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How's that going for you translate French

70 parallel translation
Nobody's going to dare to throw a rap at me for fear of hitting you, how's that for a hot flash?
Personne n'osera me tirer dessus de peur de vous atteindre. Ça vous la coupe, hein?
That's how! I was going to offer you a share for taking us to a phone.
J'allais vous en offrir une part pour nous conduire à un téléphone.
Any time is paradise when I'm with you That was looking for an end to the film and it was "How are we going to finish, there's not going to be a big concert"
C'est toujours le paradis quand je suis auprès de toi ll fallait chercher une fin pour le film :
You know, with everything that's been going on recently, I'm not sure how safe it is for a girl like yourself to be here... alone.
Avec tout ce qui se passe dernièrement, je ne sais pas si c'est bien prudent de venir ici.
How's that going for you?
Tu en es où?
- Well, how's that going for you?
Oh... et comment ça va pour toi? Ça va.
How's that coma going for you there, pal?
Et comment ça se passe, ce coma?
- How's that going for you?
- Et toi, comment tu vas?
How's that not talkin'to me thing going for you?
Comment tu t'en sors à ne pas me parler?
For the first time, he's trying to come to terms with his responsibilities ln two months, you are going to earn 100,000 from your acting, Aditya I don't care how you will do it, that's your problem
Pour la première fois, il essaie de se responsabiliser. Dans deux mois, tu devras avoir gagné 100,000 roupies par toi-même, Aditya. Je ne me soucie pas comment tu le feras, c'est ton problème.
- And how's that going for you?
- Et ça se passe comment?
How's it going with that gal on the lacrosse team I picked out for you?
He Steve, Alors comment ça se passe avec cette jeune fille que je t'ai présentée?
How's that Tanglewood case going for you?
- Et l'affaire Tanglewood?
How's that going for you?
Et comment ça se passe?
And how's that going for you?
comment tu le vis?
How's that going for you?
Et comment ça se passe pour vous?
And how's that going for you?
Et comment ça se passe pour toi?
So, all those Darling millions you have for charity, how's that going?
Et ces millions que les Darling vous ont donnés pour vos oeuvres, ça se passe bien?
- How's that going for you?
- Ça se passe bien?
Come on Tracy, this is not a lot of money for you, and we both know how frightened I was after Meeks said that he was going to escape and come back and kill you.
Allez Tracy, c'est rien pour toi. Et on sait tous les deux le flip que j'ai eu quand Meeks a dit qu'il s'échapperait pour venir te tuer.
How come a load of ska boys on that road all saw you going for a dangle but never clock the getaway car ten minutes later?
Comment ça se fait que des punks dans cette rue vous ont vu aller pisser, mais n'ont vu aucune voiture s'enfuir 10 minutes après?
So how's that going for you?
Comment ça se passe?
And while that's happening, you're just going to sit here and think about every mistake you made, and how easy it's going to be for us to find them.
En attendant, vous allez rester ici et réfléchir à toutes vos erreurs, et vous dire qu'on va vite les trouver.
No, no. No, it's, it's just, how's that going for you?
Non, non, c'est, c'est...
So, how-how's that been going for you?
Et qu'en avez-vous retenu?
That's not how it works. You're not going to get all that money for something used when you could get it new for a lot less.
Personne ne paie autant pour un objet d'occasion qui est moins cher neuf.
How's that going for you there, Gary?
Comment ça marche pour toi, Gary?
How's that going for you, karev?
Comment ça va pour toi, Karev?
How's that going for you, Karev?
Comment ça se passe pour toi, Karev?
So, how's that been going for you?
- Le programme fonctionne pour toi?
Hey, so how's that new hasher job going for you?
{ \ pos ( 192,210 ) } Comment se passe ton job d'homme d'entretien?
How's that going for you?
- Comment tu vas?
Oh, how's that going for you?
Comment ça se passe pour toi?
Yes, I remember. You said my hair looked really cute, kind of like Megan Fox, and I said that's what I was going for, and then you were telling me about how you were thinking- - you cannot recall one thing about the surrogacy,
Je m'en souviens, tu as dit que ça ressemblait à la coupe de Megan Fox, et toi, tu envisageais...
For one hour, we are going to take a sunset tour of the rainforest together as a family, because that's how memories are made, whether you want them or not!
Pendant une heure, on va survoler la forêt tropicale. Ensemble, comme une famille. Afin de créer des souvenirs.
And how's that going for you?
- Et ça a marché? - Non.
Seeing how he's going out to arranged match introductions again, it appears that for Kim Joo Won, it's not you or me.
En voyant comment il sort de son rendez-vous arrangé, pour Kim Joo Won, ce n'est ni vous, ni moi.
Yep. And how's that going for you?
Et comment ça marche?
How's that going for you?
- Ça marche bien?
I think that yesterday you decided to call him Hank, the day before that it was Orville, and that's pretty much how it's been going now, for almost a month.
Hier, tu voulais l'appeler Hank, la veille, c'était Orville, et c'est comme ça depuis un mois.
But if you meet Chang Guhl, how much money are you going to ask for? Hyungsoo's income is about 50,000 dollars, and then for Jung's study abroad fees, is it about 200,000 dollars a year? Is that enough?
combien tu demanderas en plus? est-ce d'environ de 200.000 dollars par an?
Unfortunately, that's how it's going to be for you, too, you'll see.
Malheureusement, c'est la façon dont il est va être pour vous aussi, vous verrez.
If you think for one moment that I'm going to coach you on how to get into some poor girl's pants...
Si tu crois que je vais te coacher sur comment aller dans les culottes de quelques pauvres filles...
You know, I don't know Hank all that well. But how the hell are you going to convince him this is something that's good for him?
Vous savez, je connais pas si bien Hank, mais comment diable allez vous le convaincre que c'est quelque chose de bon pour lui?
How's that going for you?
Comment ça va de votre côté?
- How's that going for you?
- Ça te réussit?
John, John is sorry for y'all but that's how it be, where you're going, you're going without John.
John est désolé pour vous, mais c'est comme ça. Quand vous partirez, ce sera sans John.
How's that going for you?
Comment ça se passe?
Yeah, how's that going for you?
Ouais, et comment ça avance?
How's that going for you?
Comment ça va pour toi?
I'm sorry if that sounded braggy, but I guess that's how you sound when things are going so great for you.
Désolée si j'ai l'air de me vanter, mais ça se passe comme ça quand les choses vont si bien pour vous.

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