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Translate.vc / English → French / [ M ] / Mrs wilson

Mrs wilson translate French

204 parallel translation
And, uh, if I should ever be blessed with little Wilsons, I should expect Mrs Wilson to keep matches away from them.
Et si le ciel veut me donner... des petits Wilson, j'espère que...
I think that's the least Mr Wilson could expect from Mrs Wilson.
Je crois que c'est le moins que... M. Wilson peut attendre de Mme Wilson.
Goodnight, Mrs Wilson. - Goodnight.
Bonne nuit, Mme Wilson.
Hello, Mrs Wilson. Good to see you.
Mme Wilson, ravi de vous voir.
Miss Wilson, Mrs Smith would like to see you.
Mme Smith voudrait vous voir.
Mrs. Wilson would like to see you for just a moment.
Mme Wilson aimerait vous voir un instant.
Mrs. Wilson.
Mme Wilson est là.
- Good morning, Mrs. Wilson.
- Mme Wilson.
Can I help you, Mrs. Wilson?
Puis-je vous aider, Mme Wilson?
Mrs. Wilson would like to look at some nightgowns.
Mme Wilson aimerait voir les chemises de nuit.
This is the model you usually buy, Mrs. Wilson.
Voici le modèle que vous achetez en général, Mme Wilson.
Gentlemen, Mrs. Wilson is right.
Messieurs, Mme Wilson a raison.
Mrs. Wilson, I forgot to tell you...
Mme Wilson, j'ai oublié de vous dire...
All right, Mrs. Wilson.
- D'accord, Mme Wilson.
But you see, if Mrs Maile hadrt sent me to the chemist's shop for Pear Tree's liniment, I might never have met Mr Wilson, the chemist.
Si Mme Maile ne m'avait pas envoyée à la pharmacie... je n'aurais pas rencontré M. Wilson, le pharmacien.
You see, it's not only Mrs Wilsors birthday, but things have sort of been happening. - Why, Cluny!
C'est l'anniversaire de Mme Wilson et, en plus, il s'est passé des choses.
Mrs Wilson... ( CLEARS THROAT )
Mme Wilson...
So, if everything turns out all right, I might still be Mrs Jonathan Wilson. That is, if I don't behave foolishly again.
Alors, si tout va bien, je pourrai encore devenir Mme Jonathan Wilson, c'est-à-dire si je ne fais pas d'autres bêtises.
Mrs. Wilson will be coming back soon.
Mme Wilson sera bientôt de retour.
Mrs. Wilson.
Mme Wilson.
If Mrs. Wilson were here, she'd yank it out for you.
Si Mme Wilson était là, elle la retirerait pour toi.
Good evening, Mrs. Wilson.
Bonsoir, Mme Wilson.
- Uh, Mrs. Wilson?
- Mme Wilson? - Oui?
Tonight, Mrs. Wilson, you'll have an opportunity to renew that romance.
Ce soir, Mme Wilson, vous en referez la connaissance.
Take it in the kitchen, Mrs. Wilson.
Apportez-le dans la cuisine. Je vais leur ouvrir.
Uh, Mrs. Wilson, champagne.
Mme Wilson, le champagne.
Hello, Mrs. Wilson.
- Bonsoir, Mme Wilson.
It's all right, Mrs. Wilson.
C'est bon, Mme Wilson.
Oh, Mrs. Wilson.
Mme Wilson.
Wonderful Mrs. Wilson.
La merveilleuse Mme Wilson.
Mrs. Wilson, please serve the guests. Don't lecture them.
Mme Wilson, veuillez servir les invités au lieu de leur faire la leçon.
That's all right, Mrs. Wilson.
- Laissez ça, Mme Wilson.
Thank you, Mrs. Wilson.
- Merci, Mme Wilson.
Mrs. Wilson's still here.
Mme Wilson est encore là.
Uh... Is that you, Mrs. Wilson?
C'est vous, Mme Wilson?
Then maybe Mrs. Wilson forgot something.
Peut-être que Mme Wilson a oublié quelque chose.
I was just going to open the chest for Mrs. Wilson when you came over, Brandon.
J'allais ouvrir le coffre pour Mme Wilson quand tu es arrivé, Brandon.
Well, this way she'll.. When she says she's Mrs Pete Wilson, people will know what she means.
Quand elle dira qu'elle est Mme Wilson, on saura qui je suis.
This is Mrs Pete Wilson calling.
Ici, Mme Pete Wilson. Les garçons sont couchés?
- Wilson, this is his sister, Mrs. Simmons.
- Lui demander? - C'est sa sœur, Mme Simmons.
Mrs. Wilson, is Mr. Wilson around?
M. Wilson est là?
Are you sure, Mrs. Wilson? My father said he saw him just this morning.
Mon père m'a dit qu'il l'avait vu ce matin!
Mrs. Wilson, Kathy's gone. Gone?
Mme Wilson, Kathy a disparu.
It's the truth, honest, Mrs. Wilson!
C'est vrai!
- I'm sorry, Mrs. Wilson.
Mrs. Wilson! Your house is on fire!
Mme Wilson, il y a le feu chez vous!
By the way, does Mrs. Van Dorn know about Mr. Adams and Mr. Wilson and Miss Wallace?
Connaît-elle Adams, Wilson et Mlle Wallace?
We're proud to announce, the proceeds for tonight's fight goes for the Crippled Children's Fund, sponsored by our city's leading benefactor, Mrs. Wilson Harding.
Nous sommes fiers d'annoncer que ce soir... le bénéfice du combat ira aux enfants infirmes... grâce à la générosité d'une donatrice : Mme Wilson Harding.
- Mrs. Wilson?
- Mme Wilson?
- Yes, this is Mrs. Wilson.
- Oui, c'est Mme Wilson.

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