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I thought i lost you translate French

531 parallel translation
I thought I lost you, but I never gave up hope.
Je pensais t'avoir perdue, mais je n'ai jamais perdu espoir.
I thought I lost you.
Je vous croyais perdu!
I need you. I thought I lost you.
J'ai besoin de toi.
- Excuse me. I thought I lost you.
- J'ai cru vous avoir perdu.
I thought I lost you. Don't scare me like that.
Je ne te voyais plus, j'ai eu peur.
- Old fool, I thought I'd lost you.
- Je croyais t'avoir perdu.
Hi folks. ─ Hello, Sue. I thought you'd got lost.
Vous vous êtes perdus en route?
1 thought I'd lost you.
Je croyais t'avoir perdue.
I thought I'd lost you!
Je croyais t'avoir perdu!
Confound it, I thought I'd lost you.
Diantre, je croyais vous avoir perdu.
Hello. I thought you got lost.
Tiens, je vous croyais perdu.
You probably thought I'd gotten lost.
Tu as dû me croire perdue.
Miss Julie, I thought we'd lost you.
J'ai cru que nous vous avions perdue.
I thought you were lost.
Je m'inquiétais.
I thought we'd lost you. I thought I'd never find you again.
Je croyais t'avoir perdue pour toujours.
Joe, I thought you were lost.
Je te croyais perdu.
I thought I'd lost you forever. I've never forgotten you.
Et même dans mes rêves, toujours, vous étiez là.
I suppose you had a quarrel, and she foolishly thought she had lost you.
Elle a cru vous perdre.
You see, I thought I had lost you.
Tu vois, je croyais que je t'avais perdue.
I... thought I'd lost you.
Je pensais t'avoir perdue.
I thought you were lost.
Je te croyais perdu.
David... I've been looking everywhere for you. I thought I'd lost you.
David, je t'ai cherché partout.
I liked your so slender a figure, The way you were lost in deep thought, Your laugh both pensive and eager
Je fus envoûté par ta fine silhouette, par ton air pensif, ton regard, tandis que ton rire triste et éclatant
I thought you were lost.
Je croyais que vous étiez perdus.
It all started back at that time when you thought I was lost, snowed in somewhere.
Ça a commencé le jour où tu as cru que je m'étais perdue.
Ivy, I thought I'd lost you forever.
Je croyais t'avoir perdue.
As a matter of fact, I thought I'd already lost you.
De plus, je croyais t'avoir déjà perdu.
I thought I'd lost you.
Je croyais t'avoir perdu!
Confound it, I thought you'd lost yourselves again.
Je vous croyais encore perdus.
But for a moment I thought I had lost you forever.
Une fois, je vous ai cru perdue à jamais...
And I thought I'd lost you to her.
Et je croyais vous avoir perdu.
- Kid looks great. - Thanks. When I lost him to you, I thought he was nothing.
Le Kid te doit tout.
I thought we lost you for good.
Je pensais que nous vous avions perdu.
i know i'm a lost cause, but i thought if you loved me it didn't really matter.
Je ne changerai pas, mais si tu m'aimes, ce n'est pas grave.
Oh, I thought you were lost.
Je croyais que tu étais perdue.
I thought you lost your grenade.
Je croyais que tu avais perdu ta grenade.
You're part of my life I thought I'd lost forever.
Tu es la partie de ma vie que je croyais perdue.
- I thought you'd got lost.
- J'ai cru que tu t'étais égarée.
- I thought I'd lost you in the woods.
Je croyais t'avoir perdu.
I thought you'd lost interest in me so I tried to make you feel as old as I felt.
Je pensais que je ne t'intéressais plus, alors du coup, je voulais que tu te sentes aussi vieux que moi.
I thought I told you to get lost.
Je pensais t'avoir dit de partir.
I'd given you up for lost when you didn't come back last night and I thought the guards must have caught you.
Comme vous n'êtes pas revenu cette nuit, j'ai cru qu'ils vous avaient attrapé!
I thought you'd lost the way.
Je croyais que tu avais perdu le chemin.
Sorry to interrupt your game, general but I thought you should know you lost a few pins off your chart.
Désolé de vous déranger, général... mais sachez que vous pouvez retirer quelques punaises de votre carte.
For a short, wonderful while, I thought I'd lost you.
J'espérais t'avoir perdu.
- I thought you might be lost.
- Je vous croyais égaré. - Moi?
Oh, my beautiful love, I thought I'd lost you.
Mon amour, je pensais vous avoir perdue.
I thought I'd lost you!
Je croyais vous avoir perdu!
Thought I lost you, mate.
J'ai cru que t'avais disparu, mec.
Please don't be angry. I suddenly thought of you and I lost control.
Ne te fâche pas, mais j'ai soudain pensé à toi, et j'ai perdu pied.
I thought we lost you.
Je croyais qu'on t'avait perdu.

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