She looked at me translate French
467 parallel translation
Did you see the way she looked at me?
Avez-vous vu le regard qu'elle m'a jeté?
You saw the way she looked at me when I came in.
Vous avez vu comme elle me regardait quand je suis entré.
You see the way she looked at me?
Vous avez vu son regard?
I'd gotten over that funny feeling I had, when she looked at me which I put down as just my jangled nerves.
J'avais surmonté ma gêne à son égard, gêne que j'attribuais à ma nervosité.
She looked at me, begging, but she also replied,
Elle me regarda suppliante mais me répondit :
She looked at me for no longer than the beat of a heart and I knew I would remember her as long as I lived
Elle me regarda le temps d'un battement de cœur et je sus que jamais je ne l'oublierais.
- She looked at me.
- Je mate.
Oh, how she looked at me!
Le regard qu'elle m'a jeté...
She looked at me as if I had struck her and I said it again before I could change my mind.
J'ai eu l'impression de l'avoir frappée. J'ai répété, pour ne pas changer d'avis :
Then she took a seat in bed and she looked at me like I had two heads.
Elle s'est assise sur le lit et m'a lancé un regard de folle.
She looked at me until the end.
Elle m'a regardé jusqu'au bout.
She looked at me with an expression that made me blush like a paprika.
Elle m'a lancé un de ces coups d'oeil. J'en ai rougi jusqu'aux oreilles!
She kissed me, and she looked at me, and she let me pass out all the papers.
Parce qu'elle m'a embrassé, et elle m'a regardé.
Où était-ce?
- Striking girl, but when she looked at me, felt like somebody was walking across my grave.
Elle est superbe, mais quand elle me regarde, ça me fait froid dans le dos.
" She looked at me and made a threatening gesture.
" Elle m'a regardé en esquissant un geste menaçant.
How she looked at me!
Mais les oeillades qu'elle me lançait!
- Yeah. - She looked at me.
Elle m'a vu.
She turned back, she looked at me... and she stopped.
Elle s'est retournée, elle a regardé vers moi et elle s'est arrêtée.
- When she looked at me -
- Quand elle m'a regardé -
- She looked at me.
- Elle m'a regardé.
She looked at me as if to scare me, as if she wanted to talk to me.
Elle m'a regardé comme pour m'effrayer, comme si elle voulait me parler.
Ow. Mm. And then, she looked at me, and I was sorry I had killed the thing.
Mm, et ensuite, elle m'a regardé et j'ai été désolé d'avoir tué cette chose!
He / she looked at me as if is totally crazy, do you know?
Il me regardait comme si j'étais givré.
She looked at me with those big violet eyes.
Elle m'a regardé de ses grands yeux violets.
The way she looked at me made me say it...
- Je pouvais plus supporter qu'elle me regarde comme ça.
She looked at me... and smiled.
elle m'a regardé... et a souri.
Then she looked at me in a frightening way and said :
Elle m'a lancé un regard terrifiant et elle a dit :
- She looked at me. - "She looked at me", what did I say?
- Elle a vraiment regardé de ce côté.
She looked at me like I was a leper.
Elle me regardais comme si j'avais la lepre.
It was something in the way she looked at you that made me want to kill her.
Quelque chose dans sa façon de te regarder m'a donné envie de la tuer.
She looked at it and said :
Elle le regarde et me dit :
I was thinking about that dame upstairs, and the way she had looked at me... and I wanted to see her again, close... without that silly staircase between us.
Je pensais à la femme d'en haut, à son regard. Je voulais la revoir de près, sans ce stupide escalier entre nous.
Yeah. Well, even as I looked at her, I thought, "She's good, but what are all the women in the world compared with Anne?"
Mais en la regardant, je me suis dit, "Elle est belle, mais aucune femme au monde ne vaut Anne".
I heard a scratching noise, and I looked up, and there she was staring at me through the window.
C'était elle, qui me regardait par la fenêtre.
She just looked at me.
Elle me fixait. Elle savait que c'était sans espoir.
I stumbled on the deck of our barge into the water... and I hollered for help up at Ma there... she's standing up by the wheel... and all she did, she just looked at me.
J'ai trébuché sur le pont de la péniche et suis tombé à l'eau. J'ai crié au secours en regardant ma mère, qui était au gouvernail, et elle s'est contentée de me regarder.
She came over to my bed and looked at me, and she said :
Elle s'est approchée de mon lit et elle m'a dit :
It looked to me, anyway, like she... deliberately aimed the car at this tree.
Pour moi, elle a délibérément visé cet arbre.
Come on, you have to beat the record! And she looked at her watch. And... she would give me a prize...
"Tu dois battre ton record!" Elle regardait sa montre... et me donnait un prix.
Mace, what'd she mean by that? She just looked at me, hugged me.
Qu'est-ce qu'elle a voulu dire?
She simply looked at me, indifferently, with little trace of hostility.
Elle m'a simplement jeté un regard indifférent, à peine hostile.
She scarcely looked at me.
C'est à peine si elle m'a regardé.
Because she just looked at me and said :
Elle m'a regardé en disant
She really looked me over at that wedding.
Elle m'a vraiment dévisagé à ce mariage.
She turned round at the door, looked at me and made a grimace like children.
Sur la porte elle se retourna, me regarda et fit une grimace comme les enfants.
Who knows, maybe perhaps because only you two times have looked at me with the same look as your mother when she was your age.
Qui sait, peut-être peut-être parce que toi seul par deux fois m'a regardé avec le même regard que ta mère quand elle avait ton âge.
She looked right at me. She didn't know what I was talking about.
Elle ne savait pas de quoi je parlais.
But she asked me the time, I looked at my watch and it was five to 12!
Elle m'a demandé l'heure. Ma montre marquait midi moins cinq.
She stopped and looked at me and motioned to me to turn around.
Elle s'est arrêtée, m'a regardé et m'a fait signe de me retourner.
She nursed me by day, a hired nurse looked after me at night, for in the mad fits I was capable of anything.
Non, arrêtez!
she looked 19
at me 65
she loves you 255
she looks like you 26
she looks just like you 26
she looks like me 20
she looks beautiful 24
she likes you 180
she looks nice 18
she lives 40
at me 65
she loves you 255
she looks like you 26
she looks just like you 26
she looks like me 20
she looks beautiful 24
she likes you 180
she looks nice 18
she lives 40
she looks happy 19
she likes him 25
she likes me 65
she loves me 159
she lives here 44
she lies 28
she looks good 49
she left 317
she looks 27
she left him 20
she likes him 25
she likes me 65
she loves me 159
she lives here 44
she lies 28
she looks good 49
she left 317
she looks 27
she left him 20