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That's nice of him translate French

76 parallel translation
Well, that's very nice of him.
C'est bien gentil de sa part.
That's nice of him.
C'est gentil de sa part.
- The warden's orders. - That's very nice of him.
- Ordre de M. le Directeur.
That's nice of him.
C'est gentil.
That's very nice of him
Il est bien gentil de la promener.
That's very nice of him.
C'est gentil.
Well, that's nice of him.
- Sympa de sa part.
That's very nice of him.
C'est très gentil de sa part.
That's a nice thing to do to a guy who's kept you going for 17 years... and all of a sudden you stop cold on him.
Faire ça à un type qui vous a soutenu 17 ans... le laisser tomber tout à coup...
Oh, huh, well, that's very nice of him.
Cela me paraît évident.
That's what comes of trying to raise a bastard as a gentleman, and letting him go visiting to nice folks'houses.
Voilà ce qu'on gagne, à élever un bâtard comme un gentilhomme et à le laisser rendre visite aux gens bien.
That's very nice of him.
Il nous comble!
And that's very nice of him.
C'est très gentil de sa part.
He had some very nice things to say about you. That's very kind of him.
Ses fonctions vitales sont stables.
I understand you try to help him out because of our family and his family. Well, that's nice. I understand.
Tu veux l'aider à cause de sa famille et de la nôtre.
That's a right nice vocabulary, miss Macavoy, But you'll never talk him out of there.
Joli vocabulaire, Mlle MacAvoy, mais vous ne le ferez pas partir comme ça.
That's really nice of him.
C'est vraiment gentil de sa part.
That's nice of him,'cause the coloreds have a rough life.
C'est gentil, parce que les gens de couleur ont une vie rude.
We'll be taking him out of the ICU today. Oh, that's nice.
Il sort de réanimation aujourd'hui.
- I'll catch you later, all right? - That's nice of him.
- C'est gentil à lui.
That's nice of him to take the time like this.
C'est gentil à lui de nous aider ainsi.
Not that it was that nice of a jacket. It didn't fit him that well. To me there's just something about a monster in a blazer.
Certes, le tissu était laid, et il le portait mal, mais... un monstre en blazer, ça en jette.
That's very nice of him. How much?
C'est très sympathique de sa part.
"Soldier of Fortune" magazine calls him the ultimate mercenary. - That's nice.
D "après Fortune Magazine, c" est " "un guerrier hors pair" ".
- That's very nice of him.
C'est gentil
That's very nice of him.
Il est très gentil.
Sends his secretary, that's nice of him.
Envoyer sa sécrétaire, C'est gentil de sa part.
Tell the one about the guy who goes into a bar, and there's a dish of peanuts that says nice things to him.
Raconte celle du type qui arrive dans un bar où un plat de cacahuètes lui dit des choses gentilles.
Well, if she's really that nice, how about you take care of her and, uh, I'll take care of him.
Eh ben, si elle est aussi chouette, et si tu t'occupais d'elle, et, heu... je m'occuperai de lui.
- That's nice of him.
- C'est gentil.
It's not nice of him. He always does that.
Faut dire qu'il le fait à chaque fois.
That's very nice of him.
C'est généreux de sa part.
- That's nice of him.
- C'est gentil de sa part.
That's very nice of him.
C'est sympa de sa part.
That's really nice of him.
- C'est très sympa.
Well, that's nice of him to come check on you, isn't it?
C'est gentil de sa part de venir vous voir, non?
That's nice. I'm doing a lousy job of raising him.
Je ne fais pas du bon boulot pour l'élever.
And Klaus Barbie was later on that I discovered he was one of the murder by French and I reported this to my superior they told me to keep nice and quite he's still valuable when he's no longer valuable we turn him over to the French
Klaus Barbie était... Plus tard, j'ai découvert qu'il était recherché pour meurtre en France. J'ai rapporté cette information aux chefs.
That's nice of you to say, but... this project meant everything to him.
C'est gentil, mais... ce projet était tout pour lui.
Well, that's very nice of him.
C'est gentil de sa part.
That's awful nice of him. Must have found a bottle of percocet laying around the house.
Il a dû tomber sur une boîte de morphine.
He's got a couple of nice Beemers that we look after for him.
Je n'ai pas pu faire plus avec celle qu'il a déposé chez nous.
If she wasn't crazy about him and she married the money, she'd put that ring back in the box, hang the jacket up, sit down with her husband for a nice porterhouse and a glass of Merlot.
Si elle n'était pas folle de lui et l'avait épousé pour l'argent, elle remettrait cette bague dans sa boîte, et s'assiérait avec son mari et un bon verre de Merlot.
Oh, that's nice of him. Oh, honey, can I ask you?
C'est gentil de sa part.
He lets you. That's nice of him.
Il est sympa.
Yeah, a girl who kisses a guy to make him go away. That's a nice form of rejection.
Une fille qui embrasse un gars pour qu'il fiche le camp... c'est une jolie forme de rejet.
That's a nice way of saying I fired him.
Pour ne pas dire qu'il a été viré.
He really wore his heart on his sleeve through all of this, I mean he's obviously hurting, and I just think it would be nice if he knew that we were all here for him.
Il y a mis tout son coeur, il est visiblement blessé et je pense que ce serait gentil qu'on lui montre qu'on est là pour lui.
That was a waste of time. Nice of him to leave us a little reading material, though, even though it's a year old. Last June, Sinoloan Cartel, headed by Rafa Alvaro, was raided by a joint DEA task force.
Une perte de temps. même si ça date d'un an. a subi un raid d'une équipe des Stups. c'est la signature de l'unité SEAL 9.
Gents, please take care of chief Jo, I mean Mr. Jo Bong-goo, buy him nice meals, and get his rocks off too, he likes that.
Chers messieurs! Je vous confie M. Jo, Jo Bong-goo! Offrez-lui des bons plats et n'oubliez pas de lui payer des putes, s'il vous plaît.
I come here every week and feed him soup, take care of him. That's nice of you, you know?
{ \ pos ( 192,150 ) } Je l'aide en lui apportant de la soupe toutes les semaines.

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