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It's too hard translate French

759 parallel translation
It's too hard for me.
Inutile, c'est sans espoir...
Uh-uh, it's too hard.
C'est trop dur.
I know it's pretty tough to lose your sidekick but you're taking it too hard.
C'est dur de perdre son collègue, mais tu le prends trop sérieusement.
I tried to blow my horn but I'm afraid I must have pushed it too hard and now it's stuck.
J'ai voulu klaxonner, mais j'ai dû pousser trop fort et maintenant c'est coincé.
I like people too much to shoot, but it's a dark year and a hard night.
J'aime trop les gens pour tirer, mais c'est une année sombre, et une nuit difficile.
You've been working too hard and your mind's cracked under it.
Tu as perdu la tête.
Paul ain't able to do a hard day's work at the garage yet. Ed's been too swell as it is.
C'est du boulot trop dur pour lui... et Ed en a déjà fait beaucoup.
You know, you must realize It's hard for me to say things, too.
Comprenez, vous devez réaliser que c'est dur pour moi aussi de dire certaines choses.
- It's too hard on the feet. - Hi, fellas.
- Trop mal aux pieds.
It's too hard for me.
- C'est trop difficile.
But the worst of it is that it's been so hard for him to have me along... because I've made him that way, too.
Le pire, c'est que je l'ai gêné. A présent, il a peur aussi.
It's likely he's suffered a hallucination from working too hard.
Il a pu souffrir d'hallucinations par excès de travail.
It's too hard to tell you.
C'est difficile à dire.
It's a wonder Rita didn't slug you. She works too hard at being mean, Charlie.
Je me demande bien pourquoi Rita ne vous a pas giflé.
It's too hard to make the audience understand it.
C'est trop difficile à faire comprendre au public.
She might give you a hard time, but... it's too much responsibility for me, but I'll do my best.
Elle va peut-être vous en faire baver, mais... C'est trop de responsabilités pour moi, mais je ferai de mon mieux.
It's already too much, summer clothes are hard to sell.
C'est déjà beaucoup, les affaires d'été se vendent mal.
So she sat in the big chair, and it was too hard.
Elle s'assit dans la première, mais c'était trop dur...
Don't drive them too hard the whole time... See? It's Montgomery Cliff
C'est Montgomery Clift.
I guess it's not too hard on your money.
Ça ne fait pas trop de tort à ton argent.
It's hard on me, too. Believe that, please.
Ça l'est pour moi aussi, croyez-le.
Now you must understand though you feel strong as an ox, don't pull too hard the water reopened the crack and it's not solid up there. Don't worry, I'll do just right!
Cloche de l'église
It's too much like hard work for you
Allons bon! Je vous torture?
It wouldn't be too hard to learn this game of horseshoes.
Le jeu du fer a cheval peut s'apprendre!
Don't put it down too hard. It's probably sore.
Parce que les pieds vous font mal?
She said, "You work too hard," and it's true.
Elle dit que je travaille trop, c'est vrai!
It's my sworn duty to push too hard.
C'est mon devoir de charrier.
It's too hard work for revenge.
Le désir de vengeance ne suffit pas.
No matter how hard it must be for us, we've got to save him from all that. Before it's too late.
C'est dur pour nous, mais il faut le sauver de cela, avant qu'il soit trop tard.
It's just hard for me to smile too much with this head.
Non, mais j'ai du mal à sourire avec cette migraine.
Good looking woman too, it's hard on Aisgill. Is it true that they didn't find her till this morning?
Encore, si elle était morte sur le coup!
But it's no good if they're too hard-nosed.
Il ne faut pas être trop moderne.
It's hard on me too.
Je souffre.
You've been working much too hard lately. Yes, well, now the worst of it's over.
Voulez-vous dîner avec moi pour fêter l'événement?
You see, it's been hard on me too, harder than I thought.
Pour moi aussi, ç a été dur. Plus dur queje ne croyais.
C'est dur pour un docteur de dire la même chose.
I hope it's not too hard!
Ce n'est pas trop dur, non?
It's too hard to concentrate.
C'est trop dur pour se concentrer.
It's hard for me to believe too.
Pour moi également.
It's hard to tell - it's too dark.
STEVEN : Difficile à dire, il fait sombre.
I've looked a bit too hard and bang! That's how it happened.
- À force de regarder la Berthe, j'ai eu un regard de trop et crac!
It's too hard.
C'est trop difficile.
He's probably trying too hard I'll have a word with him Well, a word won't do it
- Je vais lui parler. - Ça ne suffira pas.
It's hard for you too, isn't it?
C'est dur pour toi, n'est-ce pas?
Listen, Ascyltus, it's too hard to go back to being friends.
Ecoute, Ascyltus, on ne peut pas redevenir amis.
That's hard, too, these days, but while there's still some clean air left, it'd be groovy to experiment with it like these guys who have been experimenting for at least 6,000 years and getting very high behind it.
Mais pendant qu'il en reste un peu ici, ce serait sympa de faire un essai, comme ceux qui pratiquent le yoga depuis 6000 ans et ont atteint les sommets.
It's just... it's just too hard to believe!
C'est si difficile à croire.
It's not too hard to see why.
Pas très dur de savoir pourquoi
I'm not trying too hard for the Hungarian accent... - but I think that's how it went.
Je n'ai pas un bon accent hongrois mais ça ira...
Oh, sir, I'm... I'm not too deeply into the case yet, uh, so it's hard for me to say, but, uh, you know, so far,
Et bien, je commence tout juste l'enquête, je ne peux pas dire grand-chose.
It's hard for me too.
C'est dur pour moi aussi.

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