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Translate.vc / English → French / [ G ] / Gordy

Gordy translate French

218 parallel translation
Gordy and me, we've been out on the moors, searching for them.
Gordy et moi, les avons cherchés sur la lande.
- and, Gordy...
- Gordy.
The names, in case some of you might not remember are Mushy Castro and Gordy Miller.
Les coupables, pour ceux qui l'ont oublié, sont Mushy Castro et Gordy Miller.
Gordy Miller. Another friend.
Gordy Miller aussi.
With Gordy Miller and Mushy Castro.
Associé à Gordy Miller et Mushy Castro.
And Gordy Miller.
Et Gordy Miller?
Yeah, I know. And we picked him up. Him and Gordy Miller, early this morning.
Je sais et on a arrêté Castro et Gordy Miller, tôt ce matin.
My dear, Gordy, come in.
Mon cher Gordie, entrez!
Gordy, who's your fat friend?
Gordie, qui est ce gros bonhomme?
One of the nice things about this world, Gordy Is your presence in it.
Heureusement que vous êtes là, Gordie!
George Brummell, well, Gordy tells me
George Brummell... se trouve en très fâcheuse position.
Gordy.. How-how is Gordy?
Et Gordie, comment va-t-il?
Gordy, oh, getting about. As usual.
Il court le monde, comme d'habitude.
[Kolchak] Since I wasn't allowed in the barn, I thought I'd have a chat with Gordon Spangler, also known as " Gordy the Ghoul.'"
Puisque je n'étais pas admis dans la grange, je comptais avoir une discussion avec Gordon Spangler, aussi connu sous le nom de "Gordy la Goule".
Gordy has struck gold in the land of the dead.
Gordy avait trouvé de l'or en terre des morts.
Oh, come on, Gordy.
- Oh, allez, Gordy.
The official police briefing - as foolish a game as any that " Gordy the Ghoul'" could make up.
Le briefing officiel de la police... as foolish a game as any that "Gordy la Goule" could make up.
[Kolchak Narrating] Aphone call to " Gordy the Ghoul'" informed me... that the black man in question was being buried at city expense.
Un coup de fil à "Gordy la Goule" m'informa... que le Noir en question avait été enterré aux frais de la ville.
Oh, Gordy.
- Oh, Gordy.
That doesn't make any sense, Gordy. But there's been a lot of flak in the past few months... between the black numbers operators and the syndicate, according to my usually reliable sources.
Mais il y a eu beaucoup de critiques ces derniers mois... entre the black numbers operators et le syndicat, d'après mes sources.
Yeah, Gordy, listen.
Ouais, Gordy, écoute.
Gordy, the autopsy report, huh? Donde esta?
- Gordy, le rapport d'autopsie?
Uh, how much, Gordy?
- Combien, Gordy?
Listen, Gordy, I've got to get in that box.
Ecoute, Gordy, je vais le mettre dans cette boîte.
Thanks a lot, Gordy.
Merci infiniment, Gordy.
You can't eat with Gordy. Remember we have band practice at noon?
- Tu ne pourras pas, on a une répète.
And, Gordy, take a look around the lab.
Gordy regarde le labo.
Gordy, go back to the grid for a second.
Gordy, reprends la grille.
Gordy, follow Hal around with the slate.
Gordy, suis-le...
Here you go, Gordy. Everything you said.
Tout ce que vous avez dit.
You name it, Gordy.
Je vous écoute.
- Gordy, go on! - For science.
Gordy, va-t'en!
Gordy, try to contain yourself.
Gordy, domine-toi!
Gordy, this is not on our itinerary.
Ce n'est pas sur notre parcours.
- That's not so funny, Gordy.
- Pas drôle, Gordy.
It's not worth it, Gordy! Don't do it!
Ne fais pas ça, Gordy!
Okay, Gordy. Hit it.
Vas-y, Gordy!
It's gonna rain, Gordy.
Il va pleuvoir.
Hang on, Gordy!
Accroche-toi, Gordy!
- I don't want that thing, Gordy.
- J'en veux pas.
Yeah, thank you, Gordy.
Oui, merci, Gordy.
- Have you seen, Gordy?
- Tu as vu Gordy?
And here comes Berry Gordy.
Et voici Berry Gordy.
Gordie and I are just about to start the breakfast.
Gordy et moi préparons le petit déj.
Come on, Gordie. Let's get cookin'. You do toast and tables.
Gordy, au travail, à toi le pain grillé et le service!
Great move, Gordy!
Bien joué, Gordy!
This could be it, Gordy.
On y est peut-être.
That's why we have to stay on this one, Gordy, in case it does.
Il faut qu'on reste dessus au cas où ça recommencerait.
I just wanted to drop by and pay you a visit.
Je passais juste faire coucou à mon vieux pote Gordy.

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