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Translate.vc / English → French / [ L ] / Let me think about it

Let me think about it translate French

422 parallel translation
Let me think about it.
Laisse-moi réfléchir.
Let me think about it. I'll come in to help you think.
- Et si j'entrais pour t'aider à réfléchir?
- Let me think about it. - Come on, how about going somewhere else?
- Je vais y réfléchir.
Let me think about it a little while.
Laissez-moi y réfléchir un peu.
let me think about it.
Je vais y réfléchir.
Just let me think about it.
Laisse-moi juste y réfléchir.
Let me think about it.
- Je vais voir ça.
- Well, let me think about it.
- Je vais y réfléchir.
Let me think about it, will you?
- Je vais y réfléchir.
Let me think about it,
Laisse moi y réfléchir.
- I don't know, let me think about it.
- Quel autre moyen? - Je vais réfléchir.
Let me think about it.
Laissez-moi y penser.
Give me some time, let me think about it.
Donne-moi un peu de temps, je dois y penser.
Let me think about it.
Je vais y réfléchir.
- Let me think about it.
- Laisse moi réfléchir.
Let me think about it. I've got to know this weekend.
Ça, ça n'était rien du tout.
But let me think about it a bit. And I'll call you as soon as possible.
Je vais y penser, et je vous appelle au plus vite.
Let me think about it.
- J'y refléchirai.
Well, Nancy, let me think about it. Yes.
Je vais y réfléchir.
- Let me think about it.
- Laisse-moi réfléchir.
Well, let me think about it.
Écoute, j'y réfléchirai.
Let me think about it.
Laisse-moi y réfléchir.
- Let me think about it.
- Laisse moi voir clair a ce sujet. - OK.
Let me think about it
Je vais y penser.
Nam, let me think about it.
Je vais y songer.
Well, let me think about it.
- Hé bien, je vais réfléchir.
Let me think about it
Que ce soit clair.
I'm Not Going To Think About This. Let Me Think About It This Weekend, And I'll Get Back To You Monday.
Écoutez, laissez-moi y réfléchir ce week-end, je vous donne une réponse lundi.
I mean, maybe if he backed off and let me come to him, maybe I would think about it.
Peut-être que s'il s'était éloigné et m'avait laissé venir à lui, peut-être que j'y aurais pensé.
Please, let me have a think about it until tomorrow.
S'il vous plaît, laissez-moi réfléchir jusqu'à demain.
But you know that's the way he does feel about it. Yes. Do you think that I'd be much of a man if I let another man dictate my own way of life?
Suis-je encore un homme si je me laisse dicter ma façon de vivre?
Pres, I haven't let myself even think about it.
Je ne me suis jamais autorisée à y penser.
And if you think of makin'me an handsome reward for savin'your life, why, Let's not talk about it.
Et si vous pensez me récompenser pour vous avoir sauvé la vie... n'en parlons pas.
- Let me tell you what I think about it.
Laisse-moi te dire ce que j'en pense.
You can think about it for a couple of days and let me know.
Tu peux y réfléchir pendant quelques jours, et laisse-moi savoir.
- Don't you think it's about time... you let me in on this jolly little secret?
- Henry, ne serait-ce pas le moment de m'expliquez quel est ce secret?
- Let me think about it.
- Je vais y réfléchir.
That's exactly why I'm going to ask you to let me have Forty-eight hours to think about it.
C'est la raison pour laquelle je vous demanderais 48 heures de réflexion.
Think about it and let me know.
Réfléchissez et prévenez-moi.
I just told him to let me think about it. You should have told him that the answer was definitely "No"!
Arrêtez, maintenant.
Listen, think about it and then let me know.
Écoute, réfléchis et ensuite fais moi savoir.
Please think about it and let me know.
Pensez-y, et tenez-moi au courant.
- All right, you think about it and let me know tonight.
- Très bien. Pensez-y et appelez-moi ce soir.
- Yeah, what's so marvelous about it? - Now, let me think...
- Qu'y a-t-il de si merveilleux?
Think about it! If you change your mind let me know
Réfléchis, et si tu changes d'avis, dis-le-moi.
Yeah, well, while you think about it, let me talk to your friend there.
Pendant ce temps-là, passez-moi donc votre ami.
You could think about it and let me know later.
Réfléchissez et dites-moi.
I mean, you know, let's face it. I mean, there's a whole enormous world out there that I just don't ever think about. I certainly don't take responsibility for how I've lived in that world.
Il y a autour de moi un univers énorme que j'ignore et je ne me sens pas coupable de vivre à ma guise.
Let me bounce it off you. Look at the script, page 96. I can't think about it.
Je veux te faire tâter ca. Pages 96 à 98...
"What do you say? Think about it and let me know."
Réfléchis bien et dis-moi si tu m'attendras. "
Let me think about it.
Je réfléchis.

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