Tried that translate French
6,857 parallel translation
I tried that once.
J'ai essayé une fois.
We tried that.
On a essayé.
Tried that.
J'ai essayé.
You already tried that.
tu as dejà essaye ca.
My wife tried that.
Ma femme a essayé.
No, I understand, but my wife tried that, and I don't think I wanna do it.
Je comprends, mais ma femme a essayé, et... J'ai pas envie.
I should've tried that first before you slapped me, Connor!
J'aurais du essayer ça en premier avant que tu me gifles, Connor!
He said he tried that, and I'm not gonna tell you what else he said. Colorful.
Il me l'a dit dans un langage très fleuri.
I got that sense when you called me "bloody obsolete" and tried to disassemble me.
Si, en me traitant de vieille chose et en essayant de me démonter.
Where the hell did you get the idea that I tried to kill...
Qui t'a dit que j'ai voulu empêcher...
That man dying down there... one you call a criminal... he was the only one who tried to stop'em.
L'homme en train de mourir, que tu traites de criminel, c'est le seul à s'y être opposé.
That first year, Baby himself tried to recruit me for his organization.
Dès le début, Baby a voulu que je me joigne à son organisation.
I knew was because of me, and I felt so guilty that I came here, and I tried to kill myself.
J'ai su que c'était à cause de moi. Je me suis sentie si coupable que je suis venue ici Et j'ai essaye de me tuer.
I mean I tried to kill that story.
- J'ai essayé d'enterrer la nouvelle, mais...
That thing just tried to fucking kiss me.
Cette chose a juste essayé de m'embrasser, putain!
Jules tried everything on that she sold, described the fit herself, and apparently it worked.
Elle essayait tout, décrivait les coupes, et apparemment, ça a marché.
Is it because I tried to kiss you that day?
C'est à cause de la fois où j'ai essayé de t'embrasser que tu ne veux pas me raconter?
The rosary that she tried to bury, it was also in the fireplace.
Le chapelet qu'elle a voulu enterrer y était aussi.
I'm surprised no one's ever tried to stolen that nugget.
Surprenant que personne n'ait tenté de la voler.
Mr. Cushing, I- - you've already tried and failed to raise capital in London, Edinburgh, Milan- - yes, that's correct, sir.
Mr. Cushing, Je... vous avez déjà essayer sans succès vous avez démarché les banques de Londres, Edinburgh, Milan... c'est ça, Sir.
Oh, what a naughty boy was that who tried to drown poor pussycat.
Quel vilain garçon était ce là Qui a essayé de noyer le pauvre minou.
Some single moms, their kids grow up too fast but I always tried to protect Rachel from that. I did my very best to protect her from growing up too quickly, you know?
Avec une mère seule, on grandit trop vite, mais j'ai toujours voulu la protéger, j'ai tout fait pour lui éviter... de grandir trop vite.
Yeah, well... I don't know, we tried a bunch of stuff and it just didn't really work. It's not that good.
On a essayé plein de trucs, mais... ça fonctionne pas vraiment.
I would never even have tried to adopt a dog If I had known that it was gonna cause
Je ne l'avais jamais même essayé d'adopter Chien Si je savais qu'il allait la cause
I tried everything I could to be the man that she wanted.
Je ai essayé tout ce que je pouvais pour un homme qui veut.
That car tried to run me down on purpose.
Cette voiture a voulu me renverser.
That's how many Agents have tried.
C'est le nombre d'Agents qui ont essayé.
..that was the first time Amy tried crack cocaine and heroin.
Amy a découvert le crack, et l'héroïne.
And do not think that I forgot you tried to escape.
Et je retiens que vous avez voulu filer.
That I tried to escape doesn't mean that the story's not true.
Ma fuite n'implique en rien que l'histoire n'est pas vraie.
They tried to seduce me with some lesbian stuff... but I'm a Christian, so I wasn't interested in that.
Elles ont voulu me séduire avec leurs trucs de lesbiennes mais je suis un bon chrétien, j'ai refusé.
Have you ever tried to do it in a cubicle that small?
Vous avez déjà essayé de le faire dans un lieu si petit?
We tried to unplug you nicely even though we knew that you beamed your video to Akan.
J'ai voulu te débrancher gentiment, même si je savais que t'envoyais ta vidéo à Akan.
- Today, if we tried to make that movie, people would start wondering, "Gee, is Doc Brown, like, a child molester or something?"
Si nous faisions ce film de nos jours, les gens se demanderaient si Doc Brown ne serait pas une sorte d'agresseur d'enfants.
Look at that, he tried to look like his brother.
Regarde-le, il s'est fait ressembler à son frère.
I remember I tried to trick him into thinking I had ESP. Or that I was moving stuff around with my mind, hoping it might get him to pay a little more attention.
J'ai essayé de lui faire croire que j'étais télépathe, ou que je déplaçais des trucs par la pensée, pour attirer un peu plus son attention.
He tried his best to shield the others from that.
Il faisait de son mieux pour le cacher aux autres.
She came in, and she ordered every sandwich on the menu, and then she tried to pay with a $ 10,000 bill that she counterfeited.
Elle est venue, et elle a commandé tous les sandwichs du menu, et ensuite elle a essayé de payer avec un billet de 10.000 $ qu'elle avait trafiqué.
Tell me something crazy that you haven't tried.
Dis-moi un truc fou que tu n'as pas essayé.
It was a human... that tried,
Les humains... Ne laissent pas leurs enfants...
Have you tried putting some aloe on that area?
Est-ce que vous avez essayé de mettre un peu d'aloe sur cette zone?
I thought that psychologists tried not to generalize.
Je pensais que les psychologues essayaient de ne pas généraliser.
You gotta believe me, the second that I found out what his plan was, I tried to shut it down, walk away.
Il faut me croire, dès la seconde où j'ai découvert en quoi consistait son plan, j'ai essayé de le déjouer.
That is what she says, the truth is she tried to drown herself.
C'est ce qu'elle dit, la vérité est qu'elle essayait de se noyer.
I tried to reason with him, that failed.
J'ai essayé de raisonner avec lui, mais ça n'a pas marché.
I tried to fight him, that failed.
J'ai essayé de me battre, ça n'a pas marché.
I even tried grassing on him and that failed because you refused to act!
J'ai essayé de le balancer, et ça n'a pas marché parce que vous avez refusé d'agir!
Oh, yeah, well, I-I tried to forget about that.
Pouvez-vous nous raconter cette rencontre avec Al-Qaïda?
You know, it's bad enough what happened, but then he tried to hide the fact that he sees her all the time at the university.
Ce qui est arrivé était déjà assez grave, mais il m'a caché qu'il la voyait à l'université.
Maybe you should've tried to stick it out with her mother... instead of leaving the second that your boner wilted.
Fallait rester avec sa mère, au lieu de filer quand votre bite s'est ramollie.
Are you saying that my whole life I haven't tried to help you?
J'ai passé ma vie à essayer de t'aider.
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's good to hear 161
that's awesome 830
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25
that's my best friend 28
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's good to hear 161
that's awesome 830
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25
that's my best friend 28
that's my sister 96
that's good to know 269
that doesn't seem fair 27
that's for sure 889
that's my baby 48
that's me 2273
that is 2872
that's my man 51
that's my line 54
that is so lame 16
that's good to know 269
that doesn't seem fair 27
that's for sure 889
that's my baby 48
that's me 2273
that is 2872
that's my man 51
that's my line 54
that is so lame 16