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Translate.vc / English → French / [ L ] / Let's get back to work

Let's get back to work translate French

318 parallel translation
All right, let's get back to work. Let's get back to work.
Ok Allons retourner bosser Allons y!
Let's get back to work!
Allons, au travail!
Let's get back to this campaign. I've got some work to do here.
Revenons-en à la campagne.
- All right, boys, let's get back to work.
Au travail!
On every field problem, your boys get the 3rd Battalion to lay miles of wire and then they just sit back and tap the lines let the other guys do the work.
Ils s'arrangent pour que le 3ême Bataillon pose les lignes... alors ils accaparent ces lignes... et laissent les autres travailler.
Quickly, let's get back to work.
Remettons-nous vite au travail!
Well, let's get back to work, and maybe we will be soon.
Bien, retournons travailler, Et peut-être nous saurons bientôt.
Let's get back to work.
Retournons a nos moutons.
Let's get back to work.
Au travail!
Let's get back to work.
Retournons au travail.
Let's get back to our work now.
Reprenons notre travail.
All right, boys, let's get back to work, shall we?
Allez, tout le monde au travail!
In the meanwhile, let's get back to work.
En attendant, au boulot.
Okay, let's get back to work.
Bien, remettons-nous au travail.
Let's call this whole thing off and get back to work.
Arrêtons tout et reprenons le travail.
Let's get back to work, guys.
Bon, au boulot, les gars.
Let's get back to work.
Remettons-nous au travail.
Let's get back to work!
Au boulot.
Let's get back to work. - We can do that in five minutes.
Remettez-vous au travail.
Let's get back to work here.
Retournons aux choses sérieuses.
Now let's get back to work.
Bon, eh bien, au travail.
Let's get back to work.
Au travail maintenant.
Let's get back to work, huh?
- Au travail, non?
Let's get back to work.
Retournez au boulot.
Let's get back to work.
On retourne au boulot.
Come on, let's get back to work here.
Allez, on se remet au travail.
Let's go, get back to work.
On y va.
Let's get ready, let's get concentrated, let's get back to work. Right?
Dans 10 mn, on reprend du début et on continuera toute la nuit.
Let's get back to work.
On doit y aller.
Let's get back to work, all right?
Allez, on se met au travail, d'accord?
OK, let's get back to work.Josh You almost through with that Mustang?
Au boulot! Josh, t'as fini avec la Mustang?
Let's get back to work. Pick up those bricks.
- Ramassez ces briques.
Let's get back to work.
Au boulot.
Well, let's get back to work.
Passons à la suite de notre mission.
Let's get back to work.
Reprenons le travail.
- Let's get back to work.
- Reprenons notre travail.
Let's all get back to work now.
Retournez tous au travail maintenant.
Let's get back to work!
Reprenons la préparation!
Okay, let's get back to work.
Bon, au travail!
I don't want to bore you, so let's get back to work.
Mais je veux pas t'ennuyer. Au boulot.
Hey, let's get back to work!
Reprenez votre travail!
You heard the man. Okay, you dock rats, let's get back to work! You twisted the intent of that order, and you won't get away with it!
Vous avez entendu. D'accord, les gars, on se remet au boulot! Vous avez détourné le décret, ça ne se passera pas comme ça! Mlle Connally l'a très bien dit l'autre jour : allez vous faire voir! Je vous ai sous-estimé.
Okey-doke, let's get back to work.
OK, d'accord, on se remet au boulot.
Let's get back to work!
Reprenons le boulot!
let's get out of here. i got to get back to work in 40 minutes.
Allez, allons-y, je dois retourner au boulot dans quarante minutes...
Let's get back to work.
- Reprenons le travail.
All right, everyone, let's get back to work.
A vous de choisir.
Sit down. Let's get back to work.
Assieds-toi, on a du boulot.
Now, let's get back to work.
Fais de beaux rêves.
Nerys, let's let Benyan get back to work.
Nerys, laissons Benyan se remettre au travail.
So let's get back to work.
Remettons-nous au travail.

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