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Translate.vc / English → French / [ F ] / Funny you should mention that

Funny you should mention that translate French

66 parallel translation
That's funny you should mention that, Captain...'cause I've been thinking of a way to make a submarine go 50 knots.
C'est drôle. J'imaginais un sous-marin pouvant filer 50 noeuds.
I can't help thinking I've seen you before somewhere. It's funny you should mention that.
Je vous ai déjà vu quelque part.
- Funny you should mention that.
- Quelle coïncidence.
Funny you should mention that.
- C'est drôle que vous parliez de ça.
Well, funny you should mention that, sir.
C'est drôle que vous me demandiez ça.
Funny you should mention that.
C'est drôle que tu en parles.
Funny you should mention that, Reese.
C'est drôle que vous parliez de ça.
Yeah, it's funny you should mention that, that's in my glove compartment.
Je les ai. J'allais les changer
- I know. It's funny you should mention that.
- C'est drôle que tu dises ça.
It's funny you should mention that because I was thinking....
C'est marrant. Justement, je me disais...
Funny you should mention that.
C'est drôle que vous disiez ça!
Oh, it's funny you should mention that. Because I put a call into the Seattle PD, and just so happen they're looking for a good person to fill a recently vacated switchboard position.
Justement, j'ai contacté un commissariat de Seattle et ils cherchent quelqu'un de bien pour un poste de standardiste.
Funny you should mention that.
C'est drôle que vous le mentionniez.
funny you should mention that. - i think i have another candidate.
Il a pas un boulot officiel
It's funny you should mention that, because when Prue met Vinceres, she thought that he was a shut-in, and...
C'est bête, mais quand Prue a vu Vinceres, elle l'a pris pour un ermite et...
- Sweet Jesus, I am so broke. - Funny you should mention that.
Nom de Dieu, je suis tellement fauché!
Funny you should mention that.
Puisque tu en parles...
- It's funny you should mention that.
- Curieux que vous mentionnez cela.
It's funny you should mention that, Billy, because actually, there is.
C'est drôle que tu dises ça, Billy, parce qu'en fait, si.
Funny you should mention that.
Toujours pas mémorisé? Ben justement, tiens.
Funny you should mention that... ... because one of the problems is that you've been talking a lot about that.
C'est drôle que tu dises ça parce qu'un des problèmes, c'est que tu en parles beaucoup.
Funny you should mention that because last week at the club,
Comme par hasard, la semaine dernière au club,
That's funny you should mention that because I just discovered yesterday that my wife has been working for some time with a man who claims he can see the dead.
C'est marrant que vous parliez de ça, parce que j'ai découvert hier, que ma femme a passé du temps avec un gars, qui prétend pouvoir voir les morts.
Well, it's funny you should mention that because...
C'est marrant que tu mentionnes ça, parce que...
Funny you should mention that.
C'est marrant que vous parliez de ça.
Funny you should mention that.
C'est marrant que vous disiez ça.
Funny you should mention that.
C'est ironique que tu en parles.
Uh, it's funny you should mention that. No.
C'est marrant que vous parliez de ça.
I  s funny you should mention that, because the missus would like to have you for dinner this evening.
J'ai pas déjeuné. C'est drôle que vous parliez de ça parce que ma femme aimerait vous inviter à dîner ce soir.
Funny you should mention that.
Quelle coïncidence.
Funny you should mention that.
Marrant que tu le demandes.
It's funny you should mention that.
Funny you should mention that...
C'est marrant que vous en parliez...
It's funny you should mention that, Sam.
C'est marrant que vous évoquiez ça, Sam.
Well, funny you should mention that.
Eh bien, c'est marrant que tu dises ça.
Funny you should mention that.
C'est marrant que tu parles de ça.
Hey, you know, it's funny you should mention that.
C'est marrant que tu dises ça.
Ah, it's funny you should mention that.
C'est marrant que vous en parliez.
Funny you should mention that.
Marrant que tu mentionnes ça.
Funny you should mention that.
C'est drôle que vous en parliez.
It's really funny that you should mention snakes...
C'est drôle que tu parles de serpent...
It's funny that you should mention that.
Ca tombe bien.
Funny you should mention confession, padre seeing that you're obliged to keep the secrets of your flock.
Curieux que vous parliez de confession, étant tenu de taire les secrets de vos ouailles.
No funny that you should mention it, I strip to taps!
Non, mais je me déshabille sur de la musique de claquettes!
You know, it's funny you should mention that.
C'est drôle que vous disiez ça.
You know, it's funny that you should mention that.
C'est drôle que tu en parles.
You know, it's funny that you should mention the news, because there was a letter to the editor in today's paper about how the media is stacked against the little guy.
Vous savez, c'est drôle que vous mentionniez les infos, parce qu'il y avait une lettre à l'édoteur dans le journal d'aujourd'hui à propos de combien les média font bloc contre les petites gens.
Funny you should mention that.
Bah tiens...
- Funny you should mention death because I'm here to collect that immortality you've promised me.
- Amusant que tu parles de la mort car je suis là pour récupérer l'immortalité que tu m'as promis.
You know, it's funny that you should mention that.
Tu sais, c'est marrant que tu mentionnes ça.
Well, it's funny you should mention that.
C'est un retour à la maison en quelque sorte.

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