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Kick him translate French

1,079 parallel translation
After that, my advice is you kick him out of Castelrosso.
Après ça, je vous conseille de le virer de Castelrosso.
I'll use him and kick him out.
Je l'utiliserai et le renverrai.
- If I see him I'll kick him in the ass.
Si je le vois, je lui botterai les fesses! Je le lui dirai.
I'll kick him out of this house! Stop your father!
Je vais le ficher dehors à coups de canne.
Tomorrow I'll kick him the hell out of the laboratory!
Je le chasserai demain au diable du laboratoire!
Kick him. Keep on kicking him. That's the only way I kept him in his place.
A coups de pieds, c'est comme ça que je l'ai gardé.
Why didn't you kick him out of Person City?
Pourquoi vous ne l'avez pas chassé?
Kick him! Kick him!
Victor! Victor, show him! Kick him now!
Victor, vas-y, frappe-le.
Kick him!
Escort the gentleman gently to the deck. Then kick him down the gangplank.
Raccompagne gentiment le monsieur jusqu'au pont et fous-le dehors à coups de pied.
Just kick him if he offends you.
Frappe-le s'il t'offense.
If you wanna hit one of them, kick him. Never touch him with your hand.
Donne-leur des coups de pied, jamais de coups de poing.
Kick him out if you want to.
Mettez-le dehors, si vous voulez.
Dudu, kick him out!
Dudu, sorts-les!
Kick him back a buck!
Kick him out, Abel. Or do I have to do it?
Jette-le dehors Able, ou je dois m'en charger?
- We should kick him out once and for all.
On devrait le chasser.
All of you said so. We didn't say kick him out.
On n'a pas dit de le virer.
If we see Jihei, let's kick him.
Si nous voyons Jihei, nous ne le raterons pas.
When I kick him out, blast them.
Quand je le pousserai, tirez!
Kick him in the balls!
II lui écraserait les burnes!
We're going to hold on to him by the nose and kick him in the ass.
On va les tenir par le nez et leur botter le cul.
- Kick him out then.
- Vire-le alors.
I'll kick him out in the street like a dog!
Je vais le jeter à la rue comme un chien!
When the bear comes up to take a pea... you kick him in the ice hole.
Et quand l'ours vient pour les petits pois... tu le pousses dans le trou.
- Come on, get him. Kick him!
- Allez, frappe-le!
If we pick this tree half off him, he'll kick himself to death.
Sinon, il se blessera à mort.
Wait till he hands in his copy, then tell him his prayer stinks, and kick him down the stairs.
Laisse-le te rendre son article, dis-lui que sa prière est nulle et jette-le dehors.
To the first one who dares to say that resembles to me... I'll kick to him with this foot.
Le premier qui dit que je lui ressemble...
You should kick him.
Fallait lui botter le cul.
Listen here. If anyone else in this rabble tries to kick up a fuss, haul him in.
Monji, si d'autres paysans se révoltent, coffre-les sur le champ.
Or I'll give him a kick in the stomach.
Ou je lui mets un coup de pied dans le ventre.
Yes. I suppose it gave him a kick.
Oui, je pense que ça lui faisait plaisir.
Just so I am sure, make him kick Dr. Bellows.
Juste pour être sûre, qu'il donne un coup de pied au Dr Bellows.
This morning, I thought I felt him kick.
Ce matin, il a bougé.
She brings this bloke home and introduces him to the kids as Uncle Bill. - Your kids'd get a kick out of him.
Bref, si elle dit aux gosses que, le gars, c'est leur oncle Bill, ça leur plaira.
You kick a cheat out of town, not lynch him.
Un tricheur, on le met dehors, on ne le lynche pas.
I get a big kick out of him.
Il me plaît!
Gee, I get a kick out of him.
Ce type fait ma joie.
We don't hang nobody. I hope someday these people kick him and the rest of that scum like him...
J'espére que les gens d'ici le pousseront dans la tombe.
But when you're standing there, looking at something that's your life, and everything you've got is invested in that thing, and you love that thing better than anything in the world, and you see a guy kick it, you know who he is. You're gonna get him. And you know what?
Mais quand vous avez une chose qui est toute votre vie, dans laquelle vous avez tout investi, que vous aimez plus que tout au monde, et qu'un type démolit cette chose, vous voulez sa peau.
We're going to kick the hell out of him all the time... and we're going to go through him like crap through a goose!
Vous n'allez jamais les lâcher. On va leur passer au travers comme un couteau dans du beurre.
Give him 100 and a kick in the ass.
Disons 100 et dis-lui de dégager.
You stick him in the clink, he's liable to kick off.
Le cadre.
Stay in defence, don't let him kick!
Reste en défense, ne le laisse pas shooter!
Riley tried to fuck me... so I had to kick the shit out of him, you know?
Riley a voulu me baiser. Je lui ai pété la gueule.
Each person should kick and... strike him.
Tout le monde devrait lui donner un coup et... Le frapper.
After Ronnie's long kick to Tommy, you cover him.
Après Ie long dégagement de Ronnie sur Tommy, tu pars dans Ies duels.
During this girl's examination, if this thesis is interrupted again, I personally will make an example of him, take him by the neck, and kick his ass!
Pendant l'examen de cette fille si sa thèse est encore interrompue J'attrape le cou de quelqu'un et je lui botte le cul!
... I'm going to kick him out, it doesn't matter to me... Romolo, the kids are here!
Les gars sont là!

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