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Thatcher translate French

593 parallel translation
General Thatcher, and his chief spy, Captain Anderson.
Le général Thatcher et son espion, le capitaine Anderson.
You see, Judge Thatcher...
- Monsieur le juge...
Dr. Vollin, this is Judge Thatcher speaking.
C'est le juge Thatcher à l'appareil.
No, Judge Thatcher. I'm sure they can handle it as well as I.
Non, monsieur. lls s'en sortiront certainement aussi bien que moi.
Judge Thatcher is here.
Le juge Thatcher est ici.
Judge Thatcher here.
Le juge Thatcher, ici?
Come to the point, Thatcher.
Venez-en au fait.
You are saying, Judge Thatcher, that Jean has fallen in love with me.
Vous me dites que Jeanne est en train de tomber amoureuse de moi.
Listen, Thatcher, I'm a man who renders humanity a great service.
Écoutez, je suis un homme qui rend de grands services à l'humanité.
Judge Thatcher, there are no two ways.
Monsieur, il n'y a qu'un moyen.
Send her, Judge Thatcher.
Qu'elle vienne à moi, M. Thatcher.
I'm so glad you have come, Judge Thatcher.
Quelle joie que vous soyez venu.
Judge Thatcher, I'm genuinely sorry for all the stupid things I said to you the other day.
Je suis sincèrement désolé de vous avoir dit toutes ces idioties l'autre jour.
Go upstairs and tell Miss Thatcher her father is here.
Montez prévenir Mlle Thatcher que son père est ici.
I'm sorry, Miss Thatcher, that my servant scared you.
Je suis navré que mon serviteur vous ait effrayée.
This is your room, Judge Thatcher.
- Voici votre chambre.
Judge Thatcher.
Monsieur le juge.
Greetings, Judge Thatcher.
Je vous salue, monsieur le juge.
Bateman, see that Judge Thatcher lies down.
Veillez à ce que le juge Thatcher s'allonge.
It will be sweet, Judge Thatcher.
La mort sera douce, monsieur le juge.
Where's Judge Thatcher and Jean, old boy?
Où sont Jeanne et son père?
They took Thatcher through this panel.
Ils sont entrés ici avec le juge.
Too bad, Judge Thatcher cannot be with us.
Dommage que le juge Thatcher ne soit pas ici.
You go to Thatcher.
Allez voir Thatcher.
Fifty seven years later, before a congressional investigation Walter P. Thatcher, grand old man of Wall Street for years chief target of Kane papers'attacks on trusts recalls a journey he made as a youth.
57 ans plus tard, devant une commission d'enquête, Walter P. Thatcher, le financier attaqué par Kane dans ses campagnes antitrust, évoque un voyage qu'il fit jadis.
Tomorrow I'll go to Philadelphia, to Thatcher Library, to see his diary.
Demain j'irai consulter les "Mémoires" de Thatcher.
The directors of the Thatcher Memorial Library have asked me to remind you about the conditions under which you may inspect certain portions of Mr. Thatcher's unpublished memoirs.
La direction de la bibliothèque vous rappelle les conditions attachées à la consultation des "Mémoires de Thatcher".
You will confine yourself, it is our understanding to the chapters in Mr. Thatcher's manuscript regarding Mr. Kane.
Consultez uniquement, comme c'est convenu, les chapitres de M. Thatcher sur M. Kane.
Yes, I'll sign those papers now, Mr. Thatcher.
Oui, M. Thatcher. Je vais signer.
It's going to be done exactly the way I've told Mr. Thatcher.
Nous ferons ce que j'ai décidé.
Where do I sign, Mr. Thatcher?
- Où dois-je signer?
This is Mr. Thatcher, Charles.
Voici M. Thatcher, Charles.
Mr. Thatcher is going to take you on a trip with him tonight.
Il va t'emmener en voyage par le train.
You're gonna live with Mr. Thatcher from now on, Charlie.
Tu vivras avec M. Thatcher.
I'm sorry, Mr. Thatcher.
Je suis désolé.
In closing may I remind you your 25th birthday, which is now approaching marks your complete independence from the firm of Thatcher Company, as well as acquiring the full responsibility for the world's sixth largest private fortune.
Pour terminer, je vous rappelle que votre 25e année qui approche vous libérera de la tutelle de Thatcher et Cie et vous mettra en possession de la 6e fortune du monde.
"Dear Mr. Thatcher." It's from Mr. Kane.
- C'est de M. Kane.
Mr. Bernstein, I'd like you to meet Mr. Thatcher.
M. Berstein, voici M. Thatcher.
Mr. Thatcher, my ex guardian.
Mon ex-tuteur.
Thatcher is one of our devoted readers.
M. Thatcher en est un assidu.
I'll let you in on another little secret, Mr. Thatcher :
Je vais vous faire un autre aveu.
I've read it, Mr. Thatcher, just let me sign it and go home.
Je l'ai lu, M. Thatcher! Laissez-moi signer et partir!
You're too old to call me Mr. Thatcher, Charles.
Vous êtes trop vieux pour m'appeler "M. Thatcher".
"In consideration thereof, Thatcher Company agrees... "... to pay to Charles Foster Kane, as long as he lives "
"En conséquence, Thatcher et Cie accepte de payer à Charles Kane jusqu'à la fin de ses jours..."
I haven't seen anybody else, but I've been through Walter Thatcher's journal.
Personne. Mais j'ai lu les Mémoires de Thatcher.
That man was the biggest fool I ever met.
Thatcher! Le roi des idiots!
Thatcher never did figure him out.
Thatcher ne l'a jamais compris.
- Good evening, Mr. Thatcher.
- Bonsoir, M. Thatcher.
What are you doing here, Thatcher?
Qu'est-ce que tu fais là, Thatcher?
George, this is Mr. Morrison, Mr. Thatcher and Mr. Conderley.
George, voici M. Morrison, M. Thatcher et M. Conderley.
These are Mr. Thatcher's, and these are Mr. Conderley's.
Celles-ci sont de M. Thatcher et celles-ci de M. Conderley.

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