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Translate.vc / English → French / [ M ] / Make the most of it

Make the most of it translate French

406 parallel translation
So make the most of it, you weasels!
Alors, profitez-en, les fouines!
Make the most of it today.
Profitez-en bien aujourd'hui.
Let's make the most of it.
II faut en profiter.
But this will be your last, so make the most of it.
Ce sera la dernière, profitez-en.
- Make the most of it.
- Profitez-en.
So we'd better make the most of it.
Donc, nous ferions mieux de partir.
Make the most of it because I'm leaving.
- Profites-en parce que je pars.
We have to make the most of it now!
II faut en profiter maintenant!
- Make the most of it.
- Profitez-en bien.
We haven't had an accident in this town since 1908 and Joe will want to make the most of it.
Cette ville n'a pas connu d'accident depuis 1908. Joe va en faire tout un plat.
We've got that chance, let's make the most of it.
Il faut saisir l'occasion au maximum.
If you like it here, you should make the most of it.
Si ça vous plaît, faut pas vous gêner.
You're alive and you better make the most of it.
Vous vivez, profitez-en!
And we guys make the most of it.
Vous nous blâmez?
That's why one should make the most of it.
C'est pourquoi il faut en profiter.
He's sure been a thorn in your side. And trust Sieber to make the most of it.
C'est ta bête noire, et Sieber saura en profiter.
Make the most of it. You're on the assembly line of success.
Vous êtes au bord de la réussite!
This is open range and I'm going to make the most of it while it last.
Les prés sont libres et je veux en profiter.
Well, make the most of it.
Let's make the most of it.
So whether you make them pay or not, they're going to make the most of it.
Que tu les fasses payer ou non, ils vont s'en donner à cœur-joie.
We've got to make the most of it.
Nous devons en tirer le meilleur.
C'est un petit talent, mais je dois l'exploiter.
Well, we must make the most of it.
Profitons-en au maximum.
I make the most of it.
J'en profite.
OK, be amazed. And make the most of it.
- Eh bien, étonnez-vous et profitez-en.
Best make the most of it.
On ferait mieux d'en profiter.
- Well, let's make the most of it.
- Eh bien, profitons-en.
You're just going to have to make the most of it.
Tu vas devoir faire de ton mieux avec ça.
And as long as we gotta stay, we may as well make the most of it.
Et puisque nous devons rester là, autant en tirer profit.
The die is cast, Thomas, make the most of it.
L'affaire est dans le sac, Thomas, pour l'essentiel.
Let's seek out our unhappiness and make the most of it.
Recherchons le malheur et délectons-nous-y.
Hey, instead of boasting, Play and make the most of it.
Cordéon! Cordéon! Joue!
If this be treason, make the most of it.
Si c'est de la trahison, j'en ferai le meilleur.
- Minnie, we've been respectable for years. Now we're in disgrace, we might as well make the most of it.
Puisqu'on est déshonorées, autant en profiter.
You could have all the boys at your feet. Make the most of it!
Tu peux avoir tous les garçons à tes pieds.
And I intend to make the most of it.
Et on va en profiter.
Let's hope you make the most of it, my boy.
Tâchez d'en tirer le meilleur parti.
Make the most of it.
Alors, profitez-en.
Might as well make the most of it and do a story
Aussi bien en profiter pour faire un reportage.
You better make the most of it.
Go ahead. Make the most of it.
Allez-y et profitez-en.
Further, and of most importance... it was his wish to will this son's life into the service of our king... confident that he will make a fitting and honorable place for himself in such service.
De plus, et de plus grande importance, il désirait que la vie de son fils soit au service de notre roi, convaincu qu'il se fera une place honorable dans un tel service.
You're a professor, and it's hard to make you understand anything that ain't in a book. Well, most of what goes on in the world ain't in a book.
Vous êtes professeur et ne comprenez que ce qui est dans les livres, mais la plupart des choses de ce monde ne le sont pas.
Make the most of it.
Celle de la veine.
And you're cold sober. Well, you'd better make the most of it.
Et sobre, en plus!
Most of all, they make it possible for my daughter... to go to the right places and not be ashamed of me- - that is, too ashamed of me.
Je les porte pour que ma fille... n'ait pas honte de moi! Du moins, pas trop.
I'm gonna embark on one of the most difficult jobs in my career wonderful, let me have exclusive rights on it it'll make a terrific story no I could'nt, its personal
Je vais me lancer dans l'une des plus difficiles missions de toute ma carrière. Merveilleux, j'espère que j'en aurai l'exclusivité. J'en ferai un reportage formidable.
Go out there and make the most of it.
- profitez-en au maximum.
Didn't you want to make a castle of it? Most of the work has been done.
si, c'est ma maison de campagne mais, vous m'aviez dit que vous vouliez en faire un château, vous voyez que le plus gros est fait!
It's the time to make the most money. But most of the Chaya are out of women.
La plupart des maisons de thé n'ont plus de femmes.

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