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We have to go there translate French

454 parallel translation
Do we have to go there for dinner?
Fallait-il que nous dînions aussi chez eux?
- We have to go there.
- Il faut qu'on y aille.
Max split to his place with some people, so we have to go there.
Max est rentré chez lui avec des gens, alors il va falloir y aller.
We have to go here, we have to go there... We must celebrate Christmas, Easter, birthdays...
Comment fêter noël, pâques, les fêtes, les anniversaires et tout le bordel!
Do we have to go there?
Enfin, pas par là tout de même?
We have to go there all the same.
Nous devons quand même y aller.
We want to have somewhere you can sit, forget everything, go there for some time. I think it's great.
Mais quand vous avez un endroit où vous poser, où vous pouvez tout oublier, passer un bon moment, je trouve ça formidable.
Then we'll go to Tremezzo. I have a villa there.
Nous irons à Tremezzo où j'ai une villa.
There's a bridge fallen down, miss. We shall have to go round.
Le pont s'est écroulé.
Boss, don't you think we ought to have our lunch now? Pack in a little solid food before we go messing around with them spirits up there?
Patron, vous ne croyez pas qu'on devrait prendre maintenant... un peu de nourriture solide avant de faire les idiots avec ces esprits?
We just have to go down that open space there.
Il faut traverser cet espace découvert.
We have just received instructions from headquarters in Munich... that Bomasch is to go there at once by the first train.
Nous venons de recevoir des instructions du quartier général de Munich disant que Bomasch doit s'y rendre immédiatement par le premier train.
I still don't understand why we have to go all the way out there to look at it.
Je ne comprends pas pourquoi il faut y aller.
All we have to do is to go in, find the radar station, blow it to pieces. Then get out of there before the Japs know we're in.
Il faudra trouver le radar le détruire et filer avant que les Japs nous voient!
We can't go back to the hotel. There'll have a million police there by now.
Nous ne pouvons pas retourner à l'hôtel.
There's five of us. We'll have to go one at a time.
Il faut y aller un par un.
If somebody was to hear you talking like that... there's no telling what we'd have to go through.
Si quelqu'un vous entendez parler comme ça... on ne sait pas ce qui peut nous arriver.
But if we ascertain it's down there in the canyons I'll have to go see it before I decide upon a method of capture.
S'il est dans ces canyons... j'y descendrai d'abord pour me rendre compte.
Before we actually have to go in there'll probably be several more.
Avant qu'on ne plonge, il y en aura sûrement d'autres.
But at the moment, if we're going to get you to Metaluna alive, there's a little procedure you'll have to go through.
Mais si nous voulons vous amener sur Métaluna vivants, il y a une petite procédure que vous devrez passer.
We'll have to go there together one day.
Il faudra y retourner ensemble. Des paysages...
We won't go out any more than we have to, but there's one thing we should arrange, whether Mother comes here or the boys go and stay with her.
Maman vient-elle ici ou les gosses vont-ils chez elle?
We have to go and see Piero, his wife is there too.
Viens chez Piero.
" Down that way is the harbour, we're likely to find a taxi there. Or why don't we go back in and have them call us a taxi?
" Par là, c'est le port où nous trouverons peut-être un taxi... ou rentrons au café et demandons un taxi.
We have to go on from there.
Les choses sont ce qu'elles sont.
Do we have to go in there?
Doit-on entrer là-dedans?
Then, tonight we'll arrive to Rovigoto, where I have the deposit. We'll load the car there. Then we'll go to Rome.
Ce soir, on charge à Rovigatto et de là, on file sur Rome.
We'll still have to go on, but we'll walk together. There's s big difference.
On se remet en route, mais cette fois. ce sera ensemble., ça fait une grande différence.
We must go and see the lions, Mrs. Gale. - But we have to be there...
Allons voir les lions, Mme...
And as long as we have a date to go down there tomorrow I won't have to keep you any longer tonight.
Et comme nous nous voyons demain, je ne vous ennuierai pas plus longtemps.
There, that's the Great Seal of England, don't lose it, without the seal, there's no more England and we'll all have to pack up and go back to Normandy.
Voici, C'est le grand Sceau d'Angleterre, ne le perds pas, sans le sceau il n'y a plus d'Angleterre et nous devons tous nous préparer pour retourner en Normandie.
Yes, I think we shall just have to go in search for the answers and... as there's always the element of danger in the unknown, I suggest we keep closer together.
Oui, je pense que nous allons devoir aller chercher les réponses et... comme il y a toujours un élément de danger dans l'inconnu, je suggère de rester groupés. Est-ce bien clair?
Come my children, our people have gone to the square of ot... oratory. We must go and join them there and I must speak.
Venez, mes enfants, notre peuple s'est rendu sur la place de l'oratoire, on doit le rejoindre là-bas et je dois lui parler.
If Elsa were to go wild, it would have to be in another district and we were able to get permission to take her to a reserve 340 miles away where there was abundant game, and best of all, many lions.
Si Elsa devait redevenir sauvage, ce serait dans une autre région, et nous eûmes la permission de l'emmener dans une réserve à 550 km de là qui regorgeait de gibier et où surtout, il y avait beaucoup de lions.
There ain't no sense in riding too far when we may have to go back again real soon.
Ça sert à rien de partir loin alors qu'on va peut-être devoir y retourner.
"There's only one drawback," Howard said. "We'll have to go to Greece."
Howard a dit : "Il n'y a qu'un inconvénient, il faut voir la Grèce."
I know we all want to go home, have a bite and go to bed but aren't there things more important than food and sleep?
Je sais que vous voulez tous rentrer et aller vous coucher mais n'y a-t-il rien de plus important que de manger et de dormir?
Frank, before we go any further, there's something I have to tell you.
Frank, avant d'aller plus loin, j'ai quelque chose á vous dire.
So, we have not to be anxious to go there.
Si on va à un enterrement, c'est pas vraiment la peine de se presser.
We have to go to those projects up there with the silent middle class, in those projects, where they're sitting with their pipes right now, in their chairs, reading the New York Times... you have to go up there, and you have to blow their minds.
Il faut qu'on aille dans les HLM, là-bas, toucher la classe moyenne muette, assise, pipe au bec, en train de lire le New York Times... Il faut aller leur secouer les neurones!
We won't have to go to France to work ourselves to death over there.
On aurait plus besoin d'aller en France, et de nous crever à l'étranger.
Which means our weapons are useless, and we have no alternative but to go back down there and try to rescue Spock without them.
Autrement dit, nos armes sont inefficaces, nous sommes obligés de retourner là-bas et de tenter de sauver Spock sans eux.
We're going to have to go down there and calm everybody else.
C'est nous qui devons aller voir les passagers et calmer tout le monde.
Wait, I have to go, too. That means that we will go there together, ok?
Attends, on y va ensemble.
There you go again! We don't have to sleep with him.
J'ai même plus envie de coucher avec lui.
We have got to go back there and try to get her to say it.
Il faut y retourner et l'amener à le dire.
Carl, we have got to go back there and get that bookkeeper... to say who the names are and not initials.
Il faut que la comptable dise des noms, pas des initiales.
Before we go any further, there's something I have to tell you.
Avant d'aller plus loin, je dois te dire un truc.
We better have it, there's no other place to go.
Faudra y arriver, on n'a nulle part d'autre où aller.
we have to go up there.
Pour nous présenter au nouveau châtelain?
now listen, sandra go to the studio with john john stay there and don't let him out of your sight yeah, sure jerry, we'd better get a move on we only have god knows what else will happen
Ecoute, Sandra Va à mon cabinet avec John John Restez-y et ne le laisse pas seul.

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