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Salvatore translate French

755 parallel translation
Careful, Father Salvatore. You'll hurt your fingers.
Donnez-moi ça, vous pourriez vous blesser.
- Mr Salvatore, from New York.
- M. Salvatore, de New York.
- Don Salvatore! Sergeant!
- Mon Adjudant!
Good-bye, Don Salvatore. - And thanks.
- Au revoir, Don Salvatore, et merci.
Lucia, there's Don Salvatore.
Lucia, c'est Don Salvatore! Cachons-nous!
Don Salvatore will always be your friend.
Don Salvatore est toujours votre ami. Ne l'oubliez pas!
Good-bye, Don Salvatore.
Au revoir, Don Salvatore, et merci!
Don Salvatore really is a friend.
En tout cas, Don Salvatore est vraiment un ami.
If you're drunk, it's best to steer clear of the sergeant... though it's unusual for him to be out at this hour.
[Quand on est soûl, mieux vaut ne pas rencontrer l'Adjudant,.. ] [.. même si l'heure est inhabituelle pour Don Salvatore.]
Don Salvatore, right?
Qui t'a dit ça? Don Salvatore, hein?
Lucia Valastro... whose name is on the lips of everyone in town... because of Don Salvatore.
[Tout le monde parle d'elle et de Don Salvatore.]
The Marquis of Roccaverdina marry Agrippina, daughter of Salvatore Solmo.
un Marquis de Roccaverdina, épousant Agrippina, fille de Salvatore Solmo.
Hello, Mrs. Salvatore.
Bonjour, Mme Salvatore.
Give me that hammer, Mrs. Salvatore.
Donnez-moi ce marteau
Oh, now, come on, Mrs. Salvatore, what's to cry?
Oh, allez, Mme Salvatore, pourquoi pleurer?
I saw my landlady, Mrs. Salvatore.
J'ai vu ma logeuse, Mme Salvatore.
This is my landlady, Mrs. Salvatore.
Voici Mme Salvatore.
Sit down, Mrs. Salvatore.
Asseyez-vous, Mme Salvatore.
- Tell me something, they still haven't paid the bail money to get Salvatore out?
Ils n'ont pas sorti Salvatore de taule?
- Who cares about him anyway? !
Personne ne lui dit, à Salvatore.
Salvatore, how are you?
Salvatore, ça va?
He is Salvatore, my husbands accomplice
C'est le compère de mon mari.
Pleased to meet you Salvatore de Torre Annunziata
Enchanté. Salvatore de Torre Annunziata.
De Rosa, Salvatore.
De Rosa, Salvatore.
- Salvatore's.
C'est Salvatore
A handlebar and a bike pedal, a rusty sewing machine wheel... all welded by Salvatore.
Un guidon et un pedalier de velo, un volant de machine a coudre rouille, le tout soude a l'arc par Salvatore.
Salvatore blows me away.
Salvatore me stupefie.
Salvatore obeys more constructivist than pictoral rules.
Salvatore obeit a des preoccupations plus constructivistes que picturales.
Hi, Salvatore.
Salut, Salvatore.
It's Salvatore.
C'est Salvatore.
In Montelepre, where Salvatore Giuliano was born.
A Montelepre, où Salvatore Giuliano est né.
Salvatore Giuliano was then 23.
Salvatore Giuliano avait alors 23 ans.
Giuseppe Traina, son of Salvatore, and Salvatore Traina, son of Giuseppe.
Giuseppe Traina et Salvatore Traina.
Salvatore Giuliano.
Oui, c'est Salvatore Giuliano.
In July of 1950, Salvatore Giuliano was just a name on a tombstone.
En juillet 1950, Salvatore Giuliano n'est qu'un nom sur une tombe.
What was your relationship with Salvatore Giuliano?
Quels étaient vos rapports avec Salvatore Giuliano?
Vincenzo Pisciotta, aka Mpompo and Salvatore Passatempo guilty as charged of the massacre of May 1st, 1947, at Portella della Ginestra.
Vincenzo Pisciotta, dit'Pompo'et Salvatore Passatempo, coupables du massacre perpétré le 1er mai 1947 à Portella della Ginestra.
Antonino Terranova, son of Salvatore,
Terranova Antonino, fils de Salvatore,
One day they'll hold a trial over Salvatore Giuliano's death.
Un jour, il y aura un procès sur la mort de Giuliano.
N. SIMONOV as Salvatore A. SMIRANIN as Balthazar
Salvatore : N. SIMONOV Balthazar : A. SMIRANINE
First, what can Dr. Salvatore tell our newspaper about the sea devil?
La première : que peut dire le docteur Salvatore à notre journal au sujet du Démon de la mer?
It's the home of the great Dr. Salvatore.
Mais si. C'est la demeure du docteur Salvatore. Tout le monde le connaît.
My father is Dr. Salvatore.
Je suis le fils du docteur Salvatore.
Captain, you're keeping the son of Dr. Salvatore.
Ohé, capitaine! Vous avez à votre bord le fils du docteur Salvatore.
Dr. Salvatore, you're under arrest.
Docteur Salvatore, je viens vous arrêter.
Father Salvatore, one of the chaplains is a Jew!
L'un des aumôniers est juif!
Father Salvatore of San Leo in 1722,
En 1722, le Père Salvatore de San Leo, en 1743, le Père Gian Battista...
Of course, Don Salvatore's life is different from the others'.
[Certes, la vie de Don Salvatore est tout autre.]
Greetings, Don Salvatore.
Bonjour, Don Salvatore.
At least have a look at it. Don't be offended, Don Salvatore.
Ne vous offensez pas!
- And Salvatore?
Et Salvatore?

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