If it works translate French
1,247 parallel translation
I'll go. If it works out, it'll mean some sort of living
Si tout va bien, on recommencera une nouvelle vie.
If it works... at least we'll be able to communicate with him.
Si ça marche... nous pourrons au moins communiquer avec lui.
( Quinn ) I'd save the compliments to see if it works.
Voyons si ça marche avant de me féliciter.
It's highly experimental, but if it works, it might buy her some time. No.
Si ça marche, elle vivra plus longtemps.
We try megadoses of chlorpheniramine maleate on someone and see if it works.
Il faut administrer des mégadoses de maléate de chlorophéniramine... à quelqu'un et voir si ça marche.
If it works, I don't care what you think she thinks.
Si elle guérit, je me fous de ce que vous pensez à son sujet.
How will you know if it works?
Saurez-vous si ça marche?
But you know what? If it works, the two of you gonna be heroes, just like me.
Mais si ça marche, vous serez des héros.
If it works... you'll lose your strength... and your ability to regenerate.
Si ça marche... tu perdras ta force, et ta capacité à te régénérer.
If it works.
Si ça marche.
We're seeing if it works in the...
On veut voir si elle fonctionne...
I can see why you're hurt, But if it works you won't have wasted your time.
Je comprends que vous soyez vexé, mais si ça marche, je vous aurai pas fait perdre votre temps
I don't know if it works.
Ca marche peut-être?
- Just to see if it works. - O.k., go on.
- Pour voir si ça marche.
If it works, I'll tell you.
Si ça marche, je vous le dirai. Soyez patient!
If it works out, - no more alimony.
Si ça marche, la pension tombe.
I suspect your friends are telling you to play it safe, so do that, if it works for you.
Tes amis doivent te conseiller la prudence. Ecoute-les, si ça te convient.
If it works, Molly will be home in a few hours.
Si ça marche, Molly sera là dans quelques heures.
Well, if it works for Sam's father, there must be other people in similar situations.
Si ça marche pour M. Carter, pensons aux autres personnes dans la même situation.
And if it works, I will be a legend. And you two will be a legend's helpers.
Je vais entrer dans la légende et vous aussi, comme comparses.
Did I not introduce you to the theory that it doesn't have to be perfect... -... let's just see if it works?
Ne vous avais-je pas dit, avant de fignoler, de voir si le vaisseau fonctionnait?
If it works, your stock at the Pentagon will go up along with mine.
Si elle réussit, votre cote au Pentagone grimpera, et la mienne aussi.
- Then how will we know if it works?
Comment savoir si ça marche?
I'll be happier to know if it works.
Je serais ravie de savoir si il fonctionne.
If it works, the bubble universe and everything in it will cease to exist.
Si ça marche, cet univers et tout ce qu'il contient cesseront d'exister.
Well, don't you wanna stay and see if it works?
Tu n'as pas envie de rester pour voir si ça marche?
See if it works. What do you think?
Maintenant, on va voir si elle marche.
Try it, and if it works, you tell me.
Essaye et si ça marche, tu m'en diras des nouvelles.
But if it works out, you'll be famous.
Mais si ça fonctionne, tu deviendras célèbre.
Hey, if it works.
Hé, ça marche.
Now, if this is your quaint local way of frightening off strangers, congratulations, it works. The stranger is frightened.
Si c'est votre... façon d'effrayer les étrangers, félicitations, ça marche.
It works. If food is the prose of a party, lights are its poetry.
Les mets la prose, et les lumières la poésie.
I don't think it works if we're somebody else.
Ça peut pas marcher.
If that works out, I take it to the next level after that.
Si ça marche, je passe au niveau suivant.
Now, if this works I'll be able to convince the local information stream that it's actually originating on Minbar streaming into Proxima and from there... Come on, override.
Si ça marche... je pourrai faire croire au réseau local... que j'émets en réalité de Minbar... depuis Proxima... et de là... transmets.
- But why change something if it already works?
A quoi bon changer quelque chose qui marche?
Now, if you don't come up with the 15 bills, you know how it works.
Si tu ne reviens pas avec les 15 plaques, tu sais ce qui t'attend.
Broots lives or dies on his own... until and if this matter's resolved. That's not how it works.
Ca ne marche pas comme ça.
It works if you get it in time.
Ça agit si c'est pris à temps.
Here's how it works. You ask me questions. I tell you if you're wrong.
Tu vas me poser des questions, et je te dirai si tu te trompes.
If life works out just a tiny bit in your favor, it can be beautiful, just beautiful.
Si la vie vous sourit, ne serait-ce qu'un tout petit peu... elle peut être belle, vraiment belle.
But normally it works if you keep the chat sexy.
Mais normalement ça marche si tu restes dans les allusions sexy.
If he talks about first love, it works?
Comment tu veux draguer en parlant de ton premier amour?
But it works if you give it a chance.
mais ca marche. Si vous acceptez de jouer le jeu.
Well, if you give typewriters to enough monkeys, they'll eventually compose all the works of Shakespeare. It's...
En donnant des machines à suffisamment de singes, ils finiront par taper toute l'œuvre de Shakespeare.
Agent Mulder, if I could control the weather don't you think I would make it rain? - That I would end this drought? - I don't think it works that way.
Dans ce cas, je ferais tomber la pluie pour mettre fin à la sécheresse, non?
That's if it works.
C'est-à-dire, si elle marche.
This only works if it comes from your heart.
Ça ne marche que si ça vient du coeur.
It works if you work it.
" Ca marche si on s'efforce.
This only works if we both believe it doesn't matter.
Ça marche si on n'y accorde pas d'importance.
Why don't you use it if it works?
- Utilise-le, s'il marche!
if it works out 16
if it's meant to be 16
if it wasn't for you 99
if it's not too much trouble 48
if it is 191
if it isn't 54
if it was 105
if it's any consolation 226
if it's a girl 43
if it wasn't 30
if it's meant to be 16
if it wasn't for you 99
if it's not too much trouble 48
if it is 191
if it isn't 54
if it was 105
if it's any consolation 226
if it's a girl 43
if it wasn't 30
if it were up to me 123
if it's the last thing i do 21
if it's okay with you 83
if it's all right 48
if it's a boy 49
if it's ok 18
if it's me 22
if it's not 54
if it helps 159
if it's all the same to you 77
if it's the last thing i do 21
if it's okay with you 83
if it's all right 48
if it's a boy 49
if it's ok 18
if it's me 22
if it's not 54
if it helps 159
if it's all the same to you 77