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He's still sleeping translate French

81 parallel translation
Maybe he was so drunk, he's still sleeping it off at some hotel.
Il cuve peut-être dans une chambre d'hôtel!
He's probably still sleeping. We'd to give him a heavy shot.
Il doit encore dormir, avec le calmant.
- Aw, he's still sleeping.
- Il dort encore.
I poked him a few times, but he's still sleeping.
J'ai eu beau le secouer.
He's still sleeping.
Il dort encore.
Il dort encore.
- He's still sleeping.
Il dort encore.
- Did he wake up? - No he's still sleeping, but he seems calm.
- Il dort encore, mais semble plus calme.
- He's still sleeping.
- Il dort encore.
- He's still sleeping!
- Il est dans le coaltar, le mec.
Maybe it's different if you don't have children, but even if Charley and I aren't living together, and even if we're sleeping with other people, even if he were to get married again he's still my husband and he's still the father of my children and...
C'est peut-être différent si on n'a pas d'enfants, mais... même si on n'habite pas ensemble avec Charley, même si... on couche avec d'autres personnes et même s'il se remariait... c'est toujours mon mari... le père de mes enfants et...
So we can grab him while he's still sleeping in his coffin.
Pour l'attraper pendant qu'il dort dans son cercueil.
You're right. I'm the thing that sleeps on the floor because he's dead... while you're still sleeping with him.
Autre chose oui, une chose qui dort par terre parce que lui il est mort mais toi tu dors toujours avec lui.
- He's still sleeping.
- Il dort toujours.
He's still sleeping?
Il dort encore?
He's still on the sauce. He'll be sleeping it off somewhere.
Je parie qu'il cuve encore son vin,
He's probably still sleeping!
Il dort encore peut-être.
He's sleeping. He's still asleep.
Il dort toujours.
- Poor guy, he's still sleeping.
- Le pauvre, il dort encore.
He's still sleeping.
Il est endormi.
It takes so long to wake him up! He's still sleeping!
Il du mal à se reveiller d'ailleurs Il dort toujours!
No, he's still sleeping. After the wedding night...
- Non, celui-là dort encore, après sa nuit de noces!
- He's still sleeping.
- ll dort encore.
- Uh, he's still sleeping.
Où est-il? Il dort encore.
- He's still sleeping.
- Entrez.
I think he's still sleeping.
- Je crois qu'il dort encore.
- I think he's still sleeping.
- Je crois qu'il don.
Father took her up, still sleeping, and told my mother that whenever he died... he was to be buried where his dear little child had laid her head.
Père l'a prise dans ses bras et a dit que quand il mourrait, il souhaitait être enterré ici, là où sa chère enfant s'était endormie.
Why's he still sleeping?
Pourquoi il est endormi?
Oh, he's-he's still sleeping.
Il dort encore.
- he's still sleeping. - When will he wake up?
Il est encore endormi.
He's still sleeping?
- Il dort encore?
Knowing him, he's still sleeping.
Le connaissant, il dort encore.
We get up about 7 : 00 and he's still sleeping. That gives us that half of the day without Dan.
On se lève à sept heures et il dort.
Now he's sleeping in the pool house while we still have one. So....
Il dort maintenant dans les dépendances tant qu'elles sont encore en état.
I'm sleeping in Intensive Care'cause I don't want to leave my son - waking'up in the middle of the night just to see if he's still breathing.
Je dors aux soins intensifs parce que je veux pas laisser mon fils - Je me lève au milieu de la nuit pourvoir s'il respire encore.
But he's still sleeping.
Mais il dort encore.
Let's hope he's still sleeping.
Espérons qu'il dort.
No, he's still sleeping.
I think he's still sleeping in the back seat... and I get behind the wheel, and I drive to Chicago.
Je reprends le volant et je vais à Chicago
- No, I think he's still sleeping.
- Non. Il doit encore dormir.
Maybe he's still mad at me for sleeping with his wife.
Peut-être est-il toujours furieux que j'aie couché avec sa femme.
- He's still sleeping?
- Il dort toujours?
I think he's still sleeping at Hong-gyu's place.
Je pense qu'il dort encore chez Hong-gyu.
No, he's still sleeping.
Non, il dort encore.
In fact, I better get back to the alley, see if he's still sleeping there.
Je vais voir s'il dort toujours dans la ruelle.
He's still sleeping.
- Il dort encore.
He's still sleeping! Get up!
vous êtes encore couchés.
- Straightaway if you'd like... but I'd advise against it, he's still sleeping.
- Tout de suite si vous souhaitez... Mais je le déconseille, il dort encore.
He's not still sleeping with her. And while it's not ideal, He is gonna break up with her next week.
Et comme ce n'est pas le bon moment, il va rompre la semaine prochaine.
- He's still sleeping?
- Il dort encore?

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