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Is there something wrong with you translate French

130 parallel translation
- Is there something wrong with you?
- Tu as un problème?
Is there something wrong with you, David?
Quelque chose ne va pas, David?
Lady, is there something wrong with you? I have never seen you in my life
Demoiselles, n'êtes-vous pas quelque peu dépravées?
Is there something wrong with you?
- Ca tourne pas rond chez toi?
Is there something wrong with you?
Est-ce que tu as un problème?
Is there something wrong with you?
Ca va pas chez vous?
Is there something wrong with you?
Quelque chose ne va pas?
When we landed, you said you needed a few days to get us space-worthy and is there something wrong with your bunk?
Quand on s'est posé, vous avez parlé de quelques jours... et y a un truc qui cloche avec votre couchette?
Is there something wrong with you?
Est-ce que je t'ai fait quelque chose de mal?
Son, is there something wrong with you?
Fiston, quelque chose cloche avec toi?
Is there something wrong with you, Mr. Spencer?
Quelque chose ne va pas, M. Spencer?
Is there something wrong with you?
Tu as un problème?
You can keep laying there, I've got the feeling something is wrong with him.
Vous pouvez rester tranquillement ici. Je suis sûre que quelque chose cloche chez lui.
But if the memory of that love is gonna make you unhappy all the rest of your life, there must have been something wrong with it.
Mais si le souvenir de cet amour obscurcit ta vie, C'est qu'il n'était pas bien.
You know what she is. There's something wrong with a woman like that.
Tu sais ce qu'elle est, elle a quelque chose de malsain.
But there's something wrong around here... whether Loy is playing hide-and-seek with you or not.
Mais quelque chose ne va pas ici, que Loy joue à cache-cache avec toi ou non.
As you can see, there is something seriously wrong with him.
Comme vous pouvez le voir, il ne va pas bien du tout.
If what you remember is different from the facts I'll assume the doctors are right, that there's something wrong with you.
Si votre récit diffère des faits... je vous reconnaîtrai malade, avec les médecins.
Bon sang, Carl, je te dis qu'Ike ne va pas bien.
Boy, if you don't like this bar... there is really something wrong with you.
Si t'aimes pas ce bar, c'est que tu tournes pas rond.
Do you think there is something wrong with my son?
Cuddles... trouves-tu que mon fils n'est pas normal?
You know, there is something very wrong with this whole place.
Il y a quelque chose qui ne va pas.
And then, when you fall in love with somebody... there is always something wrong with him.
Quand tu tombes amoureuse de quelqu'un... tu trouves toujours quelque chose qui cloche.
You can tell me right now. is there something wrong with that?
Dis-moi, il y a du mal à ça?
Am I mistaken, or is there something wrong with the two of you?
Je me trompe, ou vous avez un problème?
There is something so wrong with you.
T'as vraiment des problèmes.
- You mind if I ask you something? - Sure. Is there something wrong with my earrings or somethin'?
Vous aimez Washington, Mme Brock?
Je crois que cette tourte ne passe pas.
If you don't like sake, then there is something wrong with you.
Mais si son goût demeure mauvais, quelque chose en toi ne va pas.
What do you mean? Is there something wrong with Ross?
Tu ne le trouves pas bien, Ross?
What I want you to tell me... is whether there's something wrong with you.
A toi de me dire si tu as un problème.
Is there something inherently wrong with asking a woman you're involved with if she wants kids?
C'est mal de demander à la fille avec qui on sort si elle songe à faire des enfants?
And you two, you're always fighting. And the reason you get so upset is because you think there's something wrong with that.
Et vous deux, vous vous querellez sans cesse, et vous êtes vexés car vous pensez que c'est anormal.
- There is something wrong with you.
- Tu ne tournes pas rond.
There is something really wrong with you, jill.
T'as vraiment un problême, Jill.
You know, deep down, that there is something very wrong with this world, Leo.
Tu sais, au fond de toi, que quelque chose ne va pas dans ce monde, Léo.
There is something wrong. You're moving in with the wrong guy.
- Tu pars avec le mauvais type.
I mean... You can't handle that my kid is better at building blocks, so you tell me there's something wrong with him?
Tu ne supportes pas que Nathan soit meilleur aux briques que Jack, alors tu me dis qu'il va mal?
Oh, my god, there really is something wrong with you.
Oh, mon dieu, il y a vraiment quelque chose qui tourne pas rond chez toi.
There's nothing wrong with me, but the word is... There's something really wrong with you.
J'ai pas de problème, mais on dit que toi, t'en as un fameux!
Well, there is something wrong with you.
Eh ben, t'as un problème.
There is something very wrong with you people.
Il y a quelque chose d'étrange chez vous tous.
God, you know, there is something wrong in the world when Bambi's getting laid, And I can't get five minutes alone with Burke.
Bon sang, tu sais, il y a quelque chose qui ne va pas dans le monde quand Bambi va faire l'amour, et que je ne peux pas avoir cinq minutes seule avec Burke.
Well, you know what? There's something wrong with you. There is something wrong with everybody in here.
Il y a quelque chose qui tourne pas rond chez vous tous!
There is something seriously wrong with you.
Ça tourne vraiment pas rond chez toi.
All you have to do is convince them that there's something wrong with you.
T'as qu'à les convaincre que quelque chose ne va pas.
There is something really wrong with you.
Il y a quelque chose qui ne va vraiment pas chez toi.
There is something really wrong with you.
Il y a vraiment quelque chose qui ne tourne pas rond chez vous.
I'm telling you, there is something wrong with this guy.
Je vous le dis, quelque chose cloche chez ce type.
Don't you think that there is something wrong with that?
C'est ridicule, tu ne crois pas?
Like there is something wrong with shaving when your mother tells you not to or asking someone else to, in your case.
C'est comme se raser quand ta mère te l'interdit ou demander à quelqu'un d'autre.

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