He's in the bathroom translate French
218 parallel translation
He's resting in the bathroom.
Il se repose dans les toilettes.
He's in the bathroom playing with his frog.
Il est dans la salle de bains et joue avec sa grenouille.
- He locked himself in the bathroom.
- II s'est enfermé dans Ia salle de bains.
- He's dead in the bathroom.
- Mort, dans la salle de bain.
Sleeping till 4 p.m. Climbing over the poor bastard trying to break the bathroom door to wash him in the tub when he's 16.
Dormant jusqu'à 4 h de l'après-midi... essayant d'enfoncer la porte de la salle de bains pour le laver, à 16 ans!
He's in the bathroom.
II est aux WC.
Every morning, he jogs the 47 miles from his 2-bedroomed, 8-bathroom, 6-up-2-down, 3 - to-go-house in Reigate, to the Government's Pesticide Research Centre at Shoreham.
Tous les matins, il court les 60 km entre son immense résidence de Reigate jusqu'au Centre National de Recherche sur les Pesticides à Shoreham.
Well, well, he's in the bathroom.
Il est aux toilettes.
He's in the bathroom.
Il est dans la salle de bains.
- He's in the bathroom.
- Dans la salle de bains.
- But what's he doing in the bathroom? - What everyone does!
Ce qu'on fait aux chiottes!
Over a period of six years, he employed over 30 secretaries, most of whom left, complaining of the workload, the crowds in this bathroom, the smell or Fallko's emotional and physical demands.
Sur une période de six ans, iI empIoya plus de 30 secrétaires. La plupart partirent, se plaignant d'un excès de travail, des gens dans Ia salle de bains, de l'odeur ou des exigences affectives et physiques de FaIIko.
If he's not in the bathroom and he's not watching television, where else could he be?
Il n'est pas aux toilettes, ni devant la télé. Où est-il?
Now, he just had a little bit of Mrs. Bundy's cooking, and he's in the bathroom, bent over, but he's going to be fine.
Il a goûté à la cuisine de Mme Bundy et il est dans la salle de bain, penché sur les toilettes, mais il va se remettre.
Ma- - He's in the bathroom.
- Il est aux toilettes.
He's in the bathroom. I won't have Louise insulted.
Il s'est enfermé dans les WC.
He's in the bathroom!
Il est là!
He's in the bathroom.
Aux toilettes.
What's he doing in the bathroom here?
Que fait-il dans la salle de bains?
- He's in the bathroom fucking Steffie.
- II se tape Steffie dans les toilettes.
He hadn't fucked up enough so he goes back in the bathroom, begins to clean the blood off the wall.
Comme s'il n'y avait pas assez de bavures... il retourne dans la toilette... où il se met à nettoyer les mur.
Maxon's eyes glazed over and he got kind of red. He got up as if he was in a trance and he went up to the bathroom.
Les yeux de Maxon se sont écarquillés, il est devenu écarlate, s'est levé, comme en transe, et s'est rué vers la salle de bains.
Don't tell me he's still in the bathroom.
Me dites pas qu'il est encore aux toilettes?
I mean that, on top of the fact that he assaulted her in a public bathroom, and you're telling me that that's not enough to haul him in?
Sans compter qu'il l'a agressée dans des toilettes publiques. ça ne suffit pas pour le faire arrêter?
In the bathroom primping. He thinks it's a fashion show.
Il se fait une beauté dans la salle de bains.
I hope he gets a hold of some tainted cheese and dies lonely and forgotten behind the baseboard of a soiled bathroom in a poor neighborhood with his hand in Goofy's pants.
J'espère qu'il mette la main sur du fromage avarié. Et qu'il meurt seul et oublié derrière la plinthe de toilettes sales dans un quartier pauvre. Avec la main dans le froc de Dingo.
He says he's taking a leak, he hears a bunch of shouting', comes out of the bathroom... and sees this bouncer gettin'his face beat in by a bald guy big as an elephant.
Il était aux W.-C. quand il a entendu des cris au bar. Il a vu le videur se faire massacrer par un chauve gigantesque.
He comes back to find the plant he used to work at... got exported to the country he got back from... and the guy who put the shrapnel in his ass got his old job...'cause he'll work for 15 cents a day and no bathroom breaks.
A son retour, l'usine où il travaillait s'est transplantée dans le pays d'où il revient ; le mec qui le canardait lui a piqué son job pour 15 cents par jour sans pause-pipi.
Next thing, he'll be locking himself in the bathroom all night.
Après ça, il va s'enfermer à clé dans la salle de bain!
He's been in the bathroom a while.
Il est aux toilettes depuis un moment.
What is this guy doing? He's been in the bathroom for half an hour.
Non mais, ça fait une demi-heure qu'il est aux W.-C.!
He's in the bathroom back there.
Il est dans la salle de bains.
- Next thing, he locks himself in the bathroom. So I told him I was gonna call you guys, and he said not to.
Après, il s'est enfermé dans les toilettes.
When my brother called me and said that my father had a heart attack... and that he locked himself in the bathroom, all the way going over there, I was thinking of... how I was gonna tell him what a bastard he was.
Mon frère m'a appelé : "Papa fait un infarctus, il s'est enfermé dans les toilettes." En y allant, je pensais que j'allais le traiter de salaud.
He's still in the bathroom.
Il est dans la salle de bains.
'l copped off! His name's Jonathan, he's in the bathroom.
J'ai levé un mec, Jonathan, Là, il est aux chiottes.
He's in bathroom fittings with his brother. - Then the boys were born.
Il a une entreprise de sanitaires et d'huisseries avec son frère.
I just picked up a complete stranger in a hotel bar and he's in the bathroom right now, possibly doing drugs.
J'ai dragué un inconnu dans un bar. Il est dans la salle de bain, il prend sûrement de la drogue.
He's... in the bathroom.
Il est aux toilettes.
He's in the bathroom.
Il est aux toilettes.
He's been in the bathroom for half an hour.
Ca fait une demi-heure
She came home from the grocer's went into the bathroom and there he was in the tub, deceased.
En revenant des courses, elle l'a trouvé mort dans la baignoire.
Edward, he locked himself in the bathroom.
Il s'était enfermé dans la salle de bains.
He's in the bathroom.
Il est à la salle de bains.
Oh, uh, he's in the bathroom right now washing up.
Oh, il est en train de faire sa toilette.
He's still in the bathroom.
Il est toujours aux toilettes.
- He's in the bathroom.
- Il est dans les toilettes.
He's in the bathroom with my copilot.
Il est aux toilettes avec mon copilote.
I guess he's in the bathroom
Je crois qu'il est à la salle de bain.
He's in the boy's bathroom with Pacey, getting cleaned up.
Ou est celui dont le nom ne doit pas être prononcé? Il est dans les toilettes pour hommes avec Pacey, il se refait une beauté.
Sherri has been going out with Eric forever like six months. But since he got caught smoking pot in the girls'bathroom at St. Sebastian's her parents won't let her see him.
Sherri sort avec Eric depuis six mois, et depuis qu'il s'est fait prendre avec du haschisch dans son bahut, ses parents lui ont interdit de le revoir.
he's in the shower 29
he's in the house 19
he's in the kitchen 33
he's in a meeting 50
he's in v 53
he's in the wind 39
he's in bad shape 31
he's in the hospital 85
he's insane 97
he's in charge 27
he's in the house 19
he's in the kitchen 33
he's in a meeting 50
he's in v 53
he's in the wind 39
he's in bad shape 31
he's in the hospital 85
he's insane 97
he's in charge 27