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Translate.vc / English → French / [ T ] / Tell me what i want to know

Tell me what i want to know translate French

305 parallel translation
Tell me what I want to know, I'll have you out of here altogether.
Dites-moi ce que je veux savoir et vous en sortirez.
Tell me what I want to know.
Dites-moi ce que je veux savoir.
Now will you tell me what I want to know? But I can't.
- Dites-moi ce que je veux savoir.
Now you're goin'to tell me what I want to know... or if it's the last thing I do in this department...
Tu vas me dire ce que je veux savoir. Ou, même si c'est ma dernière action dans la brigade, je te ferai plonger pour vingt ans.
You tell me what I want to know, and I'll hold you as a material witness.
Tu me dis ce que je veux savoir, et je te garde comme témoin.
I can learn about you from books. They'll tell me what I want to know.
Vos livres m'apprendront tout sur vous!
Now, if you're a sensible girl, and if you want what I've come to give you, you'll tell me what I want to know.
Si tu veux ce que je t'apporte dis-moi ce que je veux savoir.
But before you goes to join your mates, tell me what I want to know.
Mais avant de rejoindre tes copains, dis-moi ce que je veux savoir.
You will tell me what I want to know.
Dites-moi ce que je veux savoir.
He'll become a vegetable, but he'll eventually tell me what I want to know.
Il va devenir un légume, mais il finira par me dire ce que je veux savoir.
Not if you tell me what I want to know.
Pas si vous me dites ce que je veux savoir.
You must only make up your minds to tell me what I want to know.
Vous n'avez qu'à vous décider à me dire ce que je veux savoir.
If you don't tell me what I want to know,
Si tu refuses de parler, je te tue.
You may not tell me what I want to know, but he will.
Vous ne me direz peut-être rien, mais lui le fera.
You will tell me what I want to know or so help me, I will kill you.
Vous allez me dire ce que je veux savoir ou je vous tue.
You will tell me what I want to know.
Vous allez me dire ce que je veux savoir.
- You tell me what I want to know.
- Dis-moi ce que je veux savoir.
You gonna tell me what I want to know, man?
Tu vas me le dire?
Tell me what I want to know and you'll get rid of me forever.
Dès que tu auras répondu à mes questions, je décampe.
Then you'll tell me what I want to know?
Et vous me direz ce que je veux?
So tell me what I want to know
Alors dis-moi ce que je veux savoir
Now, if you don't tell me what I want to know needles are going to be the least of your worries.
Si vous ne parlez pas, vous ne tarderez pas à regretter les piqûres.
You either tell me what I want to know, or you're soon gonna find out.
Tu me dis ce que je veux, ou je te laisse découvrir.
All right, I'm done driving'til you tell me what I want to know.
- Répondez-moi ou je m'arrête.
You tell me what I want to know, and after I get my people back, I let you and your sister go.
Je ne vous laisserai partir qu'une fois mes hommes libérés.
I know what you want to tell me.
Je sais ce que vous êtes venu me dire.
I'm glad you didn't tell me what he's done. I don't ever want to know.
Je suis contente que tu ne m'aies rien dit.
Look, darling... I know something's been bothering you... and I want you to tell me what it is.
Écoutez, ma chérie... je sais que quelque chose vous tracasse et... je veux que vous me disiez quoi.
I believe i know what you want to tell me... Kate.
Je crois que je sais ce que tu veux me dire, Kate.
Tell me what you want to dream about then I'll know what to give you.
- Que voulez-vous? - Peu importe. Dites-moi a quoi vous voulez rever, je vous servirai.
Yeah, but I feel I'm involved in it. And I just want to tell you that I didn't know at all what he was like, when, you know...
C'est que je me sens concerné et je voulais te dire que j'ignorais qu'il était comme ça.
I know what you want to tell me but you think I'll be hurt.
Je sais ce que tu veux me dire mais tu as peur de me blesser.
I know, I know what you want to tell me but don't say a word!
Je sais ce que tu veux me dire, mais ne dis rien!
Don't tell me what you talked about, because I don't want to know!
Me dis pas de quoi, je veux pas le savoir.
Could you at least fix it so when they give me this truth serum I won't tell them what they want to know?
Peux-tu t'arranger pour que le sérum de vérité ne me fasse pas révéler ce qu'ils veulent savoir?
Listen to me, my Lord Garth. I can get him to tell me what you want to know.
Ecoutez-moi. Je saurai le convaincre de me dire ce que vous voulez savoir.
If you tell us something, I can say to the judge..... that you didn't have the time to recognize me. - What do you want to know?
Si tu me dis quelque chose, je dirais au juge que tu ne pouvais pas me reconnaitre.
I can tell you what made me so nervous if you want to know.
Je peux vous dire ce qui me rend si nerveux.
And I just want you to know I understand more what you were trying to tell me.
Je veux te dire que je comprends mieux ce que tu me disais.
Mr Finch, whatever, I don't know what your real story is, and the last thing I want is for you to tell me, but I wanna thank you for entertaining us.
M. Finch, je ne connais pas la vérité. Ne m'expliquez rien, surtout! Mais merci d'avoir animé notre soirée.
I want you to tell me the truth, All of it, because I think I already know what happened,
Je veux la vérité si tu as quelque chose à me dire, parce que n'importe comment, je commence à deviner,
What I want to know is, why did you tell him it was me who said where you could find him?
Pourquoi vous lui avez dit que j'avais parlé de lui?
You Asked Me What I Think. You Want To Know My Opinion. And Then When I Tell You, You Get Angry At Me.
Tu veux mon avis, et quand tu l'as, tu te mets en colère.
- -you will tell me what I want to know.
Bon, si vous voulez pas finir comme le Juif vous allez me dire ce que je veux savoir!
Oh, you're just saying that because you know that's what I want to hear. Now, tell me the truth.
S'ils ne savent pas nager, que font-ils à la plage?
Just tell me what you know I want to hear.
- Dis-moi ce que je veux entendre.
I know what you want to tell me.
Je sais ce que vous voulez me dire.
You're gonna tell me exactly what I want to know.
Tu vas me dire exactement ce que je veux savoir.
So tell me, cos I'd like to know, what on earth could make you think... we'd want to share this flat with someone like you?
Alors dis-moi, ça m'intéresse, comment tu peux imaginer qu'on veuille partager cet appartement avec toi?
Do you want to know what Captain Janeway likes about me? I'll tell you.
Vous voulez savoir ce que le capitaine aime chez moi?
I tell you what I feel and you, you want to know if I am done.
Je te dis ce que je ressens et toi, tu veux savoir si je me le suis fait.

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