were not put on this Earth to be dragged all the time. She's right.
Elle a raison.
There is something about yourself that you don't know, something that you will deny even exists until it's too late to do anything about it.
Il y a quelque chose de toi-même... que tu ne connais pas... quelque chose dont tu vas même... nier l'existence... jusqu'à ce qu'il soit trop tard...
I don't know who his people are, where he's from... I don't know anything about him. But what I do know is that I need you to be nice.
J'ignore qui est sa famille, j'ignore d'où il est, j'ignore tout de lui mais je sais une chose :
Um, the family, what do you know about them? Were they having problems? Marital problems, anything like that?
La famille avait des problèmes, d'ordre conjugal, par exemple?

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