I leave tomorrow translate French
557 parallel translation
I leave tomorrow for Deauville.
Je pars demain pour Deauville.
But I leave tomorrow to go back to Texas, in the flour business.
Mais je rentre au Texas demain, pour ma société de farine.
- I leave tomorrow night.
- Demain soir.
- I beg your pardon? - I leave tomorrow morning for Cannes
- Je pars demain pour Cannes.
Ah, and the reason I asked you to come here urgently was because you need to leave tomorrow, right away.
Mais continuons de croire aux miracles. Ah et la raison pour laquelle je vous ai fait venir et que vous devez partir demain.
I don't have to take a box for that charity thing Saturday night now... you know, for backward orphans or something. And I'll cancel my hairdresser's tomorrow. You leave everything to me.
Annulons le Bal de Charité samedi pour les orphelins de je ne sais où et mon coiffeur demain.
Yes, I must leave tomorrow.
Oui, je dois rentrer demain.
- Tomorrow I leave for Bristol.
- Je pars demain pour Bristol.
Tomorrow, I leave for the mountains. I'll be away for a few days.
Demain, je pars en montagne pour quelques jours.
Tell him I'll leave here with him at 7 : 15 tomorrow morning.
Dis-lui que je partirai d'ici demain, à 7h15.
Tomorrow I leave for Paris.
Demain, je pars pour Paris.
Leave it here, I'll bring it back tomorrow when I'm going to Sydney.
Laisse-le ici. On ira ensemble à Sydney demain.
Come to think of it, I won't be able to leave Here tomorrow, either.
Je ne crois pas que je pourrai sortir demain.
I should be saying a wife should always follow her mate, but your mates leave tomorrow.
Mes enfants, une femme devrait suivre son mari. Mais demain, vos maris...
Sorry to drag you here like this, but I think it's the only way... if you want to leave tomorrow.
Désolé de vous amener ici, mais c'est le seul moyen pour partir demain.
- I'll leave sometime tomorrow.
- Je partirai demain.
I hate to break the news to you like this, but tomorrow I must leave Santa Rosa.
Désolé de te le dire comme ça, mais je dois quitter Santa Rosa demain.
I see no reason why we shouldn't leave for home tomorrow.
Nous pouvons rentrer dès demain.
I'll hate to leave tomorrow.
Hélas, je pars demain.
I'm not one to give advice, but if you want to wake up tomorrow, you'd best leave now.
- Même, c'est mieux. - J'en ai déjà vu qui étaient mordus, mais des comme toi...
- I must leave tomorrow.
- Je pars demain.
- I'm sorry to hear it. But since you feel that way, I order you to leave my land by tomorrow noon.
Je vous ordonne de partir demain à midi.
Like I said, we leave tomorrow.
On part demain, comme Je l'ai dit.
I thought I heard the skipper say... leave her Johnny leave her... Tomorrow you will get your pay...
Ils croient que c'est facile de devenir riche.
- I can leave for San Francisco tomorrow.
Oui. Je pars demain pour Frisco.
I'll leave tomorrow morning.
Je partirai demain matin.
Thank you. I'll do the accounting now and leave tomorrow morning.
Merci Je fais les comptes et demain matin, je pars
I told you to leave tomorrow!
Je t'ai dit de partir à l'aube!
I suppose we better clean up and not leave this mess for Delilah tomorrow.
Rangeons un peu, que Delilah ne trouve pas tout cela demain matin.
Come round tomorrow. I will see they leave us alone.
Venez demain, nous pourrons être seuls.
I could leave here today, and I could be in Africa tomorrow. And whatever disease I had would go right with me.
Je peux être en Afrique demain, en transportant mes microbes.
We're all fixed to leave tomorrow morning, passports in order and everything. And I'm leavin'you locked in here.
Tout est prêt pour notre départ demain matin... passeports en règle, tout le bataclan... et je vous laisse enfermé ici.
Now that I know each of you will stand with me I can leave for Washington tomorrow morning.
Je partirai pour Washington dès demain matin.
I think I'll leave tomorrow morning.
Je crois que je partirai demain matin.
I can leave tomorrow.
Je partirai demain.
Tomorrow I leave on a long journey
Père est là! Demain, je pars pour un long périple.
Not only will I leave, my money there, But tomorrow I'll see you remove yours.
non seulement laissera, mon argent là-bas, mais demain je vais vous voir retirer votre.
Tomorrow I leave the island, never to return.
Demain, je quitte lli e... pour ne jamais revenir.
_ Tomorrow, I leave for the service.. ... and no more pleasant memories could I carry with me... ... than that short but vivid glimpse of one Jenny Stewart. "
Demain, je rejoins l'armée, et j'emporterai avec moi Ie souvenir agréable de cette brêve, mais inoubliable rencontre avec Jenny Stewart. "
No, tomorrow I have to leave early.
Non, demain je dois partir tôt.
Tomorrow, I'll leave these mountains and pines, which will be your home, too, and go down to the city for my first visit in over a year.
Demain, je quitterai ces montagnes et ces pins, qui seront ta maison aussi, et j'irai en ville pour la première fois en un an.
Tomorrow, I'll drive the car someplace and leave it.
Demain, j'abandonnerai la voiture loin d'ici.
I don't like to give anything to a boy who might leave tomorrow.
Et je ne donnerai rien à un garçon qui peut nous quitter demain.
I'll pack my suitcase and leave tomorrow. Maybe this afternoon.
Je fais ma valise et je pars demain, ou peut-être même ce soir.
We'll leave tomorrow morning, I must be there on the 24th.
- Nous filerons demain matin, je dois être là-bas le 24.
I've advanced my trip to Venice, we'll leave tomorrow.
Je précipite mon voyage pour Venise.
I'll leave it until tomorrow.
J'attendrai demain pour lui en donner.
Tomorrow? What if I refused to leave?
Et si je refusais de partir?
I would like you to leave two quarts of Grade A milk tomorrow... and a quarter of a pound of butter... as I am no longer just working off and on... but have accepted a position as an executive.
Je voudrais deux litres de lait pour demain... et une demi-livre de beurre... puisque je travaille à l'extérieur.. et que j'ai accepté un emploi de cadre.
Well, I'll do that tomorrow before you leave.
Je m'en occupe demain avant votre départ
If I leave tonight, I should get back by tomorrow evening.
Je vais partir et rentrerai demain soir.
i leave you 20
i leave 60
tomorrow 4164
tomorrow's my birthday 16
tomorrow is another day 31
tomorrow morning 588
tomorrow at 119
tomorrow's sunday 22
tomorrow night 482
tomorrow afternoon 75
i leave 60
tomorrow 4164
tomorrow's my birthday 16
tomorrow is another day 31
tomorrow morning 588
tomorrow at 119
tomorrow's sunday 22
tomorrow night 482
tomorrow afternoon 75