He's in jail translate French
718 parallel translation
He's in jail. They don't put people there for nothing.
II est en taule, c'est pas pour rien!
- He's back in jail. ♪
- De nouveau en prison!
Joan, he's been in jail three or four times.
Il a fait trois ou quatre fois de la prison.
Seeing him on Sundays is like he's in jail.
Le voir le dimanche comme en prison.
Ah, there's no danger. He's safe in jail and they'll keep him there.
Aucun danger. ll est en prison sous haute surveillance.
He's in jail.
Il est en prison.
D.A., slugs Martin just came in. He's afraid that mannion will get him now. Wants us to put him in jail.
Slugs demande qu'on l'enferme.
Police are after him and this paper's two weeks old, so he's probably in jail by now.
La police le recherche. Il doit être en prison!
If he goes through with this in the morning... by tomorrow night, we'll all be in jail.
S'il attaque demain matin, demain soir, on sera tous en prison.
He learned how to fly, stole a plane, got caught, put in jail, escaped in an amazingly short space of time.
Il a appris à piloter un avion, en a volé un, a été pris, mis en prison, s'est échappé, tout ceci en quelques mois.
- And he's been in jail ever since?
- Il a passé dix ans en prison?
that' s all he cares about, hobnobbing with rich scoundrels that put poor woodsmen like Hunk in jail.
L'argent et le pouvoir, il ne voit que ça. Il fréquente la canaille qui emprisonne Marriner.
No, but your friend Tom Crail has when he started taking people's guns away from them so they couldn't protect themselves ; throwing them in jail, trying to make them betray us.
Non, mais Tom Crail l'a fait, quand il a confisqué leurs fusils, les a jetés en prison et poussés a nous trahir.
He's as good as in jail.
C'est comme s'il était déjà en prison. Enfin presque...
- He's been in jail for five years.
- En prison, depuis 5 ans.
It seems he served two years in jail in Norway for impersonating a clergyman and three years in jail in France for operating a false massage establishment.
Il a passé 2 ans en prison pour s'être fait passer pour un pasteur. Et trois ans en France pour avoir ouvert un faux salon de massages.
They put him in jail yesterday, but he escaped.
Ils l'ont mis en prison hier, mais il s'est échappé.
It seems the last time I was there, I got into a little bit of trouble. Oh, the guy that caused all that trouble that Domino Johnson, he's in jail now. Oh, that.
La dernière fois que j'y étais, j'ai eu des embêtements.
Did you know that he almost went to jail for passing rubber checks, that he was suspected of stealing his hostess's jewels when he was a house-guest in Virginia?
C'est mesquin et indigne de toi, Waldo. Sais-tu qu'il fut emprisonné pour chèques sans provision? Qu'on le soupçonna d'avoir volé des bijoux lors d'une fête?
I had him thrown in jail, but he might get out.
Je l'ai fait coffrer, mais s'il sort,
A thief with a touch of class. Was in jail at the time. Went straight after he came out.
Un voleur... en prison à l'époque, puis il s'est acheté une conduite.
He's been interrogated in jail.
- C'est grave, apparemment. - Quoi?
- He's in jail.
- En prison.
So do I. He's found out You belong in jail.
- Qui perd l'argent au jeu.
Once he's out of jail... he'll fish again and we'll be back in business, understand?
Lui dehors, on l'envoie à la pêche et on continue nos petites affaires.
Besides, It was not my business. Maybe he's in jail.
Et puis, il allait en prison.
I guess maybe he's still in jail.
Il doit toujours être en prison.
He's in jail and he'll go to trial. He'll be tried by 12 citizens. The people he's worked for.
Ses juges le condamneront ou l'absoudront, à leur gré.
Today he's in jail.
Aujourd'hui, il est en prison.
He's not in jail.
Il n'y est plus.
He confessed it. That's why he's in jail.
Il a tué Johnny, il a avoué!
He couldn't face 25 years in jail, that's all.
Il n'a pas supporté l'idée de 25 ans de prison, voilà tout.
Now he's in jail, like a criminal.
Maintenant, il est en prison comme un criminel.
You'll get the story from my husband when he's safe and sound in jail.
Vous l'aurez par Frank, quand il sera sain et sauf.
- He's been in jail before.
- Il a déjà fait de la prison.
He's in jail. You don't have to get mixed up in it.
Mais tu n'as pas à t'en mêler.
I know a guy who broke jail once, he got shot in the back.
J'ai connu un type qui s'est évadé. On lui a tiré dans le dos.
Instead of being put in jail where he belongs, he's staying in the house for 6 months to undergo...
Au lieu d'aller en prison, il vient ici pour suivre...
Zouk's in a safe place, Mr. Arkadin. He's in jail.
Zouk est en prison.
He's in jail. Because you've got this great big mouth.
Il est en prison, à cause de votre grande gueule.
I know he's still in jail.
Je sais qu'il est en prison.
He's in jail with Buchanan.
En prison, avec Buchanan. Et Lew? Eh bien, il...
He's back in jail, I'm tellin'you the truth.
Il est de retour à la prison. Je jure que c'est vrai.
He's in jail, where he's always been.
Moi, si. - Il est en prison, depuis le début.
He's in the county jail.
Il est á la prison du comté.
They'll pay a call on Mr. F and promise to throw him in jail if he doesn't stop annoying you.
On le menacera de prison, s'il continue à vous harceler.
He's in Havana, in jail.
Il est à la Havane, en prison.
There's only one man in this town who thinks at all and he's in jail.
Il n'y a qu'un seul homme ici qui sache penser, et il est en prison.
He doesn't pay taxes and, what's worse he sells meat that hasn't been inspected risking people's lives. He could end up in jail. - So?
Il pourrait finir en prison.
He's in jail.
C'est pas possible.
- Ibrahim Hamdy - No way He's in jail
- Ibrahim Hamdi - lmpossible ll est en prison
he's in the shower 29
he's in the house 19
he's in the kitchen 33
he's in a meeting 50
he's in v 53
he's in the wind 39
he's in the bathroom 49
he's in bad shape 31
he's in the hospital 85
he's insane 97
he's in the house 19
he's in the kitchen 33
he's in a meeting 50
he's in v 53
he's in the wind 39
he's in the bathroom 49
he's in bad shape 31
he's in the hospital 85
he's insane 97