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Translate.vc / English → French / [ I ] / Is that okay with you

Is that okay with you translate French

281 parallel translation
Is that okay with you?
Vous êtes d'accord?
- Is that okay with you?
- Cela vous va?
Is that okay with you, Lieutenant?
Ça vous va, inspecteur?
- Is that okay with you?
- Est-ce que ça te va? - Oui.
Is that okay with you?
Est-ce que ça te convient?
Is that okay with you?
Tu es d'accord?
Is that okay with you?
- Cela vous convient?
Is that okay with you?
Ça vous convient?
Tomorrow at the Gelateria Fassi, at 10.00 o'clock, is that okay with you?
Demain, chez le glacier Fassi, à 10H, ça vous va?
Is that okay with you? 'Cause it's not okay with me.
Moi non!
- Is that okay with you?
Ça te va?
Is that okay with you?
Ça te va?
Is that okay with you?
OK? Ca te va?
Is that okay with you, Colonel?
Qu'en dites-vous, Colonel?
- Is that okay with you?
- Est ce d'accord?
Is that okay with you?
C'est permis?
Is that okay with you?
D'accord? On fait comme ça?
- Is that okay with you, Jeff? - Yeah.
- Ca vous va, Jeff?
Is that okay with you?
Et tu es d'accord?
- Is that okay with you?
- Tu n'as rien contre?
But you won't find out the "why?" if you do this 15 years of being curious would go to waste So is that okay with you?
Mais tu ne vas pas trouver le "pourquoi?" si tu fais ça 15 ans de curiosité perdues en vain Alors ça te va comme ça?
Is that okay with you, Mike?
C'est ok pour vous, Mike?
Is that okay with you?
Ça te convient?
The new guy will. Is that okay with you?
Le nouveau va le faire.
- Is that okay with you?
- Ça te convient?
Sure, is that okay with you?
Bien sûr. Ça vous pose un problème?
That's what the man said. Is it okay with you?
Oui... et vous me seconderez.
- That is, if it's okay with you, Sam.
- Si ça te va, Sam. - Bien sûr.
That is, if it's okay with you.
Enfin, si tu es d'accord.
Well, I just wanted to tell you that, but whatever you decide is okay with me.
Je voulais te prévenir, mais j'accepterai ta décision.
Is that okay with you all?
Ça ne vous ennuie pas?
Is that okay with you?
C'est long, une césarienne?
Look, the-the reason you're here and not the police... is that we, my wife and I, we believe that this might be somehow connected... - with the, uh, machinists union indictments. - Okay.
Si on s'est adressés à vous c'est parce que nous pensons que c'est peut-être lié à l'affaire du syndicat des mécanos.
Bret Strand just asked me out. Really? Is that okay with you, Quinn?
Un obstétricien avant-gardiste transforme ses résidus en œuvres d'art qu'on s'arrache.
I have to admit that I am a little surprised that you're okay with this considering it is our one month anniversary for whatever we are... or were... or are.
Je suis surprise que ça te suffise... vu que ça fait un mois qu'on est ce qu'on est... ou ce qu'on était ou ce qu'on est.
Stop. You understand that this is a vacation with my family, okay?
Tu comprends qu'il s'agit de vacances avec ma famille, hein?
- Is that okay with you?
- Ça te va?
- Thanks for that pep talk, Maria. Okay, there's no doubt that he is madly in love with you. - No.
- C'est encourageant, Maria.
A little more or less is okay because the way we'll know that's done cooking is by the texture of the rice so it doesn't matter what you start with.
Un peu plus ou un peu moins parce qu'on saura quand le riz est prêt par sa texture. Ce par quoi vous commencez n'a pas d'importance.
Hey, all I'm saying is that if you don't love her... just don't be with her, okay?
Hey, tout ce que je dis c'est que si tu ne l'aimes pas... ne soit juste pas avec elle, ok?
So, are you sure that everything is okay with you?
Tu es sûr que tout va bien?
And I speak from experience, with great authority here. Is that you really need to be aggressive, okay?
Et je parle en expert ici tu as vraiment besoin d'être agressif, OK?
Okay, you guys. What does it mean... when a guy is in a really bad relationship... and it's really obvious that he wants to be with you... but he just can't seem to break up with his girlfriend?
Qu'est-ce que ça signifie quand un mec n'est pas heureux dans son couple, quand c'est évident qu'il veut être avec vous, mais qu'il ne largue pas sa copine?
Is that okay with you? Yes.
Ça te va?
Is that okay with you?
Est-ce que ça vous va?
We'll shave you now and this is to make you pooh, if that's okay with you.
On va vous raser et ça, c'est pour faire caca, si ça vous gêne pas.
Okay, you come with me and you tell them that the house is haunted.
D'accord, tu viens avec moi et tu leur dis que la maison est hantée.
So I guess what I really wanted to know is... why you wouldn't go out with me. Okay, that's it.
Je m'en vais.
This is enough for one week, okay? So you keep those with you. If you're feeling overwhelmed, take one, but call me so that I can just monitor your reaction.
Ca suffit pour une semaine vous les gardez avec vous si vous vous sentez déprimé, prenez-en un mais appelez-moi, que je puisse monitorer vos réactions
My only job is to see that you're happy, that things are okay with you.
Mon travail consiste à veiller à ton bonheur.
All right, well, your sister is in the house, and I want you to go in that house and I want you to stay with her, okay?
Ta soeur est à la maison. Je veux que tu y ailles et que tu restes avec elle.

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