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Surround translate French

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Our walls, the 300-foot walls that surround Los Angeles, are an entirely digital creation, as are the drones that patrol the skies.
Notre mur, celui de 90m qui entoure Los Angeles, est une création entièrement digitale, comme ces drones qui patrouillent dans le ciel.
Rush the guards over, and have'em surround the house.
Les gars doivent cerner la maison de Mme Teasdale.
Our Christian armies surround your wall.
Nos armées chrétiennes entourent vos murs.
- Yes, surround the place, set fire to it.
- Oui, qu'ils mettent le feu au château.
I'll surround him.
- Je ne le lâcherai pas.
Round you, her arms surround you
Elle vous entoure de ses bras
I want to surround them with glamour, glitter.
Du grand luxe, des paillettes.
You've managed to surround yourself with more gadgets.
Tu as vraiment beaucoup de gadgets.
- Surround the house.
- Encerclez la maison.
For such is the nature of humankind to light a beacon and then surround it with fog!
Car telle est la nature de l'homme... d'allumer un phare, puis de le noyer dans le brouillard!
Run down the street, at once. Three of you surround him.
Vous trois, faites le tour.
You surround the advance guard.
Cerne l'escorte.
Your Highness, sir, I could muster an army and surround Sherwood.
Je pourrais lever une armée et encercler Sherwood.
I own every inch of the 12 blocks that surround the Ramsey factories.
Je possède les 12 pâtés de maisons qui entourent ses usines.
Surround the house. Put a man on each door and window.
Sergent, cernez la maison.
Archers! Surround the giant! Surround the giant!
Encerclez le géant, gardes!
Surround the town.
Encerclez la ville.
" Son, don't miss the wonders that surround you.
" Ne ratez pas les merveilles qui nous entourent.
We'll surround the place in the morning, then go in with guns.
On enlèvera le petit à la pointe du fusil.
Have the policemen surround the place while I open it.
Vous, surveillez pendant que j'ouvre.
Surround him.
Our Honored Sovereign has nursed the intention to surround himself with men whom he trusts, and his attention has directed itself to you.
Notre Bien-aimé Souverain veut s'entourer de personnes fiables, et il n'a adressé son attention à personne d'autre que vous...
Surround her.
You surround yourself with cat objects, pictures. Get rid of them.
Débarrassez-vous de ces ooevres d'art félines!
then send spear-heads of armed might, to divide, surround, destroy all opposition.
Envoyer la puissante armée allemande en fer de lance pour diviser, encercler et détruire toute opposition.
As the United Nations surround Nazi Europe... with a ring of air bases, the present-day bomber... such as the British Sterlings and Lancasters... and our own Flying Fortresses and Liberators... with their striking radius of 1,000 miles... will be able to reach every spot of the Axis anatomy.
Grâce aux bases aériennes, les bombardiers comme le "Avro Lancaster" et le "Sterling" avec leur rayon de frappe de 1,500 kilomètres, peuvent atteindre l'Axe partout.
Yet even now, more than 60 years later the legends which surround him are as vivid as they were then.
Et pourtant, aujourd'hui encore, plus de 60 ans plus tard, sa légende est aussi vivante qu'au moment des faits.
You slip off the train, we surround you, slip up a side street, your mother's waiting on the porch.
Tu descends du train. On t'escortera. On file dans une petite rue.
We'll surround you.
On t'escortera.
- With us here? We'll surround you.
Pas de souci, on va te protéger.
Surround yourself with new men, come from the commonalty, who owe all to you.
Entoure-toi d'hommes neufs, venus d'en bas et qui te devront tout.
Surround yourself with them as with an iron ring, its sharp spikes pointed against your enemies.
Qu'ils forment autour de toi un anneau de fer.
I can but surround its body with my blades
Je ne peux que cerner son corps avec mes lames!
I think that's good business to surround yourself... with ugly women and beautiful men.
Je pense que c'est une bonne pratique, que de t'entourer... de femmes laides, et d'hommes séduisants.
I see jealous faces waiting to surround you again and to do you an injury... and to harm that splendid woman too, if they can.
Je vois des visages jaloux qui vous guettent, prêts à vous nuire ainsi qu'à cette femme merveilleuse.
Surround the building!
Faites l'entour!
I n connection with the signal 32, block off and surround both sides of the street.
Pour l'homme armé signalé, bouclez entièrement la rue.
Surround the place.
Encerclez la maison.
Surround him, men.
Guards, surround the barn.
Gardes, cernez-les!
Bind her, chain her surround her with guards picked from your most trusted men.
Enchaînez-la. Entourez-la de gardes sûrs.
I do not surround my work with the impressive gadgets favoured by your husband, but my ethics do not include practising medicine in a lobby.
Je ne me sers pas des accessoires de votre mari, tels que divans et magnétophones. Ce n'est pas mon habitude de soigner dans un hall.
And in Chihuahua, when I slept and snored... like a drunken fool when they surround me, but you broke through and carried me away.
Et à Chihuahua, quand ils m'entouraient alors que je ronflais comme un poivrot Mais tu m'as sorti de là.
First, we'll surround a juicy steak.
D'abord, un bon gros steak.
Surround the players.
You can make the pleasures That surround you
Profitez des distractions Qui vous entourent
Surround the building.
Encerclez l'immeuble.
Double the guard! Surround the palace!
Cernez le palais!
Surround the palace.
Cernez le palais.
Sound the alarm, surround the building.
Donnez l'alarme, faites cerner la prison.
We must surround them.
II faut les encercler!

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