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Translate.vc / English → French / [ I ] / I think we should leave

I think we should leave translate French

172 parallel translation
Well, I'm very glad to hear it, but I think we should leave things as they are for the present.
Merci. Mais rien ne doit être changé.
In that case, I think we should leave.
Nous ferions mieux de partir.
I think we should leave the priest alone with the sick man.
Nous devrions laisser le prêtre seul avec le malade.
Well, I think we should leave the museum, try and find the TARDIS and make sure that it doesn't end up in here.
Bien, je pense que nous devrions quitter le musée, trouver le TARDIS et s'assurer qu'il ne finira pas ici.
I think we should leave them the Minibus and press on.
On va leur laisser le minibus et filer.
I think we should leave the happy couple on that note.
Quittons l'heureux couple sur cette remarque.
Look, hon. Everybody is having a good time here, but I think we should leave you alone... so that you can relax.
Ma petite fille on est très bien chez toi mais je crois qu'on va te laisser pour que tu te reposes.
- I think we should leave now.
- Je crois qu'on devrait partir.
I think we should leave now.
Il vaut mieux que nous nous retirions.
I think we should leave.
On devrait s'en aller.
I think we should leave New Rochelle as soon as possible... and wait until all of this calms down.
On devrait quitter New Rochelle dès que possible et attendre que ça se calme.
I think we should leave.
Il vaut mieux partir.
I think we should leave.
On devrait partir.
My dear, I do not wish to alarm you but I think we should leave for Pondicherry Lodge at once.
Je ne veux pas vous alarmer, mais nous devrions partir pour Pondicherry Lodge sur-Ie-champ.
I think we should leave that up to the Supreme Court.
On devrait garder cette question pour la Cour suprême.
I think we should leave them behind tomorrow.
Continuons sans eux demain.
- I think we should leave now.
- Il est temps que nous partions.
- Gia, I think we should leave.
- Gia, il vaut mieux partir.
Oh, I-I think we should leave.
Nous ferions mieux de rentrer.
I think we should leave that poor bastard alone.
Si on lui lâchait la grappe?
- I think we should leave now.
- On ferait mieux de déguerpir.
I think we should leave.
- I think we should leave, Jake.
- On ferait mieux d'y aller.
- I think we should leave poor Dawson's room, don't you?
Nous devrions sortir de cette chambre.
I think we should leave tonight.
Je pense que nous devrions sortir ce soir.
I think we should leave.
On ferait mieux de filer.
- Memsahib I think we should leave.
Nous devrions partir.
We have to go sooner, the train will pass soon. Hey, but And these two? I do not think we should leave them well.
Il nous faut partir, le train va bientôt passer écoutez, mais, et ces deux?
I don't think we should leave until we hear what Mr. Chan has to say.
Nous ne devrions pas partir avant d'entendre M. Chan.
I think we should have a good talk before you leave. I have to take up a few things with these gentlemen.
Nous devons parler avant votre départ, mais j'ai plusieurs choses à régler.
Considering that we have been engaged since February the 22nd, and that I only met you today for the first time, I think it is rather hard that you should leave me... for so long a period as half an hour.
Comme nous sommes fiancés depuis le 22 février, et que je t'ai rencontré aujourd'hui pour la première fois, c'est dur de me laisser pour un temps aussi long.
I think under the circumstances that we should leave protocol to him.
Un employé à £ 20 et un grand banquier?
I don't think we should leave Piggy with the little ones.
Je ne pense pas que nous devrions laisser Piggy avec les petits.
Mother, I really think we should leave her alone.
Maman, nous devrions la laisser tranquille.
Mr. Spock, in the interest of efficiency, I don't think we should leave his body here.
En parlant d'efficacité, on ne devrait pas laisser son corps ici.
Well I don't want to say anything unpleasant, but I think that we should leave.
Alors, je voudrais pas dire des choses désagréables, mais je crois qu'il faut qu'on s'en aille, tu sais.
I think if we want to beat the crowds, we should leave.
M. le Maire, si on veut éviter la cohue, il faut partir.
I still think we should leave the city.
On devrait quitter la ville.
Starting fresh sounds good when you're in trouble but before we vote to pack up and leave I think we should ask why we're here.
Facile à dire quand on a des ennuis... mais avant qu'on vote sur un départ... pourquoi sommes-nous ici?
I think we should look in places where people are either trapped or too afraid to leave.
On devrait chercher des endroits où les gens sont enfermés, ou qu'ils ont peur de quitter.
I think we should leave.
- I think we should both leave, right now.
- Je pense qu'on devrait partir maintenant.
I think we should just leave the car and split.
Je crois qu'on ferait mieux de partir à pied.
She doesn't know yet, and I don't think she should... so let's just leave the car, and we'll go up to the heliport.
Elle ne sait pas encore. Laissons la voiture et allons à l'héliport.
I think we should just leave.
Je pense que nous devrions partir.
I just don't think we should leave them in there alone.
Ce n'est pas une bonne idée de les laisser seuls.
Yeah! I think we should leave, Jeanie.
Je pense que nous devrions partir.
I think I should tell you we may have to leave here very soon.
On va devoir partir très vite.
Tom's right. I think we should all leave the future to the future.
Nous devrions laisser l'avenir à l'avenir.
And I think that we should leave well enough alone.
Je pense qu'il ne faut rien changer.
You know, I think we should get to a phone leave a message with Table Rock cops that Rusty Nail's in the area.
Trouvons un téléphone. On appelle les flics et on signale que Clou Rouillé est dans le secteur.

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