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Undefeated translate French

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The Hog Wallow Boys, undefeated champions of Sangamon County... led by Buck Troup!
L'équipe des Porcs, champions en titre du comté. Emmenés par Buck Troup.
Ladies and gentlemen, you've just witnessed a masterful exhibition of bag punching... by the undefeated marvel of the prize ring... and contender of the world's heavyweight championship, Killer Kane! ( APPLAUSE )
Mesdames et messieurs... nous venons d'assister à une démonstration de cogne incroyable... par le phénomène du ring invaincu et candidat... du titre de champion du monde des poids lourds, Killer Kane!
The undefeated champ.
Championne invaincue...
Not 100 % undefeated.
Pas tout à fait...
- Still the undefeated champ!
- C'est toujours le champion.
The youngster, undefeated in 22 professional encounters, Kid Rodriguez,... and the veteran, Davey Gordon, who's emerged victorious in 88 fights,... while losing nine and drawing two.
Le petit jeune, invaincu après 22 combats, Kid Rodriguez, et le vétéran, Davey Gordon, qui compte à son actif 88 victoires, neuf défaites et deux matchs nuls.
And the undefeated Mike Fink, king of the river!
et Mike Fink. le roi de la rivière, invaincu à ce jour.
And introducing, for his first appearance in the United States the heavyweight champion of South America the wild man of the Andes, undefeated in 39 fights at 278 pounds, Toro Moreno.
Et pour son premier combat aux États-Unis... le champion poids lourd sud-américain... vainqueur des 39 combats qu'il a disputés... avec 268 livres, Toro Moreno!
I was afraid he might retire undefeated... and deprive me of the immense personal satisfaction... of seeing him lose this election.
J'ai eu peur qu'il se retire invaincu... et me prive de l'immense satisfaction... de le voir perdre cette élection.
They were the same color as the sea, cheerful and undefeated.
Ils avaient la couleur de la mer. Gais et invaincus.
I am racing my whites against the noble tribune's undefeated blacks.
Mes chevaux se mesureront aux invincibles chevaux du tribun.
The German soldier facing us is still an undefeated enemy.
le soldat allemand n'est pas un ennemi vaincu.
So this is the face of the undefeated enemy.
Voilà le visage de l'invincible ennemi.
defeated and yet undefeated, order.
Vaincus et pourtant invaincus, ordre.
Then you're gonna retire, undefeated, as champion?
Tu vas te retirer en champion invaincu?
He'll come to Sarmizegetusa and will crown you himself as king of Dacia and subject of undefeated Rome.
Il vient à Sarmizegetusa pour te couronner lui-même roi de Dacie et sujet de l'invincible Rome.
Speaking of luck, it's J.R. Bonner's luck... to have drawn the country's number one bucking bull... undefeated in 29 rides... the 29th of which was, you guessed it, J.R. Bonner.
En parlant de chance, J.R. Bonner a eu la chance... de tirer le meilleur taureau du pays... invincible lors de 29 épreuves. Lors de la 29e épreuve, il était monté par J.R. Bonner.
Hemingway wrote a great short story... about an old bullfighter called "The Undefeated."
Hemingway a écrit une très belle nouvelle sur un vieux torero : "L'Invaincu".
The undefeated champion!
Notre champion invaincu!
Yes, the undefeated champion, are you?
Oui, le champion invaincu, hein?
Undefeated remnants of the enemy still lurk in dark corners!
Nos ennemis n'ont pas encore été tous anéantis!
And on my right... wearing red, white and blue... weighing 2 1 0 pounds... undefeated in 46 fights...
A ma droite, en rouge, blanc, bleu... pesant 96 kilos... toujours invaincu après 46 combats...
Undefeated regimental middleweight champion 6 years running, sir.
Champion mi-lourd invaincu six ans d'affilée.
Next up on this last day of the year, our undefeated track champion for all of 1964, John Milner.
Voilà en ce dernier jour de l'année notre champion invaincu de 1964, John Milner.
Heading for the staging lanes, the state-of-the-art in drag racing today, the undefeated Hunt Brothers'Headhunter, cubic money.
En route pour la ligne de départ, la reine des courses, la "Chasseuse de têtes", le dragster invaincu des frères Hunt.
And in the red corner, weighing 220 pounds, a champion who needs no introduction anywhere in the civilised world, the true master of disaster, the undefeated heavyweight champion of the world, the one, the only...
Et dans le coin rouge, 99,6 kilos, un champion qu'il est inutile de présenter dans le monde civilisé, le véritable maître du désastre, le champion du monde des poids lourds toujours invaincu, le seul, l'unique...
La Motta's undefeated but behind on points.
La Motta est invaincu mais perdant aux points,
The undefeated Sugar Ray defeated Jake last October.
Sugar Ray, invaincu, a battu Jake en octobre dernier,
... the undefeated Billy Fox.
.. l'invaincu Billy Fox.
The winner by technical knockout and still undefeated...
Le vainqueur par K.O. technique est et demeure...
My husband and great undefeated heavyweight world amateur champion, Captain Ivan Drago, has come here with his trainers to America to compete as an international sportsman and ambassador of goodwill.
Le champion du monde invaincu des poids lourds amateurs est venu ici avec ses entraîneurs en sportif international et en ambassadeur de bonne volonté.
In the red corner, weighing an even 261 pounds, gold medalist and undefeated world amateur champion from the Soviet Union, the Siberian Bull,
avec un poids de 136 kg le médaillé d'or et champion du monde des poids lourds amateurs venu droit d'Union Soviétique le taureau de Sibérie
That's why I'm undefeated.
C'est pour ça que je suis invaincu.
And now, returning home, undefeated in their series against Calgary, our own Thunder Bay Bombers!
De retour chez eux, les vainqueurs de Calgary, nos Thunder Bay Bombers.
Our first finalist, from Jacksonville, Florida undefeated in five years. Let's bring him on.
Et d'abord, de Jacksonville en Floride... invaincu depuis 5 ans...
The finalists, undefeated in five years, five-time world champion, Bull Hurley!
Les finalistes! Tout d'abord, Bull Hurley, 5 fois champion du monde!
Captain Freedom, out of retirement and still undefeated champion. Proving once again that right and might are one and the same!
Captain Freedom, sorti de sa retraite, et champion toujours invaincu, prouvant encore une fois que le droit et la loi ne font qu'un.
Yep. Only team in Polk history to go undefeated.
On n'a jamais été battus.
We're undefeated too.
Nous non plus!
And we're late in the fourth quarter, and Polk is six minutes away from an undefeated season.
La fin du match approche. Polk est à 6 minutes de clore une saison exceptionnelle.
He's undefeated, you know that?
Il ne connaît pas l'échec, tu sais?
You guys are undefeated, 8 - 0.
Vous avez remporté vos huit matchs.
Joseph Donelly, still undefeated.
Alors, Donelly, toujours invaincu?
Undefeated in five appearances in this arena, Tommy Riley!
Jamais vaincu sur ce ring : Tommy Riley!
- And the Ducks... are undefeated.
Les Ducks sont invaincus.
For Christ's sake, retired undefeated...
Bon sang, pas une défaite...
I'm going to go out undefeated.
Je disparais en pleine gloire.
According to these guys Jesus is undefeated.
D'après ces mecs, Jésus est invaincu.
I was undefeated until the second grade, when I lost to Rosemary Caraway.
J'étais imbattable à sept ans, avant de perdre face à Rosemary Caraway.
They're undefeated in their last... one hundred and eight games.
Ils sont invaincus dans les 108 derniers matches.
However, we have been most fortunate in being able to secure for you at very short notice the undefeated heavyweight champion of the Balkans, one of the president's personal bodyguards,
- C'est Georgi!

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