It's not that difficult translate French
124 parallel translation
Yes, yes, and it's not difficult to guess, that Mohammed Khan persuaded the Emir to ask for it.
Il semble clair comme de l'eau de roche que Mohammed Khan a persuadé l'émir d'en faire la requête.
It's not difficult to understand that my father fell in love with her.
Ce n'est pas difficile de comprendre pourquoi mon père l'a aimée.
It's not that difficult to figure out.
Ce n'est pas difficile à comprendre, pourtant.
It's not that difficult.
Cela n'est pas si difficile que ça.
That's not difficult, I had the honor of writing it to you. Thénard...
- Je vous l'ai écrit.
Not that it's difficult to cause confusion at the office...
Ce qui est, certes, facile à provoquer.
But after what's happened, it's gonna be difficult to prove to him that we're not running an extermination camp out here.
Mais après tout ça, il va être difficile de lui prouver que nous ne sommes pas un camp d'extermination.
I don`t know, it`s not that difficult.
Oh! je sais pas, je crois que c'est pas, c'est pas tellement difficile, ce sont les...
When you`re good-looking, it`s not that difficult to.... You`re handsome.
Mais quand on a un bon physique, j'sais pas, moi, je crois que c'est pas difficile... de jouer la comédie.
Isn't it better that way, your bridle? It's not that difficult.
Elle est pas mieux comme ça, ta bride, c'est pourtant pas difficile.
Now, it's not very difficult, but this is where you gotta think. Your mind can't be on snatch. It's gotta be on grabbing that gutter.
C'est pas très compliqué, mais tu dois... te concentrer sur ta chute et t'accrocher à la gouttière.
It's not that difficult what she's asking!
oh c'est pas un dépressif ce Medore!
It's a difficult environment. I mean, our lives are tough enough as it is. I'm not looking for ways to get rid of the few things that provide relief and comfort.
Notre vie est assez difficile comme ça, pas question de renoncer à ce brin de confort!
The supreme commander wants to make it clear that while he's sure all scientists aren't part of the conspiracy it is still difficult to ascertain which of them may or may not be.
Le commandeur suprême ajoute... que s'il sait que tous... ne sontpas impliqués...
It's not that difficult.
C'était pourtant pas difficile.
That's not very clever, it will make things difficult for you.
Ce n'est pas très sage, ça va te compliquer la vie.
No, I only meant that it's difficult, as we get older, not to believe that the dead live again.
Je voulais juste dire qu'il est difficile en vieillissant... de ne pas croire que les morts revivent.
I ask for deer. It's not that difficult.
Je veux du chevreuil.
Oh, it's not that difficult.
Tirons-nous d'ici en vitesse.
It's really not that difficult.
Ce n'est pas très difficile.
No, it's nothing, it is not difficult to do all that and pretend, I suppose you would give me trouble anyway.
Mais non, ça fait rien, pas la peine de faire tant de manières et de faire semblant, je suppose que tu me pèserais autant si j'étais à ta place.
I tried every trick. I'm not trying to be difficult. It's just that this is very important to me.
Désolé d'être si exigeant, mais c'est très important.
It's not that difficult.
Ce n'est pas si compliqué.
It's not odd when you're new somewhere that it's difficult finding friends in the beginning.
Ce n'est pas étonnant, quand on vient d'ailleurs, qu'il soit difficile de se faire des amis, au début.
- Surely it's not that difficult?
C'est pas compliqué, putain. Ne serre pas trop!
It's not difficult to believe that he's fond of you.
Il est facile de croire que lui aussi vous aime.
I said it's not difficult to believe that he's fond of you.
Il est facile de croire que lui aussi vous aime.
It's not that difficult to understand, is it?
Ce n'est pas si dur à comprendre, si?
This will be difficult, but it's really important that you not say anything.
Surtout, ne dites rien.
You know what I want... it's not that difficult.
Tu sais ce que je veux.
it's not that difficult.
C'est pas si difficile.
It's not that difficult.
Ce n'est pas si difficile que ça.
No, not that it's difficult.
Non, ce n'est pas la difficulté.
- Yes, well, because it's always difficult to find someone who would wield that kind of power who would not become a dictator.
C'est reposant un homme qui fait les questions et les réponses Oui mais, c'est tout de même assez rare de trouver un être humain qui ayant autant de pouvoir ne se transforme pas en dictateur
It's important to note that it can be very difficult to be a reporter, and we're not here to make fun of our brethren, but- -
Il est important de comprendre qu'être journaliste est très difficile, et nous ne sommes pas ici pour nous moquer de nos confrères, mais...
You're so stupid that it's not difficult for you to be right.
Tu es tellement bête que c'est pas difficile d'avoir raison.
It's not that difficult.
Ce n'est pas si difficile. Encore.
It's not that difficult of a process.
Ce n'est pas très difficile.
I'm not a psychologist, I don't know. All I know is, once you get into it, there's an adrenaline, a stoke and that high is so addictive that once you have a taste of it it's very difficult to not want more.
Je ne suis pas psychologue mais quand on y est, on a une montée d'adrénaline si forte qu'une fois qu'on y a goûté, c'est difficile de s'arrêter.
- It's not that difficult.
- Ce n'est pas si difficile.
It's not difficult. Can you do that?
Tu pourras faire ça?
With a little hydrochloride, it's not that difficult to falsify a photograph.
Avec un peu de chlorhydrique, ce n'est pas difficile de falsifier une photo.
I find it very difficult not to report the dreadful incident that happened at your school.
Il me faut faire un gros effort pour ne pas rapporter l'odieux incident qui s'est déroulé dans votre école.
It's not that difficult to do when things get tough enough,
Ce n'est pas difficile à faire lorsque les choses deviennent dures.
It's not that difficult, believe me.
C'est pas si difficile, tu peux me croire.
I, he, he, he, eh, it's not that difficult.
Ce n'est pas si dur.
I know it's difficult, but just call me, all right? In an attempt to intensify pressure on the U.S. To withdraw its troops... the administration claims that it will not bow to any such pressure.
Essayant de faire pression pour un retrait des troupes américaines, l'administration assure qu'elle ne cédera pas à ces pressions.
- Actually, it's not that difficult at all. - Really? You just start with the siblings and count down even generations.
Tu commences par les enfants et descends les générations de même niveau.
It's not that difficult to understand.
C'est n'est pas dur à comprendre.
It's not really the math that's proving so difficult here.
Ce n'est pas vraiment les maths qui s'avère le plus difficile ici.
It's not that difficult.
Ce n'est pas si difficile.
it's not fair 795
it's not 5855
it's not bad 367
it's not your fault 1412
it's not that good 18
it's not funny 753
it's nothing 2788
it's nothing new 26
it's not mine 359
it's nothing i can't handle 24
it's not 5855
it's not bad 367
it's not your fault 1412
it's not that good 18
it's not funny 753
it's nothing 2788
it's nothing new 26
it's not mine 359
it's nothing i can't handle 24