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Tom sawyer translate French

119 parallel translation
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.
Les Aventures de Tom Sawyer.
Oh, Tom Sawyer's drying out, too.
Tom Sawyer est en train de sécher.
Boy, I haven't heard that gag since Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn.
Je n'ai pas entendu ce gag depuis Tom Sawyer et Huckleberry Finn.
Mark Twain didn't psychoanalyze Huck Finn or Tom Sawyer.
Mark Twain n'a pas psychanalysé Huck Finn ou Tom Sawyer!
Tom Sawyer at 20.
Tom Sawyer à 20 ans.
I never read Tom Sawyer.
Je n'ai jamais lu Tom Sawyer.
I am Tom Sawyer, Black Avenger of the Spanish Main!
Je suis Tom Sawyer, l'Ecumeur des plages d'Espagne!
Tom Sawyer!
Tom Sawyer!
He never can be found, leaves his trash around
Tom Sawyer, toujours introuvable, il laisse tout en désordre
Tom Sawyer, the devil's got him in tow
Tom Sawyer est possédé par le démon
Tom Sawyer, he's grief and worry and woe
Tom Sawyer ne cause qu'inquiétude, peine et chagrin
I'll bet Tom Sawyer will be the death of me yet
Ce Tom Sawyer causera ma perte
Tom Sawyer, that Tom is turnin'me gray
Tom Sawyer me donne les cheveux blancs
Tom Sawyer, that irresponsible child, that Tom
Tom Sawyer ce gamin irresponsable
Tom Sawyer, uncouth, irreverent, wild, that Tom
Tom Sawyer, mal élevé, insolent, sauvage
And I'll bet Tom Sawyer will be the death of me
Ce Tom Sawyer causera ma perte
What a string of fibs you tell, Tom Sawyer.
Quels mensonges tu racontes, Tom Sawyer...
Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer swears they will keep mum about this.
Huck Finn et Tom Sawyer jurent qu'ils la boucleront á propos de ça.
- You are Tom Sawyer, aren't you?
- Tu es bien Tom Sawyer, non?
Tom Sawyer
Tom Sawyer
I was fortunate enough to get to know Tom Sawyer.
J'ai eu la chance de connaître Tom Sawyer.
I'm gonna kill you, Tom Sawyer.
Je vais te tuer, Tom Sawyer.
Where's Tom Sawyer?
Où est Tom Sawyer?
Now I've got you, Tom Sawyer.
Je te tiens, Tom Sawyer.
- "Tom Sawyer" is a classic.
Tom Sawyer. Ça, c'est un classique.
I thought this stuff went out with Tom Sawyer.
Je croyais qu'on n'en faisait plus depuis Tom Sawyer.
Why, Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn, whatever are you doing here?
Eh bien, Tom Sawyer et Huck Finn, que faites-vous donc là?
You're nothing but a liar and a stowaway, Tom Sawyer.
Tu n'es rien de plus qu'un menteur et un passager clandestin, Tom Sawyer.
Tom Sawyer, the "aeronort."
Tom Sawyer, l'"aeronorte."
Caught you out, didn't I, Tom Sawyer?
Je t'ai pris de cours, n'est-ce pas, Tom Sawyer?
You know your ownself we gotta find a way off of this here balloon, Tom Sawyer.
Tu le sais toi-même que nous devons trouver un moyen de s'enfuir de ce ballon, Tom Sawyer.
Welcome to The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.
Bienvenue dans Les Aventures de Tom Sawyer.
Tom Sawyer, you chowderhead.
Tom Sawyer, sale tete de chaudron.
"Tom Sawyer, Aeronort Saves Airborne Friends from Madman's Death Wish."
"Tom Sawyer, Aeronorte Sauve Ses Amis De L'Air Du Souhait Mortel De L'Homme Fou."
- Tom Sawyer, I ought to knock your- -
- Tom Sawyer, je voudrais te briser la- -
- And Tom Sawyer, Aeronort.
- Et Tom Sawyer, Aeronort.
The Adventures of Mark Twain by the great, famous, world-renowned celebrated author and aeronaut Tom Sawyer.
Les Aventures de Mark Twain par le grand, célèbre, renommé auteur et aéronaute révéré Tom Sawyer.
- I've read Tom Sawyer.
- J'ai lu Tom Sawyer.
The Catcher in the Rye, Tom Sawyer.
Paradis dans un champ de seigle.
All good books.
Tom Sawyer.
- Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn.
- "Tom Sawyer" et "Huckleberry Finn".
Like in Tom Sawyer.
Comme dans Tom Sawyer?
Tom Sawyer, you tricked me.
Tom Sawyer, tu m'as eu.
Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn.
Tom Sawyer et Huck Finn.
Why, you ain't fooling me again, Tom Sawyer.
Tu ne me berneras plus, Tom Sawyer.
You remember when I would read Tom Sawyer to you and Sean?
Tu te rappelles... quand je vous lisais Tom Sawyer, à toi et à Sean?
-... if you're T om Sawyer painting a fence.
- Quand on s'appelle Tom Sawyer.
" Based on the readings of Mark Twain's'Tom Sawyer.'which of the following would you recommend for fifth-grade homework. and why?
" Concernant la lecture de'Tom Sawyer'de Mark Twain, quelle tâche recommanderiez-vous comme devoirs à la maison au CM2 et pourquoi?
How about we don't make the kids read "Tom Sawyer"?
Et si on ne faisait pas lire "Tom Sawyer" aux enfants?
Now. if you're going to explain "Tom Sawyer." which of these would you recommend to the school board. and why?
Si tu veux expliquer "Tom Sawyer", quelle tâche recommanderais-tu au comité scolaire et pourquoi?
Should auld acquaintance
sawyer 312

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