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Translate.vc / English → French / [ W ] / We have a situation here

We have a situation here translate French

180 parallel translation
Gentlemen, we have a situation here.
Messieurs, l'opération commence.
We have a situation here.
On a un problème.
Commander Forrester, we have a situation here. - Report.
Commandant Forrester, il y a un problème.
But as I understand it, we have a situation here. And time is of the essence.
Mais si j'ai bien compris, on a un problème et notre temps est compté.
- Dr. Greene, we have a situation here.
- Dr Greene, on a un problème.
We have a situation here.
On a un problème...
C'est trop long, on a une urgence.
We have a situation here!
On a un problème ici.
Mr. Dreyer... I still believe we have a situation here at SD-6.
M. Dreyer, je reste persuadé que nous avons un problème.
We have a situation here, and she's being so stubborn.
Elle sait qu'elle a tort, mais elle l'avouera jamais, elle est si bornée.
That's a fine situation we have here!
Nous sommes dans une jolie situation!
You see, we have sort of a situation here.
Vous voyez, nous avons là un genre de problème.
We have a high alert situation here.
Nous sommes en plein état d'urgence.
Now, we have a depressing situation here.
Je sens que la tension monte ici.
We have here a peculiar situation, Mr. Kersey.
Nous sommes dans une situation étrange, M. Kersey.
We will have a controlled situation out here.
Nous contrôlerons la situation ici.
Ma'am, we have a touchy situation here.
C'est un moment un peu délicat.
We seem to have a situation here!
On a un problême.
Listen, we may have a situation on our hands here.
On a peut-être un problème.
But we have a little situation here.
On a un problème.
- Sir, we have a negative situation here.
- Mon lieutenant, c'est négatif.
I'm afraid we have... a potentially unpleasant situation on our hands here.
J'ai peur que nous ayons une situation... qui pourrait être déplaisante.
Says he hasn't told anyone except the local authorities, so what we have here is a controlled situation.
Il n'en a parlé qu'à la police locale, on contrôle la situation.
Look, we have a bad situation here.
J'ai des problêmes ici.
We have a potential nausea situation building here.
II y a un etat de nausee en gestation ici.
My name is Mike Brady, and I am the county health inspector, and like I was trying to tell the mayor, we have a very serious situation on our hands here.
Je suis Mike Brady, le responsable de la santé publique. J'essaie d'expliquer au maire que nous avons un sérieux problême.
We have a 20 percent unemployment situation here. - Is it as bad in the States?
C'est alarmant...
We have a serious diplomatic situation here which I'll take up with your State Department tomorrow.
Ceci est un incident diplomatique... dont je saisirai dès demain le Département d'Etat.
We have... a situation here.
Nous avons un probléme ici
We didn't have the time to get to know one another when you first came here, but I'm not the kind of woman who'd let down a child, whatever her situation, whatever her mistake.
On n'a pas eu le temps d'apprendre à se connaître quand tu es arrivée, que je ne suis pas du genre à laisser tomber une enfant, quelle que soit sa situation, quelles que soient ses erreurs.
Why, we may have a very dangerous situation here.
La situation est extrêmement dangereuse!
We have a potentially critical situation here.
Nous pourrions être en danger.
We have pirate interference. Obviously, a Ripper ploy to confuse you. Now, here's the situation...
Sûrement un truc des Éventreurs pour vous embrouiller.
Look, O Great One. I really wasn't in the market for a partner, but we have a mutually beneficial situation here.
O Votre Grandeur... vous savez, je ne tenais pas à m'associer mais on a des intérêts communs.
Like it or not, it seems we're in a situation where the rules have changed, and, maybe, if we're going to survive out here, we have to start changing, too.
Si nous voulons survivre, peut-être devons-nous changer, nous aussi.
- We have a major situation here, sir.
- On a un pépin.
We have a very dangerous situation here.
La situation devient très dangereuse.
I think we have a serious problem here, Xena.
- La situation est grave!
Uh, we have a situation out here... that needs attention.
On a un probleme a regler.
Now, we could possibly have a hostage situation here, and obviously the sooner they bring this vehicle to a stop...
On a probablement affaire à une prise d'otage. Il faudrait donc arrêter le véhicule au plus vite...
Dr. McAlester, we have a situation up here.
Dr McAlester, on a un gros problème.
- We have a situation up here.
- On a un sérieux problème.
We have a bit of a situation here.
Nous avons un problème.
We have a delicate situation here.
Cette situation est délicate.
I don't know what your financial situation is... and I don't want to, but you gotta get yourself at least one decent suit... because we have a minimum level of aesthetic professionalism here... that we have to maintain.
Peu importe vos finances, je veux que vous ayez un costume correct. Il y a un minimum d'esthétique professionnelle à maintenir.
Malcolm, this is a very serious situation here and I know you love Francis as much as we do, so if you have any idea...
Malcolm, c'est une situation très sérieuse, Et je sais que tu aimes Francis autant que nous, Alors si tu as, la moindre idée...
We have a very tricky situation for the police here.
Mission délicate pour la police.
We have a situation in the here and now.
On a un cas d'urgence à régler.
We have a little situation here with the dog.
On a un problème avec le chien.
This is a... a very sensitive situation... we have here.
C'est... une situation très délicate... que celle-ci.
We have an unusual situation here. Yes?
- On a une situation inusitée ici.

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