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Geronimo translate French

528 parallel translation
A shadowy group of fighters led by the mysterious Geronimo.
Un sombre groupe de combattants dirigé par le mystérieux Geronimo.
Says they're being stirred up by Geronimo.
D'après lui, Geronimo est à leur tète.
It's that old Apache butcher Geronimo.
C'est ce vieil Apache, le boucher Geronimo.
Geronimo? Why weren't the passengers notified?
Pourquoi ne nous a-t-on pas prévenus?
Sure, she one of Geronimo's people.
Oui, de la tribu de Geronimo.
Geronimo between here and Lordsburg, with my horse, I think.
Geronimo est entre ici et Lordsburg, sur ma jument.
Geronimo, the paratroopers'jump call.
Géronimo, notre code à nous.
Geronimo, Rip.
Geronimo, Mike.
Géronimo Mike...
- Let's go, Jeronimo.
En avant, Geronimo.
Gentlemen, this is Alchesay, head of the White Mountain Apaches Satanta of the Mescaleros and the Chiricahua medicine man named Jerome in our language, but in Spanish, Geronimo.
Alkesay, chef des Apaches de la Montagne Blanche. Satanta, des Mescaleros. Et le grand sorcier Jérôme...
If we catch Geronimo, that will be headline enough.
Il suffira de prendre Geronimo.
From now on I am Geronimo!
À partir de maintenant, je suis... Geronimo!
If Geronimo or his followers come to this territory again let them come with weapons.
Si l'un de vous remet les pieds dans ce territoire, qu'il revienne armé.
It was Geronimo.
C'était Geronimo.
Maybe you have men like Geronimo who would betray you.
Et il reste peut-être des hommes pas sincères chez toi. Des hommes qui ne parlent pas avec leur cœur.
Geronimo broke the peace no less than these whites.
Geronimo ne valait pas mieux que ces Blancs.
Thanks, Geronimo. Take these over to the engraver's.
Merci, Geronimo.
You saw the peace pipe in Geronimo's hands.
Geronimo portait le calumet de la paix.
inasmuch as Geronimo has led his warriors off the reservation for the third time, causing much bloodshed, it is directed by General Niles that Geronimo and said warriors be transported to Fort Marion, Florida, on this day, April 4th 1886 ".
Geronimo ayant mené ses guerriers verser le sang hors de la réserve pour la troisième fois, le général Niles ordonne qu'ils soient tous déportés à Fort Marion, en Floride, le 14 avril 1886. "
With Geronimo gone, you'll be chief.
Geronimo parti, tu seras le chef.
I knew Geronimo and Chochise when they were that buck's age.
J'ai connu Geronimo et Cochise à cet âge-là.
- Which one's Geronimo?
- Lequel est Geronimo?
- Just Geronimo and you.
- Geronimo et vous.
Massai was carried off on the train with Geronimo.
Massai a été emmené avec Geronimo.
Geronimo and all the true Apaches are gone.
Les vrais Apaches sont partis.
The day Geronimo surrendered, you wanted to die.
Quand Geronimo s'est rendu, tu voulais mourir.
His name was Geronimo.
Son nom était Geronimo.
Where is Geronimo?
Où est Géronimo?
Good. Geronimo will again lead a strong Apache nation.
Je ferai des Apaches un peuple fort.
- I wait only for Geronimo. - When he returns, I'll join him.
Dès que Geronimo aura des armes, je le rejoindrai.
He's got it in him to be a greater chief than Cochise or a worse devil than Geronimo.
Il sera un plus grand chef que Cochise ou plus belliqueux que Geronimo.
Tell me, has Geronimo been around here?
Geronimo est-il venu récemment?
It was not Geronimo.
Ce n'est pas lui.
Do we talk peace or do I ride with Geronimo?
La paix... ou dois-je rejoindre Geronimo?
The Sixth Cavalry has captured Geronimo.
La cavalerie a capturé Geronimo!
- Geronimo was captured by soldiers.
L'armée a capturé Geronimo.
- He is still Geronimo.
- Qu'importe!
- Geronimo. He'll be here before sunset.
- Geronimo, il sera ici avant le crépuscule.
Geronimo has been guarded by the Sixth Cavalry.
Geronimo est gardé.
Taza, keep a close eye on Geronimo.
Vous le surveillerez étroitement.
- Has Geronimo many followers?
Est-il populaire?
Geronimo has been blind to the ways of peace.
Tu es aveugle sur la voie de la paix.
Geronimo, Chief of the Mogollon Apaches.
Geronimo... Chef des Mogollon.
Geronimo, I hope we'll walk together in peace.
J'espère que la paix régnera parmi nous.
Where is Taza is taking Geronimo?
Où emmène-t-il Geronimo?
When Geronimo is settled, I'll bring presents to your father.
Quand tout sera réglé avec Geronimo, je porterai des présents à ton père.
Here goes nothing, kid.
Allons-y, Géronimo!

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