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Rath translate French

161 parallel translation
Prof. RATH - "Raté"!
You are mistaken, madame! I am Immanuel Rath... professor at the local college!
Vous vous trompez Mlle, je suis Emmanuel Rath... professeur au lycée de la ville.
Doctor Immanuel Rath!
Au lycée. Emmanuel Rath.
Dr. Immanuel Rath,
M. Emmanuel Rath.
There will be a big announcement.
Belle publicité : le Professeur Emmanuel Rath!
Of course, I am talking about our most popular Professor Dr. Immanuel Rath!
Je ne veux plus abuser de votre patience. Il s'agit du Professeur Emmanuel Rath!
- How are you, Mr. Rath?
- Comment allez-vous, M. Rath?
- Yeah? - Mr. Thomas Rath.
M. Thomas Rath.
We have Thomas Rath here with us, Ralph... and we were wondering when it would be convenient for you to see us.
Thomas Rath est là, Ralph. Ça ne vous dérange pas de nous recevoir? Montez.
Yes, sir. Will you ask Mr. Rath, Mr. Walker and Mr. Ogden to come in, please?
Demandez à MM. Rath, Walker et Ogden d'entrer, je vous prie.
- Ralph. - Mr. Rath.
M. Rath?
Of course, sir. I'm terribly sorry, Mr. Rath.
Excusez-moi, M. Rath :
Mr. Rath, I can't tell you how much I appreciate your coming.
Je vous suis très reconnaissant d'être venu.
- How do you do, Miss Lawrence? Very glad to meet you, Mr. Rath.
- Ravie de vous rencontrer.
- Rath's folly.
- L'extravagance des Rath.
I'd like to have a little talk with you, Mr. Rath.
- J'aimerais vous parler, M. Rath.
I wanna know why I haven't been permitted to see Mrs. Rath's will. Well, why should you?
Pourquoi ne m'a-t-on pas montré le testament de Mme Rath?
Now look, Edward, I don't know what's come over you... but Mrs. Rath was pretty confused toward the end, and you know it.
Écoutez, Edward, je ne sais pas ce que vous avez... mais Mme Rath n'avait plus les idées claires, les derniers temps.
Don't speak like that about Mrs. Rath again, Edward.
Ne parlez pas ainsi de Mme Rath.
- This is Thomas Rath, Judge.
Ici Tom Rath.
You remember my grandmother's will, Mrs. Walter Rath?
Vous souvenez-vous du testament de ma grand-mère?
I'm very happy to meet you, Mr. Rath. - What can I do for you?
Que puis-je faire pour vous?
Not at all, Mr. Rath.
Je vous en prie.
- That was the young heir to the Rath estate.
C'était le jeune héritier du domaine Rath.
This is Tom Rath, darling, one of our bright young men from the office.
Je te présente Tom Rath. Un jeune homme plein d'avenir qui travaille chez nous.
If you're not careful, Mr. Rath, you may find yourself thinking about it out on Madison Avenue.
Faites attention ou vos réflexions se poursuivront dans la rue.
Hello, Judge Bernstein?
M. Bernstein? Ici Tom Rath.
Tom Rath. - Well, if you're not too busy, Mr. Rath.
- Si vous n'êtes pas trop occupé...
Well, I have here a photostat of a letter on Mrs. Walter Rath's stationery.
J'ai la photo d'une lettre écrite sur le papier de votre grand-mère.
Bears what purports to be Mrs. Rath's signature, which appears to be genuine.
La signature de Mme Rath, qui suit, semble authentique.
Well, I shouldn't say that, Mr. Rath. But, um, look, I have an idea.
Je ne devrais pas vous le dire, M. Rath, mais...
- Yes, Ralph? - Did Tom Rath turn in anything on that speech?
Tom Rath a travaillé sur ce discours?
- Morning, Mr. Rath. - Morning.
Bonjour, M. Rath.
Now, here are the two documents in the case - the probated will... the photostated contract between Mrs. Rath and Mr. Schultz... bearing Mrs. Rath's signature.
Voici les deux documents : le testament validé et la photo du contrat passé entre Mme Rath et M. Schultz. Il est signé de Mme Rath.
That's quite true, Mr. Rath.
C'est très exact, M. Rath.
You did more or less everything for Mrs. Rath, I believe, hmm?
Vous vous occupiez d'à peu près tout, pour Mme Rath?
- I'm afraid you are... and the reason I say that is I have here a list of six South Bay tradesmen... who are prepared to swear that you asked them... to pay Mrs. Rath's monthly bills so that you could get a kickback.
Moi? - Oui, hélas. J'ai une liste de six commerçants du quartier qui jurent que vous demandiez qu'on gonfle les factures de Mme Rath à votre profit.
Mr. Rath's account is just under $ 9,000 in one deposit.
M. Rath a 9000 $, en un seul versement.
If these particulars were brought out in a trial... as undoubtedly they would be... and it was then suggested that Mrs. Rath was so old... so nearsighted that she would sign anything you put in front of her... don't you see what that could lead to?
Si ces faits étaient cités devant le tribunal, et si par surcroît on envisageait que Mme Rath était si vieille et si myope... qu'elle aurait signé tout papier présenté par vous, vous imaginez la suite?
We have Mrs. Rath here.
Mme Rath est ici.
Come right in, Mr. Rath.
Entrez, M. Rath.
- How do you do, Mrs. Rath?
- Enchanté.
Mr. Rath, it must have been on such a day as this... that the poet was moved to sing...
C'est un jour comme aujourd'hui, certainement que le poète a écrit :
En vérité, je ne suis pas réellement humain.
Franz Rath.
F. Rath.
Rath, hit by a pitched ball... advances to first.
Rath, touché par la 1ère balle, avance á la 1ère...
We ´ ve both played this game, Rath.
On sait tous les deux jouer à ça.
- Could you have lunch with us, Mr. Rath?
- Avec plaisir.
Miss Lawrence, this is Mr. Rath.
Mlle Laurence, M. Rath.
This is Mrs. Rath.
Voici Mme Rath.
Not at all, Mrs. Rath.
Ce n'est rien.

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