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How's it going in there translate French

128 parallel translation
Like there's a fuse that's in everybody, you know... and everybody knows the limit of their fuse, or how much... how fast it's going.
Comme s'ils avaient en eux un fusible dont ils connaîtraient à l'avance les limites, ou la durée de vie.
How's it going in there, sir?
- Qu'est-ce que ça donne?
How's it going in there?
Ça va, là-dedans?
How's it going in there?
Tu es sûre que ça va?
How's it going in there?
Si tous mes fans étaient comme ça...
It's not where you're going in life. It's how you get the hell out of there.
"Ce n'est pas où on va, mais comment on s'en sort."
- How come? There's something going on in Troy. I don't know what it is, but I can feel it.
Il se trame quelque chose, je ne sais pas quoi, mais je le sens.
And how's it going in there? Alright.
Comment ça se passe là-dedans?
How's it going in there?
- Comment ça se passe?
How's it going in there, Jason?
Comment ça se passe, Jason?
How's it going in there?
Comment ça va?
How's it going in there?
Comment ça se passe?
- How's it going in there?
Alors, la réunion?
How's it going in there?
Comment ça va, là-dedans?
- How's it going in there?
- Comment ça va?
- How's it going in there?
- Comment ça se passe?
- What's up? How's it going in there?
- Salut, ça va là-dedans?
- How's it going in there?
- Tout va bien?
How's it going in there? I don't know.
- ça m'a couté 50 Dollars.
- How's it going in there?
- Ça a donné quoi?
- So how long were you and Gwen married? - How's it going in there?
- Comment ça se passe là-dedans?
How's it going in there?
Comment ça se passe là-dedans?
Hey, buddy, how's it going in there?
Hé, mon pote, comment ça va en bas?
How's it going in there, fellas? Marc : Not so good.
Comment ça va, là-dedans?
How's it going in there?
Où est-ce que tu en es?
Jake, you've been in there for a while. How's it going?
Jake, t'es là-dedans depuis longtemps.
How's it going in there? Well, so far no heads are rolling.
Jusqu'ici, aucune tête ne roule par terre.
How's it going in there?
Qu'est-ce qui se passe, là-dedans?
- So how's it going in there? - L'll take a 12-year-old gangster over a domestic-violence case any day.
- Je préfère un gangster de douze ans à un cas de violence conjugale.
How's it going in there, my dear?
Comment ça se passe là-dedans, chérie?
People always desire to have the best seat in the house which is the row directly behind the families but no matter how you map it out there's always going to be some seats some targets... harder to get to than others.
Les gens veulent toujours le meilleur siège de la maison, celui qui se situe dans la rangée juste derrière la famille, mais peu importe comment tu les disposes, il y aura toujours certains sièges... certaines cibles... plus dures à atteindre que les autres.
How do you think it's going in there?
Quelque chose se trame là-dedans.
How's it going in there?
Comment ça se passe de votre côté?
How's it going in there?
Comment ça va là-dedans?
- Hey, how's it going in there?
- Comment ça se passe là-dedans?
How's it going in there?
Comment ça se passe dedans?
How's it going in there, son?
Tu t'en sors, fiston?
John, how's it going in there?
- John, comment ça se passe?
You've been in there a long time. How's it going?
Tu es là depuis un moment.
How's it going in there?
Comment ça se passe ici?
He has, he has a zest for life that keeps him going and keeps him working and he's interested in things, he's interested in what happens out there and how this will play out and how it'll turn out,
Son appétit de vivre le pousse à avancer et à travailler. Il s'intéresse aux choses.
How's it going in there, fellas?
Comment ça va, les gars?
How's it going in there?
Où en est-on ici?
How's it going in there, kyle?
Comment ça se passe là-dedans, Kyle?
How's It Going In There? Still Looking.
Comment ça se passe là-dedans?
One reason I think there's this unusual depth of feeling in How Green Was My Valley... is that Ford knew that he was going off to war when he made it.
Il y a une profondeur émotionnelle particulière dans ce film... car Ford savait qu'il allait partir à la guerre quand il l'a fait.
Mariane, how's it going in there?
Mariane, ça va?
You come into design, at the point that you start out in history, without knowing that you're starting out in history, and often you don't have a sense of what came before you and how it got there, and you certainly don't know what's going to come after.
Vous pénétrez dans le design, et rentrez dans l'histoire, sans même le savoir, et souvent vous ne savez pas quand et comment c'est arrivé, et vous ne savez pas comment cela se passera plus tard.
So how's it going in there?
Comment ça se passe ici?
Kelly, how's it going in there?
Kelly, comment ça se passe?
How do you think It's going in there?
Ça se passe comment, selon vous?

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