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Meditating translate French

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Completely broke. Meditating on the Ingratitude of humanity.
Complètement fauché, il médite sur l'ingratitude de l'humanité.
I was meditating.
Je méditais.
And I won't have you meditating neither.
Je ne veux pas non plus de tes méditations.
Well, if you're lucky, you might get off with, now, let me see a couple of years, which you will spend in Holloway prison meditating on the folly of transmuting melodrama into real life.
Tu t'en tireras, si tu as de la chance, avec 2 ans. Tu iras en prison, méditer sur ce qui sépare le théâtre de la vie.
Men meditating under holy trees... offering prayers to the sun.
Des hommes méditant sous des arbres sacrés... ou faisant des offrandes au soleil.
river people and village people - howjute workers cooled off in the river after a hard day... and men washed their clothes - about old men warming themselves in the sun... children swimming, splashing in the water... and others wondering and meditating... learning the wisdom of India on the banks of the river.
Ceux du fleuve et ceux du village. Les travailleurs se rafraîchissant... ou lavant leurs vêtements. Les vieux se chauffant au soleil.
I've been meditating on just that.
J'ai beaucoup pensé à cela.
Is he meditating this morning?
Ne me dite pas ça!
What are you meditating on?
A quoi penses-tu?
He's meditating.
Il médite.
At Ham Sweet Ham, the legion leader, Caius Bonus, was meditating.
A Petibonum, dans la tente de Caius Bonus, très absorbé...
Where is everyone? They're all in chambers, meditating.
Ils sont tous dans des chambres, ils méditent.
Here they served the Lord, praying and meditating.
Oui. lls vivaient ici dans la prière et la méditation.
Back at the creek, were you meditating again?
Vous méditiez sur la berge?
He's been in there three months already, meditating.
Ça fait déjà trois mois qu'il est là-dedans en train de méditer.
Vincenzo would do some serious meditating on having me fired.
Vincenzo would do some serious meditating on having me fired.
Is she meditating?
En retraite?
No further information through yet, sir. But I have been meditating. Whenever possible.
Je n'ai pas reçu d'information, monsieur, mais je médite quand c'est possible.
The Grand Master is meditating at this time Don't make any sound
Le grand maître est occupé à méditer, ne fais pas de bruit.
No further information through as yet, sir. Though I am meditating whenever possible.
Rien de neuf à ce sujet, mais je continue à méditer.
Now, he's meditating.
Il médite.
- He's in the bedroom and he's meditating.
- Sam est en train de méditer.
Started meditating, right away.
La méditation l'a fait disparaître.
Why are you meditating here?
Pourquoi méditez-vous ici?
I was like meditating
un peu comme si je méditais.
I thought you were meditating.
Je pensais que vous méditiez.
I am meditating. Can't you see?
Tu ne vois pas que je médite?
If you think about this Koan day and night if you concentrate on meditating you will understand and come to Enlightenment.
Si tu penses à ce Kôan jour et nuit, si tu concentres ton esprit pour méditer, tu comprendras et parviendras à l'illumination.
He'll be meditating.
Il doit être en train de méditer...
He's meditating.
Il doit méditer.
No. He's meditating.
Non, il médite.
Why don't you try meditating?
Essaie la méditation.
Well, this is like meditating.
C ´ est comme méditer.
I was meditating and suddenly lost consciousness.
Je méditais lorsque j'ai perdu connaissance sans raison.
Strawberry leaves the box meditating what will make Fernandez in the next launching.
Et Strawberry se demande ce que Fernandez va lui servir au prochain lancer.
They were not praying. They were meditating.
Ils ne prient pas, ils méditent.
He is not lulling on a lewd love-bed, but meditating..... with two deep divines, praying to enrich his watchful soul.
Il médite avec deux théologiens et prie pour enrichir son âme.
I've been meditating on the pleasure, which a pair of fine eyes in the face of a pretty woman can bestow.
Je méditais sur le plaisir que peuvent donner 2 beaux yeux fins dans le visage d'une femme.
- Shush, I'm meditating.
Je médite, chérie. Tais-toi.
The ritual of the meal was concluded some moments before you began... meditating.
Le rituel du repas était terminé bien avant que vous ne commenciez à... méditer.
So we listened to his lectures and we started meditating
On a écouté ses conférences et on a commencé á méditer
We were meditating a lot
On méditait beaucoup
I was meditating.
J'étais en train de méditer.
The doctor is meditating in his chambers, and I will get him for you while you fill out these forms.
Le docteur est-il là? Il médite dans son cabinet. Je vais le chercher pendant que vous remplissez ces formulaires.
Perhaps Mr. Adams is meditating on his response.
Peut-être que M. Adams médite sa réponse.
[Sighing] Well, one time I got sent to bed without meditating... but that's just'cause I threw a piece of plastic on a compost heap.
Une fois, ils m'ont envoyée au lit sans méditation... mais c'est juste parce que j'ai jeté du plastique sur un tas de compost.
I didn't really do anything. I was in the Bajoran shrine meditating and he burst in, stark-naked, fell to his knees crying out to the Prophets for protection.
J'étais dans le sanctuaire bajoran quand il est entré nu comme un ver et est tombé à genoux, suppliant les Prophètes.
I'm meditating.
- Chut. Je suis en train de méditer.
- I'm meditating.
- Je médite.
What are you doing, meditating?
Maybe it's too much meditating. Honey, I think it's an allergy.
Je suis convaincue que c'est une allergie.

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