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Translate.vc / English → French / [ H ] / He'll

He'll translate French

77,117 parallel translation
If I tell you... will you promise me that he'll go to jail?
Si je vous le dis, vous me promettez qu'il ira en prison?
That means he'll be gone in a few months.
Il sera parti d'ici quelques mois.
And if you kill us, he'll be taking something from them.
Si vous nous tuez, c'est eux que vous volerez.
They'll believe me over you for the same reason he believed Dwight over the doctor.
Il me croira, moi, comme il a cru Dwight et pas le médecin.
... and he'll let you right in.
et ils t'ouvriront tout de suite.
Now I'll never get to tell Abraham I'm happy he was happy.
Je pourrai jamais lui dire que je me réjouis de son bonheur.
But he doesn't know that Gregory's gone... that maybe he's telling them things that'll make them think something else.
Rick sait pas que Gregory est parti. Il est peut-être en train de les faire changer d'avis.
He says he'll only talk to a Rick with higher clearance.
Il dit qu'il ne parlera qu'à un Rick haut gradé.
He'll just make more.
Il en fera plus.
At a certain point, there is a good chance he'll just decide to kill you than take your no for an answer.
Un jour ou l'autre, il préférera te tuer que tolérer tes refus.
He'll be gone within the hour, off in search of aid, no doubt, to secure his possession of Nassau, win the war for England.
Il partira dans l'heure. Sans doute pour trouver un allié qui l'aidera à sécuriser Nassau et à gagner la guerre.
And then he said, "I'll see you tonight,"
Il a dit : "On se verra ce soir."
I'll say this for him, he's not shy.
Il n'a pas froid aux yeux.
If he misses this tack, we'll be on him in less than an hour.
S'il rate sa manœuvre, on l'aura rattrapé dans une heure.
He thinks if I go over that bridge, the magical spell that woke me from my slumber will break and I'll go back into a coma.
Selon lui, si je traverse le pont, le sort qui m'a réveillée se brisera et je replongerai dans le coma.
- He'll destroy it! - No, he won't.
Il va le détruire.
Well, he'll probably say "no," too.
Il dira sans doute "non" aussi.
Only he'll say it in Chinese.
Mais en chinois.
Stick it on him and he'll do whatever I do.
Je colle, et il m'imite.
He's a worthy opponent, I'll give him that.
C'est un bon adversaire, je le reconnais.
So, believe you me, he'll scare.
Crois-moi, il va avoir peur.
My Tovaldt, it'll be a year in May, he passed.
Mon Tovaldt est décédé en mai de l'année dernière.
You see, Emmit Stussy, whom you'll meet, is a great man, a philanthropist, a leader, and, of late, he's been talking with increased regularity about dedicating himself in total to his good works,
Voyez-vous, Emmit Stussy, que vous rencontrerez, est un grand homme, un philanthrope, un meneur, et récemment, il parle beaucoup et de plus en plus souvent de se vouer à ses œuvres de charité,
He'll tell you.
Il vous racontera.
I'll see you back at the car. Just make sure he doesn't steal it?
Je vous retrouverai à la voiture, s'il ne l'a pas volée.
And he'll confirm what you're saying?
Et il confirmera ce que tu dis?
If he's in the NTC database, they'll find a match.
S'il est dans la base de données, il y aura une correspondance.
He'll defer to the president-elect on this one.
Il s'en remet au président-élu sur ce coup.
We'll be given written summaries of statements he made to his handlers.
On nous donnera des résumés écrits des affirmations qu'il a faites à ses contacts.
- Because he's from the Post, and if you call on anyone else, the first question'll be about what the Times just put up online.
Il vient du Post. Sa question portera sur l'article que le Times vient de publier.
He'll be on lockdown for 72 hours.
Il sera enfermé pendant 72 heures.
Look, I know this is a pain in the ass, but the Director is hoping you'll cooperate so he can get Mossad off his back.
Ecoutez, je sais que c'est un emmerdeur, but le Directeur espère que vous allez vous montrer coopétif. comme ça il n'aura plus le Mossad sur le dos.
And when the judge realizes that tomorrow, he'll send her home.
Et quand le juge réalisera ça demain, il la renverra chez elle.
He'll explain when you see him.
Il vous expliquera quand vous le verrez.
Hook him up. He'll be joining us.
C'est bon, il nous rejoint.
- He'll be in later.
- Il arrive plus tard.
Think he'll go for it?
Vous pensez qu'il serait partant?
he'll do the procedure.
Il va faire la procédure.
But Kevin, he'll come back.
Mais Kevin reviendra.
He'll be fine. I had no choice.
Il s'en remettra, j'avais pas le choix.
You'll hear him, he'll hear you.
Vous pourrez communiquer.
He'll talk you through this whole shit show.
Il vous guidera dans ce merdier.
He'll come out here, Mr. President.
Il sera sur cet écran, monsieur.
So he'll be single? What's he worth?
Un héritier célibataire?
We'll order sushi, open some wine, and when he calls...
On va manger des sushis, boire du vin et quand il appelle...
He said he'll sell it to the terrorists if we don't give him what he wants.
Il va la vendre aux terroristes si on ne lui donne pas ce qu'il veut.
He say he'll tell the principal that he believes me, then we see what happens from there.
Il dit qu'il dira au Principal qu'il me croit, et que l'on verra ce qui se passe désormais.
- He said he'll sell it to the terrorists if we don't give him want he wants.
- Il a dit qu'il allait la vendre aux terroristes si on ne lui donne pas ce qu'il veut.
He'll be leading the field team.
Il dirigera l'équipe de terrain.
The second he wakes up, he'll tell them about us, everything.
L'instant où il se réveille, il dira tout sur nous.
If we make contact with Gabriel, we'll see if he knows how to find Jadalla bin-Khalid.
Si nous rentrons en contact avec Gabriel, nous allons voir s'il sait comment trouver Jadalla Ben Khaled.

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