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I can't go in there translate French

309 parallel translation
Charlcie, I can't go back in there.
Charlcie, je ne peux pas y retourner.
- I can't go in there anymore.
- Je ne peux plus y aller.
I can't go back in there.
- Je ne peux pas retourner là-bas.
I won't let Tara go! I can't while there's a breath left in my body.
Je ne lâcherai pas Tara, tant que je vivrai!
You can't go in there today, buddy. ─ Ah, but I have business.
Vous ne pouvez entrer.
- You can't go in there alone. - I'll be all right.
- Vous ne pouvez pas y aller seule.
- I can't let you go in there.
- Laissez-moi la voir.
He can't stop in Rome, he has to leave immediately, and I'd like to go there and visit him.
Il ne peut pas s'arrêter à Rome, il doit partir tout de suite. Et j'aimerais lui rendre visite.
I can't go in there.
Je rentrerai pas.
I can't go in there.
Mais je ne peux pas y entrer.
- Il est tombé là-dedans.
I can't go in there and tell stories in Chinese.
Je ne sais pas encore leur parler.
I can't be held accountable for what might happen If you go in there.
Je ne serai pas responsable de ce qui peut arriver.
'Cause if you don't... and I catch any of you doin'any more brawling'in my territory... I'm gonna personally beat the livin crud out of each and every one of you... and see that you go to the can and rot there!
Si je reprends l'un de vous à se bagarrer dans mon secteur, je me charge de vous rosser et de vous envoyer au trou.
No, you can't go in there. I'll get her to get her bags ready.
Je vais faire ses valises.
I can't go in there.
Je ne peux pas entrer là.
I can't let you go in there. You have to!
Je ne peux pas vous laisser entrer.
Now, look, mister, i can't let you go in there.
Vous ne voyez pas? Je vais m'arrêter.
Hubie, please, I can't go in there.
Hubie, s'il te plaît, je ne peux pas y aller.
Because there's no boxing in Portugal and I'm going abroad just to be a coach or to fight. I can't go just to give and get a beating. I'm too old for that, I'm already 32.
Parce qu'il n'y a pas de boxe ici et je pars à l'étranger pour être entraîneur ou jouer, pas juste pour prendre et donner des coups.
There are two of us involved in the escape now. I can't get her to go home.
Ça fait deux qu'il faudra faire échapper.
- I can't go back in there.
- Je ne veux pas y retourner.
- I can't go in there.
Je n'y vais pas.
- I can't go in there.
- Je ne peux pas entrer.
because they just could not understand it. My mother really lives in a lot of pain'cause she's sure I'm gonna go to hell, and there's nothing I can do to tell her that, you know, that just doesn't exist for me, you know?
Ma mère a beaucoup de peine car elle est persuadée que j'irai en enfer.
I can't go back in there.
Je ne retourne pas là-bas. Non, non, non.
Now, you can go on in there and shut the door on me but if you do, do it for good. Because I ain't gonna come knocking no more.
Tu peux rentrer chez toi et me fermer ta porte, mais... il faut que tu saches... que c'est inutile d'espérer que je revienne.
I can't go back in there.
Je ne veux pas y retourner.
I can't go in there!
Je peux pas monter là-dedans!
I got all the money in the world and I can't go beyond the gates out there.
J'ai tout l'argent du monde et je ne peux pas sortir.
I can't go in there.
Je peux pas entrer là!
You can't go in there right now. I...
Vous ne pouvez pas entrer maintenant.
What do you mean, I can't go in there?
Je ne peux pas y aller?
I can't go in there.
- No, no, I can't go up there. - I can't do this. - But in conclusion, I'd like to say, congratulations, Harvey.
En conclusion... j'aimerais dire, félicitations, Harvey.
I said you can't go in there!
Vous ne pouvez pas entrer! Je dis que vous ne pouvez pas!
MacGyver, you just may have given me the best news of my life, but that doesn't mean that I can go back in there and kick Webber out.
Tu m'as apporté la meilleure nouvelle de ma vie, mais je ne peux pas retourner là-bas et virer Webber.
But Why Can't I Just Go In There And Level With Him, Tell Him The Truth?
Pourquoi ne puis-je pas aller lui dire la vérité?
Wait a minute. I can't go in there like this.
- Je ne peux pas y aller comme ça.
I can't bear to go in there.
Je ne supporte pas d'y entrer.
I can't go out again for a while, so you'll just have to hang in there.
Je ne peux pas sortir pour le moment. Essaie de tenir le coup.
Sir. You can't go in there, sir. I go where I please!
- Vous ne pouvez pas entrer.
For the poor. I just can't bring myself to go in there tonight.
Je ne peux pas me résoudre à entrer là-dedans ce soir.
I can't go up there in my jimmy-jams!
Je ne peux pas y aller en pyjama!
Why don't you and I go upstairs, turn the lights down, sit in bed, bottle of wine, and we can watch the game up there.
On va monter se coucher. tamiser les lumières, boire du vin et on regardera le match là-haut.
My tie's in the bathroom. I can't go in there,'cause Uncle Frank's taking a shower.
Elle est dans la salle de bains et oncle Frank prend une douche.
- I can't go in there. I can't face the bubble boy.
L'enfant-bulle me fait peur.
I can't go back in there now.
Je ne peux plus y aller.
I can assureyou there isn't a person in this facility that doesn't want to see that shuttle go into space complete its mission and come back like winged Victory herself.
Je peux vous assurer que tout le monde dans ce bâtiment désire que cette navette remplisse sa mission, et nous revienne victorieuse.
Jerry, I can't let you go back in there.
N'y va pas.
I grew up in Connecticut. - Why don't we all... go into the living room. Then we can have our coffee and dessert in there.
Allons tous au salon pour prendre le café et le dessert.

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