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Translate.vc / English → French / [ T ] / Tell us what's going on

Tell us what's going on translate French

262 parallel translation
Please do us the favour. Well, I gave a final notice to Representative Kim and since you will find it out soon, I'll tell you what's going on.
faites-nous une faveur. je vais vous dire ce qu'il en est.
- Now will you tell us-What's going on?
- Vas-tu nous dire... Que se passe-t-il?
- tell us what's going on!
- Dis-nous ce qui se passe!
Well, why doesn't she tell us what's going on?
Pourquoi ne nous dit-elle pas ce qui se passe?
"Nobody's going to tell us Dutchmen what to do with our damn Jews."
Qu'on n'apprenne pas aux Hollandais... comment traiter leurs Juifs!
Please, Mr Van Leyden, tell us what's going on.
S'il vous plaît, dites-nous ce qui se passe.
Tell us what's going on
Que se passe-t-il?
As I'm a Wolodkowicz, tell us what's going on in that convent?
Ma parole, racontez-nous un peu ce qui s'y passe, au couvent?
Will you tell us what's going on in there?
Pouvez-vous nous dire ce qui se passe ici?
- Please tell us what's going on.
- Je vous en prie, que se passe-t-il?
Please, tell us what's going on in here.
S'il vous plaît, dites-nous ce qu'il se passe ici.
Maybe he'll tell us what's going on.
Peut-être qu'il va nous dire ce qui se passe.
- Will you tell us what's going on?
On peut savoir ce qui se passe?
Maybe it'll tell us what's going on. Pissant politicians running an army train.
Ça nous dira pourquoi de fichus politiciens dirigent un train militaire.
Can anyone tell us what's going on out there?
Quelqu'un peut me dire ce qui se passe?
Please tell us what's going on.
Dites-nous ce qui se passe.
Could you tell us what's going on?
Pouvez-vous nous dire ce qui se passe?
Our mom came here to tell us what was going on with her to explain about moving to our father's.
Maman est venue nous expliquer sa situation... et pourquoi on doit rentrer chez nos papas.
- It's time you tell us what's going on.
- On veut des explications.
- Tell us what's going on.
Dis-nous ce qui s'est passé.
D.J., tell us what's going on.
Dis-nous ce qui se passe.
Why the heck don't you tell us what's going on here?
Pourquoi ne dites-vous pas ce qui se passe?
You wanna tell us what's going on?
Qu'est-ce qui se passe?
We have to know what's going on and Command Riker is the only one who can tell us.
- On ne sait pas ce qui se passe. - Le Cmdt Riker est le seul à savoir.
Wait a minute. Tell us what's going on.
Mettez-nous au parfum.
You've got to tell us what's going on with the car.
Si tu veux jouer avec le feu à chaque virage, d'accord! Mais il faut nous informer sur la voiture, tu as un micro pour ça!
Can you tell us what's going on here?
Pouvez-vous expliquer ce qui se passe?
Q, tell us what's going on or get out of the way.
Dites-nous ce qui se passe ou fichez le camp.
Just tell us what's going on and we'll decide if it's a big deal.
Raconte-nous, on verra si c'est grave.
It's at base camp, so we're hoping it can give us a picture and tell us what's going on.
C'est au camp de base. On va peut-être voir ce qui passe.
And can you tell us what was going on, what was happening at the time that occurred?
Pouvez-vous nous dire comment ça s'est passé?
Captain Stenner, can you tell us what's going on?
Capitaine Stenner, que se passe-t-il?
Now, cut the crap and tell us what the hell's going on!
Fini les conneries, accouchez.
Can you tell us what's going on in there?
Max! Informez-nous! Dites-nous ce qui se passe!
She's not going to tell us what we want to know, not in time, anyway, so I'm going to do what I can.
Elle ne nous dira pas ce qu'on veut. Pas assez vite, en tout cas, alors je vais faire ce que je pourrai.
Stan'll tell us what's going on.
Stan nous dira ce qu'il en est.
Are we going to tell Londo what's going on and have him find out for us?
Allons-nous informer Londo de ce qui se passe pour qu'il se renseigne?
Look. I know this is awkward for you, but we need you to tell us exactly what's going on.
Écoutez, je sais que c'est bizarre, mais vous devez nous dire ce qui se passe.
You two will switch pods with us. Otherwise, we tell the hacks about what's going on.
On échange nos cellules ou on dit tout aux matons.
- Could you tell us what's going on?
- Que se passe-t-il? - Bonjour.
I've always felt no matter what we were going through no matter how painful things got if our feet found each other under the blankets even just the slightest connection it'd tell us we'd entered the demilitarized zone that we were gonna be okay, that we were still an "us".
J'ai toujours pensé que meme si on se déchirait... Ie contact de nos pieds sous la couverture... un simple effleurement... signifiait : on est en zone démilitarisée... tout s'arrangera, on est toujours un "nous".
If anybody can tell us what's going on, it's Clark Palmer.
Si quelqu'un peut nous apprendre quelque chose, c'est bien Clark Palmer.
Can you help us? Tell us what's going on around here?
Tu peux nous aider, nous expliquer?
Dr. Mephesto, could you please tell us what's going on?
Dr Mephesto, de quoi s'agit-il?
- Can you tell us what's going on? - Well....
Peux-tu nous dire ce qui se passe?
Can you tell us what's going on?
Alors, que se passe-t-il?
And we're not gonna be able to help you unless you can tell us what's going on.
On ne peut t'aider que si tu nous dis ce qui se passe.
So instead of riding your ass I'm just gonna tell you what's going on here and let you figure out how best to help us out up here Go ahead, sir
Au lieu de vous casser les pieds, je vais vous dire ce qui se passe ici... afin que vous sachiez quoi faire pour nous aider.
Senator, can you tell us what's going on?
Pouvez-vous expliquer?
I'm not sure what's going on between us, but I need to tell you something.
Je ne suis pas sûre de ce qu'il y a entre nous, mais je dois te dire quelque chose.
What's going on? Why didn't you tell us you work here?
Tu nous le cachais?

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